Tag: News
Yakima Herald: ‘Back to School’ Books for Parents
UPJOURNEY: Signs Your Marriage is Over
SheKnows: What Your Kid Needs to Know to Stay Safe in College
Starting college is one of the most exciting milestones in your child’s life, and every parent wants the experience to be both educational and enjoyable for their kid. That’s why it’s so important to have open, honest conversations about college safety — from drinking culture to sexual assault, knowledge is power. And students should have exactly that: the knowledge (and tools) to protect both themselves and each other. Click logo below to read more.
22 News Mass Appeal: Summer Screen Time Tips for Families
Parentology: How Splitting Time Between Two Homes Impacts Children
By Joe Thompson When a couple decides to get a divorce, they usually worry about how to break the news to their children and what their reactions will be. Then comes the discussions splitting time between two homes, and the impact this decision may have on the kids. Joint custody is the solution provided by many family courts, divorce lawyers and therapists. But, is it all it’s cracked up to be? Here is a closer look at how splitting time between two homes impacts children. Click logo below to read more.
Your Anxious Child Podcast: Expert Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline
Dr Sharon Saline is an expert on ADHD in children and adolescents. Her recent book What Your ADHD Child Wishes you Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids For Success in School and Life is based on her interviews of children with ADHD. It is a book with compelling stories and practical advice. Today she talked about the experience of anxiety with children who have ADHD. Click logo below to read more.
Attention Magazine: What’s Up With All This Anger?
YOU KNOW THE MOMENT. The moment when something goes wrong or someone says a few words that set you off. A switch has flipped and suddenly there’s a bubbling volcano of angry, negative emotions inside of you waiting to erupt. Within seconds, before you know what’s happening, you say or do things that you’ll surely regret later but can’t stop. Everybody struggles with these moments. For folks living with ADHD, though, they seem to occur more often and more intensely than for people with neurotypical brains. It can be a frustrating and often shameful way to live, with relationships or work negatively affected. Why does this happen to people with ADHD and what can you do differently to create calmer, happier lives? Read What’s Up With All This Anger? April 2019