If you are often late for class, make friends wait twenty minutes at a cafe for you to show up, or turn in papers or projects beyond their due dates, you are not alone. Many young adults with ADHD struggle with managing time. Despite trying different tips and tools, you’re still miscalculating how long something takes or waiting until the last minute to start it. Why does this keep happening and what can you do to change it? Click the logo below to read more.
Tag: News
22 News Mass Appeal: Kids feeling bogged down? Here are four tips to boost motivation
(Mass Appeal) – If you feel like you’ve lost your get up and go as February drags on, you’re not alone. Many parents and students feel bogged down right now. Lots of students are struggling to see the point of putting efforts into their schoolwork, disheartened and uninspired by continued remote/hybrid learning. Dr. Sharon Saline is here with some tips to boost motivation in children and teens. Click the logo below to read more.
Just Education Podcast: Episode 36 – Teaching in Covidland Panel Discussion
Parade Media: Living With Anxiety Is Uncomfortable, Breathing Exercises Can Help—Here Are 10 to Start With
ADDitude Mag: 5 Ways to Reframe Anxiety for Your Worried Teen
Anxiety in teens is common — and stressful. With ADHD, the adolescent years are ripe for outsize worry and fear of the unknown, especially in the midst of a pandemic. By acknowledging your teen’s feelings and changing their relationship to anxiety, you can help them take steps to independently manage anxiety in healthy ways. Click logo below to read more.
22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to show love to our children and teens
It’s almost Valentine’s day, so we spend a lot of time talking about romantic love. But, right now we’re not talking about wine, chocolate, and flowers. We’re talking about the love we have for our children. Sure, we say we love them all the time, but are they truly hearing it? Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joins us with four easy ways to help our children and teens feel loved and understood. Click logo below to read more.
22 News Mass Appeal: 4 Essential Coping Tools for Winter COVID Blues
It’s January. It’s Cold and grey with snow coming this week and spring is at least two months away. We’ve all got the winter blues and this year, if you add on the element of COVID, the blues just seem much worse. So, what do we do to beat it? Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Sharon Saline, is here with her advice. Click the logo below to read more.
ADDitude: “Q: How Can I Teach Empathy to My 15-Year-Old?”
The teen years see remarkable (and sometimes jarring) development in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for emotions — regulating your own and tuning into the emotions of others. Here, learn how to help your adolescent better “read” and understand how other people are feeling. Click logo below to read more.
22 News Mass Appeal: Talking to children and teens appropriately about what’s seen in the news
Psychology Today: ADHD and Focus: How to improve flow and attention in a distracted 2021 COVID world
Even though it’s 2021, not much seems that different than a week ago. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to change all of our lives in ways we could never have imagined a year ago. For older teens and young adults, the markers of how you’ve defined yourself–school, music, sports, friends, parties, work have shifted dramatically in 2020. In fact, it’s probably difficult to imagine how and when these beloved parts of your lives will actually return. It’s been disorienting, disappointing and isolating to say the least. Many young people with ADHD have been struggling to make it through, avoid depression and get basic stuff done. Amidst increased anxiety and constant access to technology, it’s harder than ever to find focus and stay attentive. If you feel more distracted than ever, you are certainly not alone. Click the logo below to read more.