ADDitude Webinar: Build Life-Long Executive Function Skills in Your Child with ADHD

Build Life-Long ExecutiveFunction Skills in Your Childwith ADHD

Dates: July 30, 2019 at 1pm ETSummer is a great time for family adventures and down time, but it’s also perfect for building your child’s executive functioning skills. It can be easier to teach emotional regulation, organization, and working memory without the pressure of academic responsibilities and the burden of homework. Instead of inundating your child with reminders or arguments about chores, cleanliness, and following directions, work with him to find practical solutions that foster cooperation and connection.In this webinar, you will learn how to:

  • Identify triggers, reduce meltdowns, and build self-control
  • Improve working memory skills beyond reminders and “nagging”
  • Create simple, practical organizational systems
  • Develop routines that foster independence and get things done
  • Collaboratively decide on the goals and challenges that most affect your child
  • Use the highly recommended 5Cs approach to each of these challenges

For more information, please contact me at or (413) 586-8688.Register for this free webinar here.

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