Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD

Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD

New research points to a link between use of social media and mental health risks among adolescents, who generally want to be accepted, popular, and well-liked. When teens with ADHD fall into the “compare and despair” trap, it can lead to lower self-esteem and frequent negativity. These tips can help boost confidence.

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Understanding Perfectionism: How To Make It Work For, Not Against, You and Your Kids

Understanding Perfectionism: How To Make It Work For, Not Against, You and Your Kids

Is it clear enough? Is it well-written enough? Is the meal tasty enough or the gift nice enough? You get the picture. Perhaps you or your child or teen have similar thoughts.

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Key Points:

    • Build awareness of perfectionism
    • Shift focus
    • Accept mistakes with compassion
    • Develop strategies for accepting feedback
    • Set reasonable goals that reflect honest capabilities

How to Plan Summer for Your Kids — When You Have ADHD

You’ve finally gotten your life with your kids on a roll: You are kind of on top of the school routine and have somewhat nailed the play date and activities schedules. Then, blammo, summer hits, and all that hard-won efficiency goes out the window. If you are a parent with ADHD, this complete rewind can come at a cost.

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Key Points:

    • “Start in January “
    • “Ask yourself: What does this family need?”
    • “Don’t stop your own therapies”
    • “Make your kids your partners”
    • “Ask for help”
    • “Limit screen time”
    • “Don’t overschedule”
    • “Keep vacations simple”
    • “Keep vacations simple”
    • “Remember: Life isn’t perfect”