Upjourney: How to Motivate a Child Who Is Unmotivated

Lack of motivation is a concern that affects everyone, but it can be especially difficult to deal with in kids. Here are some approaches on how to motivate an unmotivated child, as discussed by experts: Click logo below to read more.

EsaCare: Top 3 Benefits of an Emotional Support Animal on ADHD by 14 Renowned Experts

People suffering from mental health conditions experience multiple emotions that change through the day daily. Support animals for them are meant to help their owners keep their emotions in check and remain calm. It helps if the animal you choose to support you is cuddly and cute. ADHD is among the most severe mental health conditions. It affects a patient’s brain and progresses to affect different areas of his/her life in tangible ways when struggling to keep its symptoms in check.

One of the ways that experts have come up to deal with some of the symptoms of ADHD is by having an emotional support animal {ESA}. A few people are nonetheless still unconvinced about the impact of the same on the control of their ADHD symptoms.

We asked fifteen experts; ‘’if you had to list the benefits of an ESA for patients who have ADHD, what are the three leading answers that you will qualify in your list?’’ Here are tidbits on the experts we chose to answer this question.

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22 News Mass Appeal: How to have conversations about race and beliefs with your children

(Mass Appeal) – Understanding how to have difficult conversations with our children around race, politics and justice is important. Children are exposed to the media and may not understand the messages they’re receiving. It’s also a perfect time to teach them to stand up for others. Here with advice is Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline from DrSharonSaline.com.

  1. Discuss your beliefs as a family
  2. Outline safe and appropriate guidelines for expressing your views and supporting others
  3. Encourage accountability and collaboration

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22 News Mass Appeal: Self-care tips to reduce stress and anxiety

Mass Appeal) – With the high levels of stress, anxiety and depression people are experiencing right now, it’s more important than ever to take the time for restorative activities. Dr. Sharon Saline, Clinical Psychologist from DrSharonSaline.com joins us with 4 easy ways to practice self-care. Click logo below to read more.

Full Prefrontal Podcast: Ep 112 Dr. Sharon Saline – Counterbalancing Patterns of Failure

Having difficulties can be discouraging and counterproductive. Children with ADHD experience far more defeats and discouragements compared to their counterparts. It’s no surprise that promote thriving in struggling learners depends on the right support, the right tools, but above all, the right environment that conveys a message of acceptance and hope.
On this episode, our guest, Sharon Saline, Psy.D., an author and a clinical psychologist, discusses the unique needs created by the dopamine deficient ADHD brain and how best to coach, train, and support these brains to summon extra dopamine for something they don’t love or care.

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full prefrontal

Live Life Clearly Podcast EP 19: Conflict Resolution With Kids During Quarantine

Today is an interview with Dr. Sharon Saline.  She teaches us how to communicate and negotiate with our kids and teens by using Reflective Listening and giving them a sense of autonomy through Directed Free Choice.  We discuss how to get on the same page as your partner and meet in the middle with struggles you may be having during through the quarantine. Click logo below to read more.

Psych Central: How to Help Your Family Cope with Numbness and Isolation During COVID-19

Do you notice that your child or teen is feeling more frustrated and hopeless as the shelter-in-place directive continues? I’m hearing from so many families that things seem to be getting increasingly worse. With thousands of schools switching their grading systems to Pass/Fail, many kids are doing the minimal amount of homework to get by. Some may not be keeping up with hygienic routines. Others have reverted to less mature coping skills, erupting and arguing more than they typically do. What can you do to combat their numbness, hopelessness or regressive behaviors? Click logo below to read more.

Psychology Today: Graduating Seniors with ADHD

It’s just not the senior spring semester you pictured. No in-person ceremonies, no senior week festivities and no special celebrations. For many seniors, school is (almost) over. Instead of participating in typical end-of-the-year traditions, having meaningful goodbyes with friends, you’re closing your computers and sitting in the same room as before. Of course, it’s disappointing and sad to experience the dramatic changes COVID-19 has wrought on our lives over these past few months. Whether you’re relieved that online school is over and happy to be finished with school or you’re missing an independent life and hanging out with your friends, it’s perfectly normal to have a wide range of reactions to the upheaval in your life. Click logo below to read more.