Black Friday, Cyber Monday Alternatives
People Over Stuff! Giving experiences benefits people in several ways.
First, you are offering them something unique that will provide them with lasting memories. Perhaps it’s an experience they’ve wanted to do but not been able or willing to arrange for themselves. You are showing your caring support by both noticing this desire and making it happen.
Secondly, experiences offer people opportunities to stretch themselves in ways that objects may not. By giving an experience, you are offering someone the opportunity to go beyond their comfort zone with the encouragement of a kind friend.
Thirdly, if you join them on the activity, that might be even more fun. You’re demonstrating how the two of you can engage in something meaningful together. This deepens relationships and fosters closeness.
Finally, experiences can alter both someone’s perspective about themselves and about the world around. When you engage in an activity, you are participating and this action-oriented gift have a rippled effect in ways you can’t necessarily see.
Read about Great Holiday Gift Ideas for Kids with ADHD
Shop for “The Gifts That Keep Giving” at the Dr. Sharon Saline Family Support Store