Coping with the recent mass shootings: Advice for processing senseless gun violence in America

Two people sit next to each other on a couch, one comforting the other, holding hands.I had planned to write a blog this week on a hot topic related to ADHD–avoidance procrastination. It was outlined and researched. But, when I sat down to write, I couldn’t focus on it. My thoughts, my heart, my grief were with the people in Uvalde, Texas. How can we approach coping with these recent mass shootings? Ten days after a racist shooting in Buffalo, New York at a grocery store, and ten years after the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, Americans are once again dealing with another horrific mass shooting. This small community West of San Antonio will be forever marked by this unspeakable event: parents, siblings, friends, extended family members, coworkers and neighbors whose lives will never be the same. This tragedy has also triggered, and possibly re-traumatized, thousands of people who lost loved ones at similar atrocities: Parkland High School, Sandy Hook elementary school, Columbine High School, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Charleston-–the list goes on and on. It’s nearly impossible not to be affected by this devastating news. In fact, it can be related to a biological response based on vicarious trauma.

We grieve, again: Traumatized by mass shootings in America

Text says "police line do not cross" on yellow caution tape.Although I live in Massachusetts, far from Texas, my heart aches for the Uvalde community. Senator Chris Murphy said tonight, “This is not inevitable.” A mother who lost a child a few years ago in a similar shooting commented that it is beyond insanity for us to continue to witness these events and offer our sympathy without any real policy change. It is inhuman. But, as these events re-occur, so many of us have become inured to these murders and to other atrocities of war and hardship across the globe. Our brains don’t have pathways to make sense of these senseless deaths. Many people feel hopeless, frustrated and powerless as we hear about the mass shootings occurring again and again. Despite the research that “84% of voters, including 77% of Republicans, support requiring all gun purchasers to go through a background check,” no legislation has been passed. How do we understand this ourselves? How do we explain this to children? The issues raised by such horrors force us to examine ourselves as a country and our values as people. We:

  • feel shocked and afraid
  • share the pain and grief we see
  • are not sure how to respond because it is confusing
  • reach out for comfort and to offer solace
  • talk to each other
  • discuss our emotions, our thoughts and our perceptions as a step towards healing.

We pray, we make food, we donate clothes, we offer hugs. And, we fight for real change.

Advice for adults and families processing senseless gun violence in America:

Here are four tips to help you cope with this latest tragedy and, if you have children, talk with them about it.

1. Process your reactions first

You may feel shut down, incredulous, enraged or devastated. If you are a survivor yourself, or you know someone who is, you may be overwhelmed with re-experiencing your own trauma. Talk about what’s going on for you with someone who cares, who understands and who will offer you the support you need. This may be a partner, a relative, a friend, a co-worker or a counselor. Due to the widespread and immediate accessibility of news through social media, you may need to limit the time you spend in front of a screen to titrate your exposure. Consider doing something that will reduce your powerlessness, such as volunteering to send food, or working with an organization towards a cause you believe in. Getting active and participating is a great antidote to feeling alienated.

2. Shield young children, and share facts with the older ones

Think about what you want to say and how you would like to present information to your child–based on their age and developmental level. Children under the age of ten can be frightened by headlines about school shootings. They can also be disturbing images related to this story or the war in the Ukraine. Nonetheless, they may hear about things from their peers. Since kids are naturally curious, and will read things that are left around, put away newspapers or magazines with potentially upsetting images or tag-lines. Give them a one or two sentence summary about what has happened so they are informed but not scared. Answer their questions honestly but not extensively: they don’t need to know a lot of details that could upset them. Try not to watch or listen to the news while they are within earshot. If they hear about what happened from other people, or express distress about it, ask them questions. In addition, be available to talk when they approach you. You might want to remind them that they are safe right now, and you and their teachers are working together to keep them safe. Listening to their feelings, and validating their concerns without solving them, helps foster the resilience they need now and later in life.

3. Be straight with middle and high schoolers

Ask your preteens and teens what they have heard and how they feel about it. Use open-ended questions, such as “What do you think about what has happened?” or “What types of concerns do you have about how this could relate to your life?” Be prepared that they may not want to discuss this at all right now, but they may have a delayed reaction and bring it up next week. Avoid oversharing details and, again, monitor the amount of news they are exposed to. They may search for things online without your knowledge, but you also don’t have to have the news on in the background while you are cooking or eating dinner. We want to limit the possibility for any secondary trauma, which can occur by seeing disturbing images repeatedly. Listen to what they have to say and validate their feelings. They know that you can’t fix things. What they want is a supportive place to discuss emotions and explore ideas. Talk about ways to get involved, as many teens like to solve problems and move into action.

4. Acknowledge bravery

Counteract all of the negative and frightening information by focusing on examples of courage and our common humanity. This will reduce despair and help you (and your kids) manage fear and anxiety. There are people who have said and done amazing things to help others during the massacre in Uvalde, the war in the Ukraine and other atrocities. There are people who have survived the losses of loved ones from a past mass shooting, who are talking about their experiences to help others. Some have started foundations and organizations dedicated to ending gun violence in schools and communities. They are our heroes: they manifest the type of humane, compassionate values we aim to live by and want our children to emulate. Share their stories–with your kids, with your friends, with anyone who will listen. Their courage is an inspiration for all of us. Today, my thoughts and prayers are not only with the families in Uvalde, and also with families everywhere who have lost a beloved son, daughter, spouse, parent or relative. May the memory of those lost be a blessing to us all.

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A stitching of a red broken heart being stitched together with white thread against a gray background.

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Navigating College with ADHD: Setting yourself up for success LIVE on June 20th, 7:30-9:00pm EDT: Register here. "Navigating College with ADHD: Setting yourself up for success" live webinar and Q&A with Dr. Sharon Saline, Monday, June 20, 2022, 7:30-9:00pm EDT, Register today at" Beyond High School Graduation: How to help neurodivergent teens prepare for their next chapter May 2022: Access the recording here. Defeating the Worry Monster: Tips & tools for helping elementary school children with ADHD & anxiety February 2022: Access the recording here.


Eyokley, E. L. (2021, March 10). Voters are nearly united in support for expanded background checks. Morning Consult. Retrieved May 26, 2022, from Knorr-Evans, M. (2022, May 24). “what are we doing?” asks Connecticut senator Chris Murphy after a mass shooting in Texas kills 19 children. Diario AS. Retrieved May 26, 2022, from


YourTango: How To Talk To Kids About School Shootings & Process The Grief We’re All Experiencing

“Ten days after the racially-motivated shooting in Buffalo, New York at a grocery store and ten years after the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, Americans are once again dealing with a horrific mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. This small community west of San Antonio will be forever marked by this unspeakable event: parents, siblings, friends, extended family members, coworkers, and neighbors whose lives will never be the same. My thoughts, my heart, and my grief are with the people of Uvalde. This tragedy has also undoubtedly reminded thousands of people who lost loved ones to similar atrocities: Parkland High School, Sandy Hook, Columbine High School, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh, Charleston, the list goes on and on. It’s nearly impossible not to be affected by this devastating school shooting news. In fact, it may be related to a biological response based on vicarious trauma.”

Read the article featured on YourTango!

“How To Talk To Kids About School Shootings & Process The Grief We’re All Experiencing”

YourTango: The 4-Step Process That Helps People With ADHD (And Everyone Else!) Break Free Of Bad Habits

“While some habits like engaging in daily exercise, wiping down the kitchen counters before going to bed, or laying out your clothes for the next day can be useful and even good for you, others can hold you back and fuel unwanted clutter, chaos, or unhealthy lifestyles. Habits like these can be even more of a challenge for people with ADHD. But, as the saying goes, “Old habits die hard” and, as much as you may want to change what you know doesn’t serve you, it can seem impossible to make a much-needed shift.” Read the full YourTango article for tips on breaking ADHD bad habits and creating new, lasting ones!

Read the full article on YourTango!

“The 4-Step Process That Helps People With ADHD (And Everyone Else!) Break Free Of Bad Habits” by Dr. Sharon Saline

Learn More with Dr. Sharon Saline

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Organizing Tips for ADHD Adults Who Feel Unmotivated: Pivoting from procrastination to productivity

ADHD adult looking sad and unmotivated as he stares at a big pile of dishes in the sink.Do you see a pile of unfolded laundry, turn around, and run away? Are you feeling like your get-up-and-go took off and left for Bermuda? If so, you share something in common with many other adults with ADHD: avoiding unpleasant activities that lack interest. That is, until you can’t put them off any more. Sometimes you just don’t feel like doing the ‘have-to’ thing. You’re tired; the task seems insurmountable; it’s boring to stop what’s fun. Whatever the reasons are, many people right now are feeling resilience fatigue and struggling with productivity. Here are my organizing tips for ADHD adults who are ready to pick themselves up and pivot to more productivity.

Shifting your perspective to give yourself a chance

While procrastination can be debilitating, the negative self-talk about your lack of motivation, disorganization and overwhelm can be downright toxic. When your inner critic rages at you for all of the things you aren’t doing, and all of the ways that you don’t measure up, gathering up whatever strength you have to initiate anything seems impossible. You may feel hopeless and stuck. Here’s the good news: you can change your circumstances by shifting your perspective. Instead of repeating what’s wrong with you, or what you can’t do, what would it be like to think about something that you are good at? Something that you like to do? What’s one small action that you could take to begin?

Utilize incentives to get moving

This weekend, when the temperatures soared into the eighties in Massachusetts. I had no choice but to tackle my closets. I needed shorts and tee shirts instead of my turtlenecks and corduroys. Moving my clothes twice a year is one of my all-time dreaded tasks, but it has to get done. Organizing basket of dirty laundryTo make matters more complicated, this year I decided to get rid of stuff that I haven’t worn in the past three years or more. It was torturous. But by Sunday, I had two kitchen garbage bags full of clothes to sell or give away. Sure, I felt good, but it was super tough going at times. I even cried once. How did I manage to accomplish this? By breaking the onerous chore into separate categories: shirts, pants, skirts, sweaters and socks, and doing one type of clothing at a time. By rewarding myself with breaks outside, a long bike ride, phone calls with friends and an iced coffee with a cookie. Incentives were key. I’m sharing this story not to brag, but to make a point. Everybody struggles with doing unpleasant, boring tasks sometimes.

The three types of procrastination

  1. Perfectionism“I have to get it right or I won’t do it”
  2. Avoidance“I hate doing this thing, it seems impossible, so why bother trying?”
  3. Productive“I’m going to do other things that need to get done and feel good but staying away from the bigger thing that I don’t like.”

Procrastination tips for ADHD adults

1. Reflect on your own patterns of procrastination

Take some time to consider the ways that you procrastinate. Do any of the three types of procrastination (perfectionism, avoidance, productive) resonate with you in particular? Does more than one? Which thoughts or beliefs come up for you when you think about why you might procrastinate? When you understand your patterns of procrastination, you’ll feel more empowered and be more effective at reducing your delay tactics.

2. Break big tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks

Procrastination is often related to anxiety and a failure mentality. The best way to combat procrastination is to break things down into small, doable chunks that seem more manageable. Breaking things down into parts makes them more manageable to attempt because you are asking yourself to do a tinier task. Looking through a glass divider at an ADHD adult in a gray suit who circled "now" and crossed out the words "later," "tomorrow," and "next week" with black marker on the glass to show motivation and conquering procrastination. Think of something that you are putting off. How can you break this down into little parts and which one piece can you start with? If you still can’t initiate, the part isn’t small enough. Instead of putting all of the socks together, what about just folding one shirt? You might think this is ridiculous: that’s okay, it’s just your inner critic trying to thwart you again. Activate your inner coach instead, and tell that voice to take a seat and zip it while you experiment. This trial approach builds your confidence one step at a time because you are performing something instead of avoiding it.

2. Keep the tasks engaging

Keep yourself engaged in a task by adding something fun to it–music, talking with a friend, co-working. It’s tough for unmotivated ADHD brains to get started on something that seems tedious and boring. What can you do to liven things up a bit? Change the order of tasks, take timed movement and snack breaks, switch locations for working, offer yourself an enticing incentive or find an accountability buddy. Create realistic goals–ones that you can actually meet and want to achieve. 

Organizing tips for ADHD adults

Organizing tasks can be especially daunting for many adults with ADHD. Where to begin? Creating a system and a routine for dealing with your stuff can help you. Here are three organizing tips for ADHD adults to help get you started:

1. Find or make homes for your belongings

My dad always says, “Everything has its place.” I think this helped him know where to put things so he could remember where they were. When you are trying to cope with that pile of gloves, hats and winter scarves, ask yourself: Where can these things live? Use bins or baskets if putting stuff into drawers doesn’t work.

2. Sort through clutter with labeled piles

When dealing with the mail or sorting through a cluttered closet, mark four bags. One is KEEP, one is TRASH, one is GIVE AWAY and one is MAYBE. Sort through your belongings, and, if you need assistance, ask a supportive friend or family member to be your advisor via FaceTime, Zoom or Skype.

3. Move past the negative self-talk

A woman organizing her clothes, folding laundry and smiling at the camera Lastly, reframe the negative names you call yourself. Replace ‘messy’, ‘sloppy’ or ‘being a slob’ with ‘chaotic or  ‘cluttered’ which are much less pejorative. Instead of seeing yourself as someone who is messy, what about reframing yourself as a ‘pile person?’ Maybe you just like your piles. That’s okay, as long as they don’t overwhelm you or lead to hoarding.

Acknowledge your achievements

Motivation benefits from encouragement, so notice your progress! Instead of “why haven’t you finished that?” try acknowledging what you have accomplished with “I’ve gotten started. I threw away the junk mail. Cool.” Lean into your inner coach to keep trying and growing. When you specifically acknowledge your efforts, you nurture your positivity and promote the change you desire. The ideal positivity ratio should be three positives for every negative statement. Is this what you are giving to yourself? Start today by catching yourself doing something you’re proud of, and pivot from disengagement to productivity. Wait, what is that sound? Oh, I think I hear that junk drawer calling your name right now! Good luck, and remember to set up your incentive–your ‘want-to’–first. You got this! Organizing tip for junk drawers: plastic inserted divider tray.

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Lynn C. Davison Q&A with Dr. Sharon Saline: How to Help Our Autistic Young Adults Get Things Done

Video Recording of the Live Q&A on May 13, 2022 with Dr. Sharon Saline and Lynn C. Davison

Dr. Sharon Saline Answers Questions About How to Help Our Autistic Young Adults Get Things Done

“We want to meet our kids where they are. And then I think one of the 12 things that may not be but we want to meet our kids where they are rather than where they think they should be. You know, and I think that this is really a challenge for all of us. Whether we are parenting neurotypical or neurodivergent kids. We want to be able to, we have to be able to put aside the things that we think should be this way or the advice that we have and let kids figure it out.” – Dr. Sharon Saline

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Worried and Watchful: 7 Strategies for Helping Neurodivergent Kids Manage Anxiety

A graphic of 4 illustrated kids managing anxiety, sitting on the ground and looking upset inside gray bubbles Most kids and adults just want their anxiety to go away NOW. As parents, we try to anticipate and cope with the fear of our child or teen by trying to protect them from the pain. I don’t know about you, but this rarely worked in my family because the worries just came back. Instead, anxiety needs to be addressed head on. We have to teach our kids tools to cope with their own worries. Helping kids learn to manage anxiety will help them feel empowered and confident to take risks and meet unforeseen challenges.

Anxiety relief – beyond reassurance

Anxiety loves reassurance because it offers short-term relief from discomfort. However, telling kids that everything will be okay, or not to worry, only increases long-term anxiety. These reassurances don’t work because you are not teaching the necessary coping skills your child or teen actually needs. Instead, everybody benefits when you take a different approach. Although it’s more useful to acknowledge their fears, validate their concerns, and brainstorm solutions–together, let’s face it–this can be a tougher road to travel.  

Neurodivergent kids: From anxious to resilient

Unlike nervousness, which goes away once a skill has been mastered, anxiety can take over a child or teen’s life. Worry differs from anxiety. Worry refers to how we think about something. Anxiety is a physiological response based on negative thoughts and distorted beliefs. We cannot eliminate anxiety; it’s a natural human response that’s evolved for survival. It thrives in the petri dish of natural child development and also in a culture that is obsessed with comparisons and instant gratification. Without useful self-management strategies, and unable to access the internal resources they need, anxious kids can freak out and refuse to do anything. However, they can learn to talk back to worried, negative thoughts. They can also practice relying on past successes for confident choices in the present. These strategies will help them learn how to tolerate the discomfort of not knowing. They can also learn to accept the possibility of disappointment. This is how neurodivergent youngsters develop the resilience that’s crucial for becoming a competent, successful adult.

How ADHD and anxiety differ and relate

Sad and anxious preteen walking alone outside, wiping a tear from her eye Despite misdiagnoses, ADHD differs significantly from anxiety. While kids with ADHD wrestle with organization, working memory challenges and impulse control, kids with anxiety struggle with compulsive, obsessive or perfectionistic behaviors, psychosomatic ailments and debilitating specific phobias. Issues related to food, housing or job insecurity, systemic racism or trauma further intensify anxiety. According to the CDC, approximately 7.1% of children aged 3-17 years old currently have an anxiety diagnosis. But, for 34% kids with ADHD, anxiety is often a frequent companion. Neurological patterns and executive functioning challenges make it harder for kids to manage big feelings. Plus, neurodivergent youngsters often miss visual or auditory cues or misread facial expressions. These challenges can foster social anxiety and social discomfort. Concerns about ‘messing up again’ amp up into persistent worry about the next time that they will (unwittingly) make a mistake, say an unexpected comment or forget something important.

How to respond to your kid’s worries

Anxiety is a shape-shifter. Just when you think you’ve figured out how to deal with one issue, another one pops up. It’s like playing Whack A Mole. To avoid this frustration, you’ve got to step back. See how your youngster’s anxiety operates, and don’t react to the content. Young boy looking upset as his father sits next to him, trying to help him feel better It’s the reaction to the worry–not getting rid of it–that makes the difference. Dismissing concerns (“This isn’t that big of a deal. You’ll be fine.”) doesn’t honor the reality of their worry. It will grow. Reassurance (“Don’t worry, everything will work out.”) also doesn’t provide a lasting solution. That’s because your teen learns to rely on other people making things okay for them, even though no one really can. Instead, validate their concern by saying, “You’re right to be scared. You’re not sure you can handle that. It’s natural to worry in that situation. What else could you say to yourself?” This lets them know that you heard their worry and acknowledge that it’s real, while simultaneously guiding them towards managing it. Practical tools for helping kids manage their own anxiety is what works best to reduce it. Here are 7 strategies to try.

7 Strategies to help neurodivergent kids manage their anxiety

1. Manage your own concerns first

Kids have incredible radar. They easily pick up when their parents are stressed or anxious, and it increases their own distress–consciously or unconsciously. The first step to helps kids manage their anxiety is to lower your own anxiety. Discuss your concerns with your partner, a friend, extended family member or counselor. Write these down, and then strategize responses or to-do action items for each by creating an Anxiety Decelerator Plan. This ADP will help you feel like you have some control. For instance, if your child needs more academic support, you can contact the school to set up a meeting.

2. Identify their worries

We can’t assist kids in turning down the frequency or intensity of their anxiety unless we know what’s causing it. Worried thinking and environmental triggers can set off children and teens. We want to stop this tumble. During your weekly or twice a week check-in meetings (these are a must), explore what might be uncomfortable or uncertain for them. Write these down. Pick one fear together to address first. When its volume is lower, you can pick another. Remember, people can really only change one thing at a time. 

3. Change the relationship to anxiety

Think like Sherlock Holmes, and investigate anxiety like a puzzle. When, where and how does it show up? What are its triggers? Brainstorm with your teen what to say when worry arrives: “Hmm, that sounds like worry. What could you say to size it down?” In addition, separate anxiety from who your teen is. Many kids feel powerless about anxiety and benefit from redefining it as something distinct from who they are.

4. Stay neutral and compassionate without fixing

Father and daughter making pancakes together and smilingMost of the time, your teen needs your support in thinking through responses to tricky situations, but not solving them. (Of course, there will be situations when you must intervene, such as cases of bullying, violence, academic failure or risky behaviors.) Kids of anxious parents are more likely to be anxious themselves. Monitor your reactions about your child’s anxiety, and refrain from discussing your concerns in public. React neutrally, regardless of their irritating, frustrating and sometimes scary behaviors. These behaviors are demonstrating how out of control your child or teen feels inside, which is why anxiety exists in the first place.

5. Start small to build confidence

Anxiety is great at erasing memories of past successes, which is compounded for kids with ADHD and their working memory challenges. Choose a goal that’s within reach, and work on taking a small step first. What would your teen want to do if anxiety wasn’t there? Help them recall times when they took a risk and succeeded. Then, discuss how those strategies can apply to this situation. Offer them language: “I’m willing to feel unsure. I can grab onto my courage and try this.” This helps calm the anxious brain. 

6. Opt for curiosity over anxiety

It’s tough to stand in uncertainty, and, frankly, adolescence is filled with unknowns. Kids often feel a distinct lack of control in their lives, which fuels their anxiety. Instead of worried thoughts, though, you can assist kids to shift to curiosity. Where anxiety shuts youngsters down and predicts negative outcomes, curiosity opens them up to possibilities. Help kids manage their own anxiety by working with them to say: “I wonder about…” rather than “I’m worried about…”

7. Focus on building resilience

Resilience is the antidote to anxiety. When your kids identify strengths and people who care about them, and develop interests, they feel more confident. Find ways to connect on things that matter to them, like a favorite computer game or a funny YouTube video. Nurturing this connection will improve their willingness to work with you in tackling anxiety. Teenage girl standing in front of a brick wall holding up a skateboard

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Live ADHD Webinar and Q&A with Dr. Sharon Saline: "Beyond High School Graduation: How to Help Neurodivergent Teens Prepare for Their Next Chapter" / Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 7:15-8:45pm EDT.

“Beyond High School Graduation: How to help neurodivergent teens prepare for their next chapter”

Wednesday, May 11, 2022, 7:15-8:45pm EDT

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Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022, March 4). Data and statistics on children’s Mental Health. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved May 11, 2022, from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, September 23). Data and Statistics About ADHD. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved May 11, 2022, from


Psychology Today: How Stress and Self-Sabotage Interfere With ADHD Happiness

“Do you notice that when you feel stressed from work, school, or relationships, some of your ADHD symptoms get more intense? When we are stressed, our ​​weakest executive functioning skills are hit first. This means that you may feel flooded by anxiety or anger, or you may panic about estimating and managing time. Perhaps you distract yourself with everything but the task that is actually stressing you out.” Read the full article by Dr. Saline!

“How Stress and Self-Sabotage Interfere With ADHD Happiness”

By Dr. Sharon Saline on Psychology Today

MSN: An ADHD Specialist Explains Why Female Symptoms Are Often Ignored By Professionals Until Later In Life

“Historically, ADHD was been considered a condition for rambunctious little boys who don’t listen to their teachers. However, that stereotype is based mostly upon myth. Plenty of boys with ADHD don’t disrupt class, and little girls can also have ADHD — as can adults. This stereotype isn’t the only reason little girls often grow into adult women without being diagnosed with ADHD, even when their clinical symptoms should have been clear.”

Read the full article on MSN!

“An ADHD Specialist Explains Why Female Symptoms Are Often Ignored By Professionals Until Later In Life” by Dr. Sharon Saline