IECA’s Spring Conference: What’s going on? Supporting kids with EF challenges
What’s going on? Supporting kids with EF challenges
Dr. Sharon Saline’s presentation at the IECA’s Spring Conference with Dr. Jed Applerouth, Applerouth Tutoring Services, and Joan Wittan, College Consulting Collaborative.
Executive function (EF) skills govern planning, initiating and sustaining effort, and the self-regulation necessary for academics and life. When you work with students with EF struggles, how can you identify, understand, and support them, while maintaining healthy professional boundaries? How can you help the low- and high-performing kids, knowing when to adjust your approach and call in additional support? Stop in for practical tips, insights and interventions you can use.Learning Objectives:
- Participants will better understand executive functioning and its co-occurrence with learning disabilities, autism, and anxiety.
- Participants will be able to identify signs of executive functioning impairments in both high- and low- performing students.
- Participants will learn how to adjust their professional practices to support students with executive functioning challenges without becoming overly-involved.
- Participants will recognize when to refer to an executive function coach, therapist, or specialist and when to adjust the timeline for college to allow for needed growth and gain an understanding of some of the interventions that can help prepare these students for success.
Target Audience: Applied: For established professionals seeking additional knowledge