There are a few challenges that parents face when talking with or trying to help their teens. Parents quickly move into problem-solving mode which usually doesn’t work for teens. Click logo below to read more.
Tag: Parenting & Families
22 NEWS Mass Appeal: How to start planning summer camps and activities for your children
22 News Mass Appeal: Tips to help your kids avoid getting overwhelmed during the holidays
Our brains can only process so much information at one time and it’s especially hard for kids with or without ADHD to manage themselves with holiday activities. In fact, it’s often tough for adults who have their own triggers and family issues to deal with. How can families cope effectively? Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline shares some tips for families. The AAP’s Advice For Choosing The Best Toys For Your Kids: Go Old-School
Dr. Sharon Saline, Psy.D., clinical psychologist, previously explained to Romper that “while electronic toys can be compelling and educational with their lights, sounds, letters, numbers, and moving images, they don’t foster two important aspects of play for young children: imagination and connection.”
Psychology Today: Do the Holidays Make You Nervous? How to reduce social anxiety in teens and young adults with ADHD
How can you make it through this holiday season with more ease and less anxiety? Sharon Saline, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice, is a top expert in how ADHD, learning disabilities and mental health issues affect children, teens and families. She discusses how to reduce social anxiety in teens and young adults with ADHD.
Washington Post: Why it’s so hard to get kids’ attention, according to science (and what to do about it)
Sharon Saline, a clinical psychologist and author of the book “What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew,” says parents should make sure they have their child’s full attention using what she calls the Rule of Three: Get close and say their name, make eye contact, preferably at their level, and then give them the message and ask them to repeat it — twice. “It may seem silly to them, but that’s okay. By repeating the directions, you know they have grasped what they need to do. Also, this technique activates several means of connecting — sight, sound, repetition — that trigger different and simultaneous neural pathways.”
Fatherly: How to Talk to Kids About Rich People
When talking to kids about rich people, you’re teaching them not only about money but about justice — and, by extension, injustice too. Read How to Talk to Kids About Rich People (July 2018)
Romper: "Why Simple Toys Are Better For Your Kids Is Honestly Magic"
Romper: “Why Simple Toys Are Better For Your Kids Is Honestly Magic”
For parents, decision fatigue is a real thing. From sun-up (or earlier, if you have my kids) to sun-down, you’re constantly making decisions for the little people in your life with the intentions of doing what’s best. The choices in everything — the clothes they wear, the food they eat, the toys they play with — are plentiful. Especially that last one. But as it turns out, you don’t have to make too many decisions when it comes to their playthings. There’s a reason why simple toys are better and it’s going to make you rethink all of your toy shopping. Click logo below to read more.