About Dr. Sharon Saline
As a psychologist with more than 30 years of experience, I have definitely formed more than a few educated opinions over the years. Seeing clients in my practice, at workshops, meeting parents and educators in schools and classrooms and presenting on big stages across the world, I have come to believe that being neurodivergent doesn’t mean you have limitations. It means, you have have a unique and valuable way of seeing the world and expressing yourself.
And that, is a very wonderful thing.
I have dedicated my life’s work to helping people with all things ADHD with the goal of reducing stress, anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. We do this by improving executive functioning skills, and embracing your (or your child’s) neurodivergent brain, instead of trying to change who they are.
Your kids – and you yourself – are critically important to this world, just as you are.
You don’t need fixing.
You may however benefit from some education about how your unique brain works.
You may want to build skills to make navigating life easier with your brain and processing.
And you may want to unpack some of the emotions that come with being different.
But make no mistake about it, you don’t need fixing; you need compassion, understanding and care.
That is what I do and that’s what my 30+ year career is all about. It’s included in my approach to writing, counseling, keynote speaking, workshops and even my own parenting and relationships. All of my work is fueled by my 5C’s of ADHD™ approach that is both practical and evidence-based.

Clinical Psychologist
I am a licensed clinical psychologist with more than 30 years’ experience with expertise in ADHD, anxiety, learning differences and mental health challenges and their impact on school and family dynamics. I specialize in an integrative approach to managing challenges related to neurodiversity in children, teens & adults. My private practice is in Northampton, MA.
A magna cum laude graduate of Brown University, I received my master’s degree in psychology from New College of California. My doctorate in psychology is from the California School of Professional Psychology at Alliant University.

Mental Health Keynote Speaker & Educator
I offer lively, informative presentations, keynotes, training and workshops on a variety of topics related to ADHD, mental health, executive functioning, learning differences, anxiety, and parenting issues. I speak at conferences, schools and corporations throughout the US and internationally.
For more than 25 years, I have worked with adults, families, educators and clinicians to help them navigate the confusing maze of information and interventions related to living with neurodivergence. If you are looking for a dynamic, entertaining and professional speaker to support your community, please reach out today.
My first book What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew continues to be used by families as a resource for understanding ADHD and all that comes with it. I’m happy to share that the book has also been translated in multiple languages. It has received of two highly-acclaimed awards: Best Book Awards winner from American Book Fest and the Gold Medal from Moms’ Choice Awards.
“The reason I wrote my book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, is because I saw kids telling me one thing about living with ADHD and parents telling me something else. For instance, parents might feel as if kids aren’t applying themselves if their grades are lackluster or their impulse control is poor, while the kids feel as if they’re trying their hardest to reach those goals but they just can’t yet. I wanted to narrow the gap to improve communication.” – Dr. Sharon Saline in Fatherly Magazine August 2023.
Readers on Amazon share this in their reviews:
5.0 out of 5 stars – Eye Opener!!
Get your copy at Amazon or wherever you love to shop for books.
The ADHD Solution Deck
To make ADHD solutions easier to implement, I also created a companion card deck, The ADHD Solution Deck.
This easy-to-use set of cards offers parents strategies for reducing stress, building skills and fostering self-esteem in children, teens, and emerging adults with ADHD.
It also helps parents reduce stress and arguments so families get along better and relationships are easier to manage.
The cards offer you a window into what young people with ADHD are thinking, common problems, and lasting solutions.
Best of all, it’s super easy to use just about anywhere.
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Contributing Writer
Additionally, I am a contributing editor and member of the advisory panel for ADDitude Magazine. I am also the host of the magazine’s Facebook Live sessions, a regular contributing writer for Psychology Today and more.