Smith College School for Social Work Webinar – Supporting Alternative Learners in Hybrid/Remote Education
Supporting Alternative Learners in Hybrid/Remote Education
How to Address Procrastination, Disengagement, Family Conflict and Mood Dysregulation
A Smith College School for Social Work Webinar
In this “new normal,” parents, students and educators are once again navigating the task of balancing online learning with daily routines, screen management and disengagement. Students who are considered “alternative learners”—those with ADHD, Autism and learning disabilities—face unprecedented challenges in their lives and need additional support from parents, educators and mental health providers. As these children and teens cope with daily ups-and-downs of hybrid or remote learning, many of them are struggling with avoidance, procrastination, loneliness and frustration as well as increased anxiety and depression. In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline, veteran psychologist and author of What your ADHD child wishes you knew: Working together to empower kids for success in school and life and The ADHD Solution Card Deck, offers practical, collaborative tools for addressing the concerns of these students and their families and improving motivation and resilience. You’ll learn how to help them create effective daily routines, reduce procrastination, manage challenges with online learning, maintain social connections, balance screen time and improve family connections.Learning Objectives:
- Articulate how to assist alternative learners and their families in navigating online learning more effectively
- Explain how to increase motivation, goal-directed persistence and organizational skill
- Identify and address mental health issues for alternative learners in this educational environment
- List at least four interventions to address mental health issues for alternative learners in this educational environment
- Describe how to support students and families in developing effective daily routines, reducing stress and improving cooperation
- Introduction
- Identification of alternative learners: academic, social and mental health issues
- Exploration and assessment of family strengths and challenges
- Explanation of clinical approaches with alternative learners and their families
- Addressing procrastination, time management and other executive functioning skills related to motivation
- Review of potential obstacles and tools for overcoming them.
- Q&A
Date: December 3, 2020Time: 12:00pm – 1:30pm ESTRegistration Fee and Deadline:Early Bird Registration by October 23: $30Regular Registration by December 2: $39CEs: 1.5 CEs are available for social workers for a $5 fee.To register, and for more information, visit: more information, please contact me at or (413) 586-8688.