Tag: News
Psychology Today: Do the Holidays Make You Nervous? How to reduce social anxiety in teens and young adults with ADHD
22 News Mass Appeal: The psychology of procrastination
CoreBrain Journal: What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew
The Inquirer, Daily News, Philly: How can I help my child with ADHD have a successful school year?
22 News Mass Appeal: The five things children with ADHD want you to know
WGBY: Building A “Better Brain” Can Help Kids with ADHD
ADDitude Magazine: Stop Fighting with Your Teen—5 Transformative Strategies
NONFICTION4LIFE: What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew
Psychology Today: Studying Tips for a Successful Semester
How college students with ADHD can overcome three common challenges
Now that the rush of moving into dorms, finalizing schedules, and purchasing books and supplies has waned, the real work of being in college begins. For students with ADHD, in particular, this means figuring out how to manage your workload, stay up-to-date with assignments, and use your time effectively. If you add seeing friends, extracurricular activities, eating, sleeping, and doing laundry, it can all seem daunting. The trick is creating systems that make sense to you and help you overcome the temptations that lead to procrastination, avoidance, and exhaustion.