It’s that crazy time of the year again. The time when classes are wrapping up as the semester closes and you’ve got more work than you think you can accomplish. If you’re like most college students, you’re feeling overwhelmed, if not panicked, about how you’re going to get it all done and turned in on time. If you’ve struggled in the past and taken incompletes or failed some classes, then it’s likely that your stress levels are extra high. Take a deep breath. Here are some effective ways that you can finish this term and stay sane. Click logo below to read more.
Tag: News What I Want To Be When I Grow Up
Even though most kids change their career goals as they get older and experience more of the world, they tend to follow certain patterns in those choices—as we learned when we asked 70 children between ages five and eleven what they want to be when they grow up and why. We partnered with child psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline to get to the bottom of our results. Click logo below to read more.
Blog Talk Radio: ADHD Shame and Negative Self-Talk
In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( on the topic of shame and negative self-talk, what is obvious about its negative implications, and the truth about it. She also shares a trick to move past it. If you beat yourself up, feel like a victim, or struggle with feeling judged because of ADHD, this is a show you won’t want to miss. Click logo below to read more.
Psychology Today: Getting the Academic Support Teens and College Students Need
School-based interventions improve academic performance and social relationships. For high school students with ADHD who already run a higher risk for underachievement and dropping out than neurotypical kids, having support services can make all the difference. Click logo below to read more.
22 News Mass Appeal: Using Humor in Your Parenting
Mentally Fit: How to Talk to Your Teen About Self Care
There are a few challenges that parents face when talking with or trying to help their teens. Parents quickly move into problem-solving mode which usually doesn’t work for teens. Click logo below to read more.
22 NEWS Mass Appeal: How to start planning summer camps and activities for your children
Tilt Interview: Dr. Sharon Saline On What Our ADHD Kids Wish We Knew
In today’s episode, we cover a lot of ground—everything from what a child’s emotional journey is like as he or she comes to understand and accept the way their brain is wired and the correlation between anxiety and ADHD, to how parents can help ADHD kids reduce outbursts and more successfully collaborate with their kids.
22 News Mass Appeal: Tips to help your kids avoid getting overwhelmed during the holidays
Our brains can only process so much information at one time and it’s especially hard for kids with or without ADHD to manage themselves with holiday activities. In fact, it’s often tough for adults who have their own triggers and family issues to deal with. How can families cope effectively? Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline shares some tips for families. The AAP’s Advice For Choosing The Best Toys For Your Kids: Go Old-School
Dr. Sharon Saline, Psy.D., clinical psychologist, previously explained to Romper that “while electronic toys can be compelling and educational with their lights, sounds, letters, numbers, and moving images, they don’t foster two important aspects of play for young children: imagination and connection.”