Great Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids with ADHD

Do you struggle with what to give your son or daughter with ADHD that doesn’t involve the latest version of Fortnight or the newest smartphone? You are not alone. Thinking of good gifts, buying them in time for the holidays and keeping them out of sight challenges most parents. This year, I’m sharing some of my favorite gift items that foster fun, family connections and pique kids’ interest while simultaneously improving executive functioning skills. To make things easy, there are links to each item on Amazon but I also encourage you to check out stores near you and support your local economy. Gifts to help moving hands and fidgeting bodies: Kids (and adults) with ADHD like to keep their hands active as a way to focus their attention. When the hands are busy, the background buzzing in the mind quiets down so people can concentrate. In my office, these are beloved: entire families will be using them from the time they enter the session until it’s over.

  1. The Infinity Cube: 
  2. Neliblu Tracks Snap and Click Fidget toys:

Games that the whole family can enjoy: Who doesn’t enjoy a good laugh and some good clean fun? No matter their age, most kids like to play games, even if they struggle with losing. Whether card games, board games or puzzles, these activities offer your family a chance to play together while helping your son or daughter with anything from reading social cues, using visual-spatial skills and even applying math. Don’t be discouraged by adolescent negativity: even teens like to participate in something amusing.

  1. CARD GAMES: Uno, Rat-A-Tat-Cat  and Monopoly Deal .
  2. BOARD GAMES: Yahtzee, Headbanz  and Sorry
  3. MAKING THINGS: Jenga, Ravensburger puzzles are sturdy and colorful (work on these, take a break and come back to finish them later), Coloring books with good pencils and, of course, Legos. Practical and Fun Gifts : Time Timers, Watchminders (fun way to to help kids and adults with reminders and schedules without buying an expensive Apple watch), and FiveHome Alarm Clocks (for that extra alarm across the room so kids actually get out of bed) Any reading material: Whether kids like to read or listen to them, books, including comic books and graphic novels or magazines are a great gift to feed the imagination without electronics. Go with topics or authors they already like to further their interest Good luck on your holiday shopping. Help yourself stay organized by making a list on your phone where you can’t lose it and enjoy crossing things off as you take care of them. Be sure to reward yourself along the way with a steaming cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream or a double cappuccino. You’ve earned it!

Helping Kids with ADHD get more ZZZZ’s

If your son or daughter has trouble going to sleep, you are not alone. There are several issues that complicate going to sleep for kids with ADHD. Some kids are sensitive to the medication they take and it can negatively impact their ability to drift into slumber. If they take a booster after-school to help with doing homework, this can be especially true. Perhaps your child is not be that physically tired. Vigorous, regular exercise could help them nod off more easily. Many kids today (those with and without ADHD) also tend to spend too much time on their screens too close to bedtime. Most physicians (and many sleep studies) recommend turning off screens at least one hour prior to bed. If you have an teen in your midst, the onset of adolescence and its hormonal and psychological changes can further prevent getting some good shut-eye.   Here are a few steps that you can take to help your child or teen get a good night’s rest: Start with making an appointment with whoever prescribes his medication. It’s very important that they know what is going on so they can make any appropriate changes or suggestions about his sleep challenges. Reflect on your family’s evening routine. Is there adequate time built-in for chilling out before turning off the light? What have you (or your partner) observed that has helped your son or daughter in the past? Jot down these ideas. In a calm moment, perhaps after dinner, talk with your child or teen about the issue of going to sleep. The goal is to collaborate on sleep solutions, not get into a blame game or an argument. If you find yourself getting agitated or they starts to become defensive, pause and take some deep breaths together. Begin by asking about falling asleep. Is he tired? Is she frustrated? What would they like to see that’s different from what’s going on now? Talk about why you also want a better routine.  Discuss the skill of self-regulation–the ability for kids with ADHD to manage themselves–and how it relates to sleep challenges. What do they notice on those nights when sleep comes easily? What is or isn’t happening at those times compared to the nights when it’s tougher? Review the nightly routine and share your observations too. Should you replace pre-sleep stimulation like playing computer games, using social media or surfing the net with quieter brain activities? If they report worrying a lot before bed, consider seeking counseling. Brainstorm ways to create a routine that integrates what has helped them in the past with what could be useful now. Just like you’ve developed ways to get yourself to sleep, your child or teen needs to learn this same skill. Set up a new plan for the hour before bed. Listening to music, riding a stationary bike, watching a regular TV show or working on a big puzzle or fun project with a parent can all be good  substitutions for computer games and social media time. Once they are under the covers, if they are willing to read anything–the sports page, a graphic novel or a mystery, establish an endpoint for that. If reading is not an option,  maybe listening aloud to a podcast, an audio book, a relaxation exercise or quiet music could work. Be clear and specific. The time before sleep is often when kids want to chat about their lives. They seem more open to confide in you and ask for your advice. Prop your own eyelids open and to sit down for a few minutes. The connection will be worth it!