ADHD Women’s Palooza 2022 – Perfection: The Bane of Productivity

ADHD Women's Palooza 2022 Featuring Dr. Sharon Saline

The ADHD Women’s Palooza 2022

Hosted by Linda Roggli, featuring a presentation by Dr. Sharon Saline:

“Perfection: The Bane of Productivity”

Dates:Full Event: March 14-19, 2022Dr. Saline’s Presentation: March 15, 2022Register here!

Presentation Description:Do you ever feel like perfectionism holds you back in life and limits your personal, school or professional satisfaction and success? Many women with ADHD struggle with wanting something to be right so much that it becomes difficult to start tasks, assignments and projects, and complete them. Sometimes perfectionism can be motivating but it can keep you over-focused on and dissatisfied with the end result. Either way, shame, imposter syndrome and self-criticism wear you down, increasing your anxiety and lowering your self-esteem.Dr. Sharon Saline will provide you with effective tools to understand the root causes of perfectionism, stop setting unreasonable standards for yourself and decrease negative comparisons to others. You will walk away with practical tools to nurture the essential resilience of a growth mindset and mindfully accept yourself as you truly are–perfectly imperfect.Event Description:The 7th annual ADHD Women’s Palooza starts Monday, March 14th with ALL NEW TOPICS, 26 TOP drawer experts, and information you can use TODAY to support your ADHD (or that of your family, clients, patients or friends). And, it’s absolutely free!Hosted by my colleague Linda Roggli of the ADDiva Network, the ADHD Women’s Palooza is a week of 26 video interviews about perfectionism, time blindness, planning, mind-mapping, decision-making, menopause, legal issues, minority and LGBTQ ADHD, inattention, relationship boundaries and dozens of other topics that top the ADHD list.You’ll hear from ADHD experts you know including:

  • Dr. Ned Hallowell
  • Sari Solden
  • Terry Matlen
  • Dr. Mary Solanto
  • Dr. Ari Tuckman
  • Melissa Orlov
  • Alan P. Brown
  • Dr. Stephanie Sarkis
  • Dr. Stephen Hinshaw

And SO many more (check the website for more details)All the video sessions are recorded so you can watch any time (we try to keep things ADHD-friendly!). By the way, registration is FREE!There are a lot of online conferences these days. This one is truly worth your time (and, um, attention).For more information, please contact me at more and register here!