“Stop telling me what to do!” Helping Kids with ADHD Reduce Arguing and Build Cooperation.

“Stop telling me what to do!! Helping Kids with ADHD Reduce Arguing and Build Cooperation

Are you tired of struggling with your child or teen over school, homework or chores? Does your child or teen with ADHD seem to make things tougher than they need to be?  In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline, pulls back the curtain on why families living with ADHD get stuck in blowouts and shutdowns and shows you how to transform stuckness into cooperation and connection. After briefly reviewing the biology and characteristics of ADHD and executive functioning skills, she will help you improve motivation, repair relationship ruptures and facilitate emotional dysregulation at home and at school. You’ll learn easy, practical tools for transforming stuckness and obstinacy into optimism and resilience.

Learning objectives for this webinar: 
1. Understand why and how ADHD and executive functioning challenges lead to conflict and pushback in families.
2. Gain practical tools for managing challenging behaviors.
3. Create collaborative routines that foster productivity and cooperation.
4. Develop strategies for improving emotional control, self-awareness and motivation.

Participants will receive a copy of the video recording good for 3 months, slide handouts and a free downloadable gift. There will be ample time for questions for your particular concerns.

The conference will be held on March 25,2024


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