Bright & Quirky Child Summit: Overcoming Post-Pandemic Anxiety & Social Anxiety

Bright & Quirky Child Summit 2022 Featuring a presentation by Dr. Sharon Saline on April 6th: "Overcoming Post-Pandemic Anxiety & Social Anxiety" Dates: April 4 - 8, 2022

Bright & Quirky Child Summit 2022

Featuring a presentation by Dr. Sharon Saline on April 6th:

“Overcoming Post-Pandemic Anxiety & Social Anxiety”

Dates: April 4 – 8, 2022Register here!

Summit Description:

When is the last time you thought about your child’s best case scenario?When it comes to bright kids with learning, social, emotional or behavioral challenges, it’s natural to think about their worst case scenario. It’s no wonder we think about the negative — our medical model focuses solely on kids’ deficits and we’re living in the midst of a global mental health crisis.But in interviewing hundreds of experts, we’ve learned there are very important ingredients missing from that equation: Bright and quirky kids who turn into successful adults have… 1. At least one caring, understanding adult in their corner. 2. The adults in their life blow on the embers of their strengths and interests, and 3. Their parents learn how to create a safe haven for them.According to our research, your roadmap is simple: The more you put into learning about how best to support your bright and quirky child, the more they will thrive. Now is your time. Seize the day by joining us for the 5th annual Bright & Quirky Child Summit!You will learn in this summit what’s possible for bright and quirky kids:

    • How to use mindfulness to manage anxiety, stress and worry
    • How to solve challenging behaviors and demand avoidance
    • What to say to empower self-driven motivation
    • How to defuse anger, aggression and shutdown
    • How to find the best-fit learning environment
    • How to instill self-advocacy to help kids get their unique needs met
    • How to stack habits to build essential life skills
    • How to harness the power of your child’s unique mind for a future of thriving

Learn more and register here!For more information, please contact me at