ADDA Webinar:”Let’s Get Started: How You Can Get Stuff Done”

Whether it’s doing the laundry, turning in a report on time or getting ready for the holidays, many adults struggle with getting started on tasks that seem important but, in reality, are rather tedious and boring. Sometimes it takes the urgency and pressure of deadlines to get anything done and it’s often at the last minute. Stressed and unhappy, you vow to do things differently but end up unable to make lasting changes. Why does this keep happening and what can you do about it?In this webinar, Dr. Saline will help you develop strategies and routines to improve your time management, organization and productivity while reducing avoidance behaviors. When you understand how motivation works and what strengthens it, you become more effective and less stressed. She will also teach you how to talk about issues related to motivation with partners, friends and colleagues and ask for appropriate support.Dr. Sharon Saline will discuss her new book, “What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew,” and sign copies of the book.For more than 25 years, Sharon Saline has worked with children, teens, and their families coping with ADHD–in her psychotherapy practice, as a consultant to schools, keynote speaker, and a workshop facilitator. Finally, in one place, she gives parents new insights into the minds and feelings of their children with ADHD–and offers them a new, family-tested roadmap for reducing family stress and improving loving connections.Learn more about the book.