ADHD Job Squad Webinar with Dr. Sharon Saline – You Can’t Stop Anxiety. You Can Change Your Relationship With It.

You Can’t Stop Anxiety.  You Can Change Your Relationship With It.

ADHD Job Squad Webinar with Dr. Sharon Saline

Do you wish you could find a reliable way to calm your anxiety?You can’t completely stop anxiety, but you can ease discomfort by changing your relationship with anxiety.Adults with ADHD who struggle to manage their intense emotions often feel overwhelmed by how their worries seep into every corner of their lives, but with the right tools it is possible to build a healthier relationship with your anxiety.Join clinical psychologist and author Dr. Sharon Saline and ADHD JOB SQUAD™ founder Lynn Miner-Rosen to build the tools you need to bounce back from challenges and learn the appropriate steps to take to calm anxiety so you can thrive in your career and build the life you desire.In this expert conversation you learn:

  • How anxiety operates
  • What you can do to reign it in more effectively
  • The relationship between anxiety and procrastination
  • How to shift from negativity to curiosity
  • What you can do to reduce daily stress

Date: January 7, 2021 at 8:00pm EST

Learn more and register here.

For more information, please contact me at or (413) 586-8688.Enrollment is limited.