2021 Virtual International Conference on ADHD
2021 Virtual International Conference on ADHD
Hosted by CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder), ACO (ADHD Coaches Organization) & ADDA (The Attention Deficit Disorder Association)2 Presentations with Dr. Sharon Saline:
1. “Off You Go!”—Helping Distracted, Unmotivated Teens with ADHD Successfully Transition from High School to the Next Chapter
Date & time: FA04: Fri 11/5/21, 11:45 AM – 1:00 PM EDT
Many families struggle with the pressure and anxiety of figuring out how to launch teens with ADHD after high school. It’s hard to know when to support them and when to let go. How can you teach them the life skills they’ll need to thrive independently, while balancing autonomy and connection?
In this webinar, a veteran psychologist will help you navigate this tricky transition, offering a comprehensive, research-based framework for understanding emerging adulthood, including the risks for substance abuse. You will learn useful tools to improve self-reliance and strengthen coping strategies to manage the stress of “adulting” while working with the ADHD brain—not against it.
Dr. Sharon Saline will leave you with the practical tools to forge a successful partnership and build necessary structures around organization, focus, and time management.
2. When Nothing Seems to Work: How to Help Kids With ADHD Get Unstuck and Build Resilience
Date & time: FC03: Fri 11/5/21, 3:30 PM – 4:45 PM EDT
Do you live or work with tweens and teens with ADHD who seem to make things tougher than they need to be? The amalgamation of the traits of ADHD with the onset of puberty can create a volatile mix of seemingly impassable obstacles.
In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline, PsyD. and Coach Kate Barrett ACG, ACC will pull back the curtain and show you how to talk with kids about what’s really going on, reveal opportunities for collaborative solutions and reduce conflict at home and school. After reviewing the biology of ADHD and adolescent brain development, they will explain how to avoid blowouts, improve motivation, repair relationship ruptures and facilitate emotional regulation both at home and at school.
You’ll learn easy, practical tools for transforming stuckness and obstinacy into optimism and cooperation while nurturing resilience. This workshop is geared towards mental health clinicians, coaches, educators and parents.
Full Conference Dates: 11/4/21 – 11/6/21Learn more & register here!For more information, please contact me at hello@drsharonsaline.com.