22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to show love to our children and teens

It’s almost Valentine’s day, so we spend a lot of time talking about romantic love. But, right now we’re not talking about wine, chocolate, and flowers. We’re talking about the love we have for our children. Sure, we say we love them all the time, but are they truly hearing it? Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joins us with four easy ways to help our children and teens feel loved and understood. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to support students doing remote or hybrid learning

(Mass Appeal) – The start of school is a lot different this year. Parents can help keep their children by implementing these four tips offered by Dr. Sharon Saline of www.DrSharonSaline.com.

  1. Acknowledge the ups and downs of the current time and validate their feelings.
  2. Brainstorm new approaches to get what your student needs for success
  3. Schedule off-screen time to help alleviate online burn-out
  4. Make time for family fun

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22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

(Mass Appeal) – These are anxious times for kids and adults as the school year restarts. But it’s important to remember that children absorb how adults act in different situations and feed off those emotions and actions. Dr. Sharon Saline is here today with some ways to speak with your little ones to reduce the anxiety of the times. Click logo below to read more.

CHADD Webinar: “Off You Go!” Helping Your Teen Navigate The Transition From High School To The Next Chapter

Many families struggle with the pressure and anxiety related to launching teens with ADHD to life after high school. It’s hard to know when to support them and when to let go. How can you teach them the life skills they’ll need to thrive independently? Dr. Saline will help you navigate this tricky transition. You will learn useful tools to help balance autonomy and connection while fostering coping strategies to manage the stress of ‘adulting.’ You’ll walk away with the ability to forge a successful post-high school path with less conflict and more cooperation. Click logo below to read more.

The Enrollment Management Association: The Big Pivot: Preparing Your Community for an Unusual Back-to-School Transition

This has certainly been the strangest of times. The combination of changes wrought by COVID-19 and socio-political protests have disrupted life for students, families, and school communities across the world. Canceled summer programs, internships, jobs, and vacations intensified everybody’s disappointment, frustration, and worry. It’s tough to think about next week, let alone the beginning of the next academic year. Click logo below to read more.
The Enrollment Management Association Logo (PRNewsFoto/The Enrollment Management Association)

Additude Mag: Q: Why Is My Child with ADHD So Angry and Violent Now?

Some children with ADHD are prone to emotional outbursts of anger, violence, and abusive language. Here, learn how parents can anticipate and prevent this extreme emotional dysregulation, and respond calmly and productively when it happens. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

(Mass Appeal) – These are anxious times for kids and adults as the school year restarts. But it’s important to remember that children absorb how adults act in different situations and feed off those emotions and actions. Dr. Sharon Saline is here today with some ways to speak with your little ones to reduce the anxiety of the times. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Reducing Anxiety by Shifting From Worry to Wonder

(Mass Appeal) – Look at how much worrying you’ve done over the past few months. Imagine in the future you took all the time you would’ve spent worrying and shifted that to be more inquisitive by wondering in a positive way? Dr. Sharon Saline explains how this simple change can have an enormous effect on your personal well being. Click logo below to read more.