ADHD Parents’ Palooza 2022: Not MY Kids! Lying, Cheating & Stealing

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Featuring a presentation by Sharon Saline, PsyD and Dr. Ari Tuckman, PsyD:

“Not MY Kids! Lying, Cheating & Stealing”

Dates: July 28-30, 2022

Register here!

Event Description:

“When our kids lie, it always tells us something.” The question, of course, is what are they trying to tell us? And is it something we’re really ready to hear? Psychologists Ari Tuckman & Sharon Saline help us get clear on what’s really going on when our kids are lying — or “are having a hard time expressing the truth.” In this insightful conversation, they provide suggestions for how parents can respond effectively when their kids are not telling the truth, and what parents can do to avoid inviting lying and start fostering more open, honest communication.

For more information, please contact me at Sharon Saline and Dr. Ari Tuckman