Parenting and Families

Parenting and Families

Truth and Trust: Managing Lying in Children and Teens with ADHD

Dear Dr. Saline: Is it standard for an ADHDer to lie so vehemently? Like he has been caught red handed and he denies it while his hand is in the cookie jar? Or is this because he’s a 13 almost 14 year old boy that … Continue reading Truth and Trust: Managing Lying in Children and Teens with ADHD

Ask Dr. Saline: How to Make It Work in ADHD Relationships

Dear Dr. Saline, my wife has ADHD and I do not. Sometimes it’s so frustrating and we argue more than either of us want to. Can you please offer some support for managing ADHD in couples? Sign-up for my newsletter + Free Handout | Ask Dr. … Continue reading Ask Dr. Saline: How to Make It Work in ADHD Relationships

Ask Dr. Saline: Lower Stress, Build Tolerance and Focus on Self-Care

Dear Dr. Saline, in some of your articles, you discuss ways to lower stress. Is there a way to build stress tolerance for people with ADHD besides doing less?  Most of my stress and anxiety come from missing clarity and new situations. ~ Jamison Sign-up … Continue reading Ask Dr. Saline: Lower Stress, Build Tolerance and Focus on Self-Care

Ask Dr. Saline: Teen boys with ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression

Recently I’ve received several questions about how to care for teen boys with ADHD, anxiety, and depression. So rather than answer one reader question this week, I’ll respond to everyone who has written to me with questions about helping their teenage sons. Sign-up for my … Continue reading Ask Dr. Saline: Teen boys with ADHD, Anxiety, and Depression

Why delegation is hard and how to ask for help with confidence

Do you hate asking for help because it makes you look weak, helpless, or incompetent? Many adults with ADHD feel this way, and you’re not alone. You may think there’s shame in getting help because you’re worried about disappointing others or possibly failing. But when … Continue reading Why delegation is hard and how to ask for help with confidence

4 New Ways to Create ADHD-Friendly Family Traditions

For many of us, this is the first holiday season we get to spend with friends and family after the past few years learning how to live a “new normal” during the pandemic. Although it made gathering difficult, it helped us realize the importance of … Continue reading 4 New Ways to Create ADHD-Friendly Family Traditions

The Myth of Multitasking & Ways to Create Better Routines that Help you Feel Less Stressed and Anxious

Can you relate to the following scenario? You are in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner while you are talking on the phone and checking your texts as soon as a notification appears. Meanwhile, your teenage son is watching television while doing math homework and … Continue reading The Myth of Multitasking & Ways to Create Better Routines that Help you Feel Less Stressed and Anxious

How to Help Kids with ADHD Understand the Future by Improving Time Management Today

Kids with ADHD struggle with feeling time which can make thinking about the future abstract and unreal. Time management is an executive functioning skill. Learning to cope with it requires accepting your challenges and understanding that it’s constantly changing. Many people with ADHD who struggle … Continue reading How to Help Kids with ADHD Understand the Future by Improving Time Management Today

ADHD Tips for Kids & Adults: Improve Brain Focus & Productivity

. Can you relate to this scenario? You’re in the kitchen at 6 p.m. trying to prepare dinner while talking on the phone using your earpods and looking at texts periodically when a notification appears. Meanwhile, your teenage son watches television while doing math homework … Continue reading ADHD Tips for Kids & Adults: Improve Brain Focus & Productivity

The Best 5 Tips for Managing a Disappointing Report Card with Your Child

.It’s that time of year when parents and kids anxiously await their first report card. School is often the toughest area of functioning for neurodivergent kids and teens because academic performance requires using all of the executive functioning skills with which they struggle. For neurodivergent … Continue reading The Best 5 Tips for Managing a Disappointing Report Card with Your Child

Keys to better productivity with ADHD: How you can improve the 4 types of focus

Recently, one of my clients Kaya, with adult ADHD made an astonishing discovery. She read an article in the New York Times about brown noise, and wondered if it could help her focus on the unpleasant but necessary tasks. Like doing her taxes, writing proposals for … Continue reading Keys to better productivity with ADHD: How you can improve the 4 types of focus

Spooky Season: 3 Shocking Halloween Safety Tips for Kids with ADHD

Parents, Halloween is right around the corner, and most kids are giddily anticipating a fun night of costumes, trick or treating and eating way too much candy. Now is a good time to think about safely enjoying the activities the evening has in store. Halloween … Continue reading Spooky Season: 3 Shocking Halloween Safety Tips for Kids with ADHD

ADHD Awareness Month is about celebrating who you are! Accentuate the positive with A+ expert advice.

October is ADHD Awareness Month ̶ a time to reflect on the uniqueness, wonder, and yes, even the bravery shown when managing the challenges of living with ADHD. If you or someone you love has ADHD ̶ you know that it’s not always easy to … Continue reading ADHD Awareness Month is about celebrating who you are! Accentuate the positive with A+ expert advice.

The Best Routines for Adults with ADHD: Reduce Stress & Anxiety

Many adults with ADHD struggle with structure, following rules and creating new routines. Starting a tedious, unrewarding task can be challenging, and it can be equally tough to stay with it until completion. Neurodivergent people can be overly fixated on maintaining a routine at the … Continue reading The Best Routines for Adults with ADHD: Reduce Stress & Anxiety

4 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Kids Say “I Hate School!”

Now that the school year is in full swing, I’ve noticed that more parents are sharing how much their kids with ADHD dislike school. Neurodivergent children and teens with ADHD, ASD, a learning disability, or other mental health issues work hard to hold it together … Continue reading 4 Eye-Opening Reasons Why Kids Say “I Hate School!”

6 Tips for Creating Effective Homework Habits for your Child with ADHD

Sometimes it’s hard for all of us to do things that we find challenging or boring. I certainly like to warm up with something easier before taking on a bigger task. Creating effective homework habits is invaluable for children and teens with ADHD, who tend … Continue reading 6 Tips for Creating Effective Homework Habits for your Child with ADHD

5 Strategies for creating new habits that last in kids with ADHD

The start of each school year involves a variety of changes and adjustments. New teachers, new activities, and a whole lot of new experiences. This means your child may need to develop new habits to set themselves up for success in and out of school. … Continue reading 5 Strategies for creating new habits that last in kids with ADHD

Managing Screentime: 6 Hacks to Create Healthy Media Habits for Kids and Teens with ADHD

As the digital world plays an ever-growing part in our lives, it is more important than ever to help children establish healthy media habits. A balanced media diet begins with the understanding that screen use is a privilege, not a necessity. As the parent, you … Continue reading Managing Screentime: 6 Hacks to Create Healthy Media Habits for Kids and Teens with ADHD

Youth & Technology: How Social Media Affects the Mental Health of Children with ADHD

Let’s face it: screens are a defining feature in the lives of both children and adolescents. Whether it’s social media apps (i.e. Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or Discord), YouTube videos, gaming, television, texting, listening to music or buying material goods, kids today are extremely … Continue reading Youth & Technology: How Social Media Affects the Mental Health of Children with ADHD

How Adults with ADHD Can Overcome Negative Thinking

Adults with ADHD: Change is possible if you find that your negative thinking is getting in the way of a more positive outlook. When you start small and develop the habit of shifting your focus to noticing and then doing more of what works, you actively … Continue reading How Adults with ADHD Can Overcome Negative Thinking

How to Encourage Future Thinking in Kids & Teens with ADHD

Planning for The Future with ADHD In this webinar, I address the common concern that children with ADHD don’t effectively “see” and plan for the future, making them miss deadlines and opportunities. Read More>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community … Continue reading How to Encourage Future Thinking in Kids & Teens with ADHD

The Myth of Multitasking for ADHD Minds

Multitasking is a Myth In this webinar, I explain why multitasking is a myth and how ADHD brains can more reliably and effectively get things done. Read More>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community to learn more>>

Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You

Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You In this webinar, I explain how to stop setting unreasonable standards, engaging in negative comparisons to others, and criticizing yourself for living with ADHD. You will learn how to understand and manage the root causes of perfectionism, examine the … Continue reading Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You

4 Ways To Break The Stress-Overwhelm-Panic Cycle & Find A New State Of Calm

Break The Stress-Overwhelm-Panic Cycle Do you feel a sense of stress as the year comes to a close? Maybe you feel this at the end of every week or before the weekend begins. Maybe you find yourself in this state every week before Monday arrives … Continue reading 4 Ways To Break The Stress-Overwhelm-Panic Cycle & Find A New State Of Calm

How People With ADHD Can Drop The Shame & Build Genuine Self-Worth

Drop the shame and build self-worth Do you dismiss a compliment or attribute success at your work to luck instead of your intelligence, creativity, or effort? Unfortunately, many adults (and kids) with ADHD have trouble accepting positive feedback about themselves. Read More>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest … Continue reading How People With ADHD Can Drop The Shame & Build Genuine Self-Worth

Why It’s So Hard To Ask For Help When You Have ADHD — And How To Get Over It

  Do you hate asking for help? Many adults with ADHD feel this way, and you’re not alone. You may think there’s shame in getting help because you’re worried about disappointing others or possibly failing. Read More>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my … Continue reading Why It’s So Hard To Ask For Help When You Have ADHD — And How To Get Over It

How to Control Your Anger When ADHD Emotional Reactivity Kicks In

Yes, the ADHD brain is wired to overreact and to feel emotions intensely. But you are not your ADHD reactivity. In this article, Dr. Sharon Saline teaches you how to change your reactive, habitual anger responses with thoughtful, soothing responses. Read More>>   Read Dr. … Continue reading How to Control Your Anger When ADHD Emotional Reactivity Kicks In

Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s ADHD Evaluation

Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s ADHD Evaluation You, your pediatrician, and/or the school suspects that your child has ADHD. Now what? Before you have your child evaluated, ask yourself (and other professionals) these key questions to better understand ADHD and your vital role in … Continue reading Questions to Ask Before Your Child’s ADHD Evaluation

How to Demobilize a Bully in 5 Steps

How to Demobilize a Bully in 5 Steps Children and teens with ADHD are often targeted by bullies who notice their impulsivity, clumsiness, or awkward social skills. Here, teach your child how to deal with a bully and become an upstander for other neurodivergent kids. … Continue reading How to Demobilize a Bully in 5 Steps

Why ADHD Masking Is a Form of Self-Sabotage

Why ADHD Masking Is a Form of Self-Sabotage Do you squander your precious time and energy trying to “act normal” at the expense of your mental health? That’s ADHD masking, which may include suppressing symptoms, trying to hide your ADHD in public settings, or denying … Continue reading Why ADHD Masking Is a Form of Self-Sabotage

“I Feel Judged and Attacked:” A Teen’s Eye View of RSD

“I Feel Judged and Attacked:” A Teen’s Eye View of RSD If someone doesn’t value spending time with me as much as I value spending time with them, I feel rejected. Last month, I said to one of my closest friends that I would like to … Continue reading “I Feel Judged and Attacked:” A Teen’s Eye View of RSD

5 Overlooked Signs of ADHD – the Inattentive Type

5 Overlooked Signs of ADHD – the Inattentive Type People with inattentive ADHD are not lazy, stupid, unwilling, or oppositional. They have a biologically based challenge with attending to the task at hand, and their brains tire more quickly. Read More>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest … Continue reading 5 Overlooked Signs of ADHD – the Inattentive Type

Why Some People with ADHD Refuse to Ask for Help

Why you hate asking for help—and how to overcome your discomfort. Read More>> Key Points: Many adults with ADHD hate asking for help because of a fear of looking incompetent or weak. Perfectionism in combination with ADHD makes it tough to trust others to follow … Continue reading Why Some People with ADHD Refuse to Ask for Help

5 Unique Ways To Foster Body Positivity In Tweens & Teens — That Work For ADHD Kids, Too

5 Unique Ways To Foster Body Positivity In Tweens & Teens — That Work For ADHD Kids, Too Read More>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community to learn more>>

3 Powerful Ways Kids With ADHD Can Stand Up To Bullies

3 Powerful Ways Kids With ADHD Can Stand Up To Bullies Impulse control, emotional regulation, and difficulties with social interactions can unpredictably impact their behavior. To respond to bullying effectively, kids with ADHD benefit from working on The 3 R’s: Recognition, Response, and Resilience. Read … Continue reading 3 Powerful Ways Kids With ADHD Can Stand Up To Bullies

How Parents Can Help Teens with ADHD Overcome Executive Function Challenges and Succeed in School

Proven ways to help teens with ADHD succeed in school Read More>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community to learn more>>

3 Steps for Overcoming ADHD Task Paralysis

3 Steps for Overcoming ADHD Task Paralysis How to move beyond feeling stuck and get things done Read More>> Key Points: Symptoms of task paralysis include overwhelm, procrastination, and low self-esteem. Multitasking interferes with focus and increases distractibility. You can improve your ability to start … Continue reading 3 Steps for Overcoming ADHD Task Paralysis

Understanding Perfectionism: How To Make It Work For, Not Against, You and Your Kids

Understanding Perfectionism: How To Make It Work For, Not Against, You and Your Kids Is it clear enough? Is it well-written enough? Is the meal tasty enough or the gift nice enough? You get the picture. Perhaps you or your child or teen have similar thoughts. Read More>> Key Points: Build … Continue reading Understanding Perfectionism: How To Make It Work For, Not Against, You and Your Kids

Q: “I Can’t Handle Rejection. Will I Ever Change?”

Q: “I Can’t Handle Rejection. Will I Ever Change?” The emotional pain of rejection sensitive dysphoria is real and agonizing. But your responses to rejection follow a pattern. You’ll have to start new patterns – or ways of thinking and behaving – to reduce the … Continue reading Q: “I Can’t Handle Rejection. Will I Ever Change?”

There’s A New Type Of Multitasking — And It’s Especially Bad For Teens & People With ADHD

There’s A New Type Of Multitasking — And It’s Especially Bad For Teens & People With ADHD We are all hijacked by our devices, tricked into thinking that we can do all of these tasks simultaneously and well — and this is called “media multitasking”. Read … Continue reading There’s A New Type Of Multitasking — And It’s Especially Bad For Teens & People With ADHD

5 Better Ways To Talk To Kids About Bad Grades On Report Cards — Without Shame

5 Better Ways To Talk To Kids About Bad Grades On Report Cards — Without Shame School is often the toughest area of functioning for neurodivergent kids and teens because academic performance requires using all of the executive functioning skills with which they struggle. For neurodivergent learners … Continue reading 5 Better Ways To Talk To Kids About Bad Grades On Report Cards — Without Shame

Using a Dopamine Menu to Stimulate Your ADHD Brain

Using a Dopamine Menu to Stimulate Your ADHD Brain Your brain is a Tesla. When its battery becomes depleted, it needs to stop and recharge. You know the feeling when your power is draining down, but you don’t always know how to replenish it. Many … Continue reading Using a Dopamine Menu to Stimulate Your ADHD Brain

Midyear Reboot: Five Strategies for Building Effective Habits

Midyear Reboot: Five Strategies for Building Effective Habits AS WE APPROACH THE MIDPOINT OF THE SCHOOL YEAR, many parents notice that their children are less motivated and less engaged than they were in September. Perhaps their grades were disappointing or they struggled socially. If they’re … Continue reading Midyear Reboot: Five Strategies for Building Effective Habits

“I wish more people understood how it felt to be neurodivergent”: What to Know About Neurodiversity

Time for a societal change? Awareness of neurodiversity is one step, acceptance and valuing these differences are the goals. This would mean a shift from ‘corrective’ behaviour therapy offered by Early Intervention centres. Here’s what to know about the Neurodiversity movement. ‘There is nothing wrong … Continue reading “I wish more people understood how it felt to be neurodivergent”: What to Know About Neurodiversity

How do I avoid the perfectionism trap?

Dear Dr. Saline, I recently started my first full-time job after graduating from college and feel like I’m struggling with the adjustment. I’ve had the usual ups and downs in school which come with ADHD. But now that I’m working, my tendency toward perfectionism has … Continue reading How do I avoid the perfectionism trap?

How To Get An Accurate Diagnosis For A Child Who May Have ADHD

How To Get An Accurate Diagnosis For A Child Who May Have ADHD If you have a child or teen who seems to be struggling more with low motivation, keeping up with school work, and organizing things from clothes to projects to chores than at … Continue reading How To Get An Accurate Diagnosis For A Child Who May Have ADHD

Connect more, argue less: The 5C’s of ADHD parenting

Connect more, argue less: The 5C’s of ADHD parenting It’s 9 p.m. and your 13-year-old daughter with ADHD is rushing around the house frantically looking for her social studies book. She’s just realized that she has to read a chapter and answer five questions to … Continue reading Connect more, argue less: The 5C’s of ADHD parenting

From Procrastination to Productivity in the New Year

From Procrastination to Productivity in the New Year Practical motivation strategies that really work for adults with ADHD. Do you see a pile of unfolded laundry, turn around, and run away? Are you feeling like your get-up-and-go took off and left for Bermuda? If so, … Continue reading From Procrastination to Productivity in the New Year

How to Find a Career That Fits Your ADHD Brain

How to Find a Career That Fits Your ADHD Brain Many older teens and emerging adults struggle with figuring out what profession to pursue. You may feel pressure to earn a certain amount of money or find a career with a particular status. But this … Continue reading How to Find a Career That Fits Your ADHD Brain

How to Control Your Anger When ADHD Emotional Reactivity Kicks In

How to Control Your Anger When ADHD Emotional Reactivity Kicks In Yes, the ADHD brain is wired to overreact and to feel emotions intensely. But you are not your ADHD reactivity. Here, learn how to change your reactive, habitual anger responses with thoughtful, soothing responses. … Continue reading How to Control Your Anger When ADHD Emotional Reactivity Kicks In

Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD

Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD New research points to a link between use of social media and mental health risks among adolescents, who generally want to be accepted, popular, and well-liked. When teens with ADHD fall into … Continue reading Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD

How to Mend Your Emotional Safety Net

How to Mend Your Emotional Safety Net Family conflict often surges during holiday get-togethers. If you have ADHD, that stress can trigger emotional dysregulation and RSD. Securing emotional support from your partner is essential, but sometimes complicated. These tips will help. Read More>> Key Points: … Continue reading How to Mend Your Emotional Safety Net

“My Extended Family Drives Me Crazy!” How to Guard & Protect Your Holiday Spirit

“My Extended Family Drives Me Crazy!” How to Guard & Protect Your Holiday Spirit It’s hard to keep your emotions in check when extended family gatherings go south yet again. Learn how to avoid the holiday spiral with these self-soothing strategies. Read More>> Key Points: … Continue reading “My Extended Family Drives Me Crazy!” How to Guard & Protect Your Holiday Spirit

Q: “How Can I Help My Teen Adopt a Growth Mindset?”

Q: “How Can I Help My Teen Adopt a Growth Mindset?” “When we try something, we risk failure. When we avoid it, we ensure it.” Take these steps to instill a growth mindset in your teen. Read More>> Key Points: Pay attention to what’s working. … Continue reading Q: “How Can I Help My Teen Adopt a Growth Mindset?”

Q: “Family Dynamics are Unbalanced Between Our Kids With and Without ADHD”

“Plan to spend time alone with each child at least once or twice monthly to deepen connections and help repair sibling relationships.” Read More>> Key Points: “4 Ways to Improve Family Dynamics” Redefine fairness in the family. Encourage concessions from everyone. Set up private time. … Continue reading Q: “Family Dynamics are Unbalanced Between Our Kids With and Without ADHD”

4 Strategies To Reduce Arguments With Neurodivergent Teens

4 Strategies To Reduce Arguments With Neurodivergent Teen   Read More>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community to learn more>>

Adult ADHD and Friendship

Adult ADHD and Friendship Friendship is deeply important to our well-being. It provides mutual acceptance, warmth, and support between people. It’s a refuge and a place where you can safely be yourself and connect with others. Friends share interests, personal stories, and humor and enjoy spending time together. … Continue reading Adult ADHD and Friendship

The Parents’ Guide to Dismantling Oppositional, Defiant Behavior

The Parents’ Guide to Dismantling Oppositional, Defiant Behavior Defiance is rarely improved by assertive requests or vague and shifting ground rules. Here, learn about the parenting strategies that may unintentionally exacerbate a teen’s symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder or pathological demand avoidance — and what … Continue reading The Parents’ Guide to Dismantling Oppositional, Defiant Behavior

How to Stop Catastrophizing: A Guide for ADHD Worriers

Catastrophizing and worrying may spark an anxiety spiral. Dismantle negative thoughts by differentiating productive worry from toxic worry, identifying negative behaviors, and building a support system. Here’s how to get started. Read More>> Key Points: “The Worrying-Anxiety Connection” “Toxic Worry vs. Productive Worry” “3 Ways … Continue reading How to Stop Catastrophizing: A Guide for ADHD Worriers

How to Plan Summer for Your Kids — When You Have ADHD

You’ve finally gotten your life with your kids on a roll: You are kind of on top of the school routine and have somewhat nailed the play date and activities schedules. Then, blammo, summer hits, and all that hard-won efficiency goes out the window. If you … Continue reading How to Plan Summer for Your Kids — When You Have ADHD

3 Big Mistakes Parents Of Kids With ADHD Make — And How To Avoid Them

Breakdowns in communication set children who have ADHD up to fail. Read More>> Key Points: “Mistake #1: Expecting Perfection” “Mistake #2: Skimping on Praise” “Mistake #3: Leaving Kids Out of Decisions” Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my newsletter community to learn more>>

Relationship Rescue for ADHD Couples

Relationship experts answer reader questions and share their ADHD marriage advice for couples where at least one partner has an attention deficit. Read More>> Key Points: “How Do I  Handle My Spouse’s Mood Changes?” “I Resent Having to Give My Partner with ADHD Constant Reminders” … Continue reading Relationship Rescue for ADHD Couples

Tips for Homework Routines with ADDitude Magazine

Learn more about how to establish healthy habits with your child. Watch More>> “If your child is taking medication, know that we want to do the homework as soon as they get home from school before the meds leave their body. The most effective thing … Continue reading Tips for Homework Routines with ADDitude Magazine

The ADHD Conflict Resolution Guide: Tools and Scripts for Settling Disagreements

Conflict – within families and in other relationships – is normal. But disagreement can grow heated when ADHD sparks anger, impulsivity, and intense emotions. Read More>> The best way to handle conflict is to prepare for it by creating a conflict resolution plan in advance. … Continue reading The ADHD Conflict Resolution Guide: Tools and Scripts for Settling Disagreements

How to Control Your Anger When ADHD Emotional Reactivity Kicks In

Yes, the ADHD brain is wired to overreact and feel emotions intensely. But you are not your ADHD reactivity. Read More>> Why anger and big emotions rock ADHD brains Amygdala hijack and emotional flooding Poor working memory Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria How to control ADHD-laced anger … Continue reading How to Control Your Anger When ADHD Emotional Reactivity Kicks In

Avoiding Mental and Emotional Burnout at Work

Feeling tired and unexcited about work these days? You may be stressed or suffering from burnout. Read More>> Persistent Stress Leads to Burnout The Key to Lowering Stress Pause and Give Yourself Time Learn How to Set Limits Tips to Reduce Mental & Emotional Burnout … Continue reading Avoiding Mental and Emotional Burnout at Work

Learning How to Prioritize With ADHD

What is my plan, what’s most important, and where do I begin? Key points The fundamental principles of prioritizing are urgency and importance. The Eisenhower Matrix can be a useful prioritization tool for those living with ADHD. Tips for improving prioritization skills include assigning importance … Continue reading Learning How to Prioritize With ADHD

How to Reduce Holiday Overwhelm When You Have ADHD

5 tools to lower your stress and have more fun. In this article, Dr. Sharon Saline teaches you how to limit the overwhelming feeling of the holidays that can be debilitating for those with ADHD, and prioritize what matters while showing up for others. Read … Continue reading How to Reduce Holiday Overwhelm When You Have ADHD

How Stress and Self-Sabotage Interfere With ADHD Happiness

Learn 6 practical tools to feel calmer, more confident, and more productive. Key points Reduce stress by identifying patterns of self-defeating behaviors and choosing healthier alternatives. Decrease the feelings of shame and self-doubt that you’ve carried around for years by setting realistic, achievable goals. Create … Continue reading How Stress and Self-Sabotage Interfere With ADHD Happiness

Teen Girls Are Not Alright. ADHD Magnifies the Crisis.

Rates of sexual violence, suicidality, and sadness have hit a record high among teen girls, according to an alarming new CDC report. In this article, Dr. Sharon Saline shares the risks that girls face with ADHD in 2023, and how parents can help them during … Continue reading Teen Girls Are Not Alright. ADHD Magnifies the Crisis.

How To Help Kids With ADHD Manage Their Feelings At School & With Friends

Parents of kids and teens with ADHD often seek advice on managing oppositional behavior. In this article, Dr. Sharon Saline teaches you how to respond to kids and teens with ADHD when their feelings quickly escalate into a tantrum and a defiant “no”! Read More>> … Continue reading How To Help Kids With ADHD Manage Their Feelings At School & With Friends

The ADHD Conflict Resolution Guide: Tools and Scripts for Settling Disagreements

The best way to handle conflict is to prepare for it by creating a conflict resolution plan in advance. In this article, Dr. Sharon Saline shares the best way to handle conflict within families and in other relationships. In this article, you will find scripts … Continue reading The ADHD Conflict Resolution Guide: Tools and Scripts for Settling Disagreements

Why ADHD Is Missed In Women

Learn how to recognize the true signs of ADHD and seek effective help. In this article, Dr. Sharon Saline shares why ADHD in women and girls is often misdiagnosed and misunderstood with more focus on anxiety and depression. Read More>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest … Continue reading Why ADHD Is Missed In Women

7 Critical Tools For Improving Your Life (For When You Need It Most)

If you had a magic wand and could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? In this article, Dr. Sharon Saline shares how you can build new skills with executive functioning difficulties. Read More>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my … Continue reading 7 Critical Tools For Improving Your Life (For When You Need It Most)

The Connection Between ADHD and Imposter Syndrome

Stop doubting yourself and start believing instead. Many adults (and kids) with ADHD have trouble accepting positive feedback about themselves. Years of hearing about their deficiencies or experiencing challenges related to having a neurodivergent brain lead many folks with ADHD to walk around with a persistent feeling … Continue reading The Connection Between ADHD and Imposter Syndrome

Why Delegation Is So Hard for ADHD Adults (Video)

Why Delegation Is So Hard for ADHD Adults In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline, clinical psychologist and author, discusses why adults with ADHD find it difficult to delegate tasks-even when they are overwhelmed and even when those tasks are detested. Read More>>   Read Dr. … Continue reading Why Delegation Is So Hard for ADHD Adults (Video)

How To Advocate For Your Child During ADHD Evaluations (& Other Learning Challenges)

3 Ways to Receive an ADHD Diagnosis Often parents receive contradictory or inadequate information about the process, and navigating the maze toward diagnosis and treatment can be perplexing. In particular, the tween and teen years are development stages when trouble with attention, organization, and distractibility … Continue reading How To Advocate For Your Child During ADHD Evaluations (& Other Learning Challenges)

How to Practice Compassion & Understanding When Your Child Is Struggling In School

Students with ADHD want to do well in school, and most of them put a lot of effort into their work. But at the same time, they must contend with issues around focus, organization, distractibility, impulse control and time management, and their academic workload. So let’s take … Continue reading How to Practice Compassion & Understanding When Your Child Is Struggling In School

ADHD & Social Awkwardness

Learn how to maintain more rewarding conversations and connections. Do you ever wish that you could pause time, take back something you said, and start over? Would you like to be someone who has quick comebacks in conversations instead of thinking of something good to … Continue reading ADHD & Social Awkwardness

5 Reasons Routines Fizzle – and How to Rekindle Healthy Habits

5 Reasons Routines Fizzle – and How to Rekindle Healthy Habits Daily routines fall apart for a host of reasons related to ADHD – from executive dysfunction and perfectionism to “now” and “not now” thinking. Follow this guide to help you create a routine you’ll … Continue reading 5 Reasons Routines Fizzle – and How to Rekindle Healthy Habits

A Playbook for Post-Traumatic Growth

A Playbook for Post-Traumatic Growth Post-traumatic growth happens when individuals resist being debilitated by trauma and lean into their strengths. Follow these steps to overcome adversity. Follow these steps to foster Post Traumatic Growth. Read More>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Join my … Continue reading A Playbook for Post-Traumatic Growth

Adults: How To Stop Wasting Time And Finally Get Stuff Done

How To Stop Wasting Time And Finally Get Stuff Done Do you ever face a task you know you need to do, but feel too frozen to begin? That’s called task paralysis. Fortunately, there are some proven strategies to reduce ADHD task paralysis so that … Continue reading Adults: How To Stop Wasting Time And Finally Get Stuff Done

How To Harness The Power Of Gratitude — And Keep It All Year Long

How To Harness The Power Of Gratitude — And Keep It All Year Long What better way to kick off the holiday season than by reflecting on what we are thankful for? Learn how to practice gratitude to counteract those troubling emotions. Read More>>   … Continue reading How To Harness The Power Of Gratitude — And Keep It All Year Long

Teens: Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD

Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD New research points to a link between use of social media and mental health risks among adolescents, who generally want to be accepted, popular, and well-liked. When teens with ADHD fall into … Continue reading Teens: Compare & Despair: Social Media & Mental Health Concerns in Teens with ADHD

There’s A New Type Of Multitasking — And It’s Especially Bad For Teens & People With ADHD

There’s A New Type Of Multitasking — And It’s Especially Bad For Teens & People With ADHD Can you relate to the following scenario? You are in the kitchen trying to prepare dinner while you are talking on the phone. A notification appears, and you … Continue reading There’s A New Type Of Multitasking — And It’s Especially Bad For Teens & People With ADHD

28 Experts Reveal The #1 Phrase That Will Damage A Relationship

Why 2E Students Resent School — and How to Better Balance Services Did you ever say something in the heat of the moment that was so mean, so harsh, so out-of-character for you that the instant the words left your mouth you wish you could … Continue reading 28 Experts Reveal The #1 Phrase That Will Damage A Relationship

(Video) Build Life-Long Executive Function Skills in Your Child with ADHD

(Video) Build Life-Long Executive Function Skills in Your Child with ADHD Are you increasingly frustrated with your child’s outbursts, disorganization, or forgetfulness at home? You’re not alone. Many parents long for relief from the pressures of school only to find that their children continue to … Continue reading (Video) Build Life-Long Executive Function Skills in Your Child with ADHD

(Video) Four Types of Focus for Adults with ADHD

(Video) Four Types of Focus for Adults with ADHD Dr. Saline explains how adults with ADHD can harness the power of four different types of focus in order to get things done by capitalizing on the strengths inherent in their ADHD brains. Watch More>>   … Continue reading (Video) Four Types of Focus for Adults with ADHD

4 Reasons ADHD Kids Say ‘I Hate School’ — And 4 Real Ways Parents Can Help

4 Reasons ADHD Kids Say ‘I Hate School’ — And 4 Real Ways Parents Can Help Neurodivergent children and teens with ADHD, ASD, a learning disability, or other mental health issues work hard to hold it together during the academic day. Dr. Sharon Saline shares … Continue reading 4 Reasons ADHD Kids Say ‘I Hate School’ — And 4 Real Ways Parents Can Help

(Video) How to Foster a Growth Mind Set in a Student with ADHD 

(Video) How to Foster a Growth Mind Set in a Student with ADHD “Your kids need help counterbalancing the negative things they hear from others and from themselves. The ratio should be 3 positives for every 1 negative, but most kids with ADHD hear 1 … Continue reading (Video) How to Foster a Growth Mind Set in a Student with ADHD 

ADDitude Magazine’s Most Popular Article in 2022

5 Overlooked Signs of ADHD – the Inattentive Type “People with inattentive ADHD are not lazy, stupid, unwilling, or oppositional. They have a biologically based challenge with attending to the task at hand, and their brains tire more quickly.” Read more>>   Read Dr. Saline’s … Continue reading ADDitude Magazine’s Most Popular Article in 2022

(Video) Why 2E Students Resent School — and How to Better Balance Services

Why 2E Students Resent School — and How to Better Balance Services “Sometimes alternative learners feel very misunderstood by their teachers — and by their parents. They harbor a lot of frustration and resentment that nobody really seems to get them and their mad that … Continue reading (Video) Why 2E Students Resent School — and How to Better Balance Services

Affordable, Last-Minute Holiday Gifts Kids With ADHD Will Love

Affordable, Last-Minute Holiday Gifts Kids With ADHD Will Love If you’re looking for something unique and heartwarming to give to a relative, neighbor, teacher, or friend, here are several ideas to make the holidays more enjoyable and fulfilling. Gifts for adults and kids with ADHD can … Continue reading Affordable, Last-Minute Holiday Gifts Kids With ADHD Will Love

Why Women with ADHD Struggle with Self-Esteem & The 5 Best Ways to Reset Self-Worth

Women carry a lot on their shoulders–from family, community, school and work responsibilities to societal expectations around physical appearance and behavior. That’s a lot of pressure. Women with ADHD, and women who care for neurodivergent children, must deal with yet another layer of stress, anxiety and … Continue reading Why Women with ADHD Struggle with Self-Esteem & The 5 Best Ways to Reset Self-Worth

The #1 Phrase That Will Damage Any Relationship

Did you ever say something in the heat of the moment that was so mean, so harsh, so out-of-character for you that the instant the words left your mouth you wish you could snatch them back out of the air before they reached human ears?  … Continue reading The #1 Phrase That Will Damage Any Relationship

5 Expert Strategies For Breaking Bad Habits In Kids with ADHD

Parents, the start of each school year involves a variety of changes and adjustments. New teachers, new activities, and a whole lot of new experiences. Learn 5 strategies for breaking old habits when your child has ADHD.  Read more>>   Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog … Continue reading 5 Expert Strategies For Breaking Bad Habits In Kids with ADHD

Need to Reduce Stress? Try these Routines for Adults

Neurodivergent Adults can sometimes be overly fixated on maintaining a routine at the expense of other things, which can turn into a vicious cycle of frustration and self-defeat. Take advantage of these routines that will offer you the structure needed to assist with creating the … Continue reading Need to Reduce Stress? Try these Routines for Adults

Want to Be More Confident?

Teachers and Parents take advantage of these strategies for training focus, combatting procrastination, and prioritizing effectively to achieve the success that drives future motivation in their students with ADHD. Read more>> Read Dr. Saline’s latest blog post: Keys to better productivity with ADHD: How you … Continue reading Want to Be More Confident?

Sharon Saline, Psy.D. on TADD Talk

October is ADHD Awareness Month! You’ll see a ton of information about ADHD everywhere. Most of it is about kids. ADDA is different. ADDA is just for adults.And when you do find information, who knows what’s accurate and what’s not? ADDA knows! We know what … Continue reading Sharon Saline, Psy.D. on TADD Talk

YouTube: Live Q&A with ADDitude Magazine on “Transition Trouble”

Dr. Sharon Saline offers advice with ADDitude Magazine during a Live Facebook Q&A on how to create and maintain summer routines. Learn more tips to help your family maintain summer routines in her blog.  Read Dr. Saline’s blog posts: 3 Ways to Help Children & Teens … Continue reading YouTube: Live Q&A with ADDitude Magazine on “Transition Trouble”

5 Stress-Reducing Routines for Adults with ADHD-That You Can Actually Stick To

Neurodivergent people can be overly fixated on maintaining a routine at the expense of other things, which can turn into a vicious cycle of frustration and self-defeat. That said, for adults who struggle with ADHD, maintaining routines is essential. They reduce stress and anxiety and improve … Continue reading 5 Stress-Reducing Routines for Adults with ADHD-That You Can Actually Stick To

ADDitude Magazine: Expert Tips on How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Fear of Rejection for Adults

“Q: My Fear of Rejection Keeps Me Socially Isolated” Social anxiety and rejection sensitive dysphoria cause people with ADHD to feel isolated, self-conscious, and stressed. Here are expert tips on how to improve social skills and alleviate your social anxiety. Q: “I want to socialize … Continue reading ADDitude Magazine: Expert Tips on How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Fear of Rejection for Adults

ADHD Parenting: 4 Ways Adults Can Lighten the Mood with Kids During Difficult Moments

Maintaining a sense of humor when raising ADHD and non-ADHD kids alike is an essential tool for any parent. Children can expand your heart and push your buttons like no one else. But being able to laugh at what happens, at your reactions and sometimes … Continue reading ADHD Parenting: 4 Ways Adults Can Lighten the Mood with Kids During Difficult Moments

ADDitude Magazine: School Shootings, Mass Tragedies, Anxiety

How Do You Reassure Your Anxious Child When You’re Scared, Too? “As caregivers, we want to show up fully for our children in these troubled times. It’s natural to want to protect them, even as we struggle to comfort ourselves. Our kids have this amazing … Continue reading ADDitude Magazine: School Shootings, Mass Tragedies, Anxiety

Summer Vacations with ADHD: 5 Beat The Heat Tips for Families

Aah, the thrill of family vacations! Everyone piles in the car, bus or plane for a fun-filled week of togetherness and Hollywood happily-ever after endings, right? Family vacations often start with high hopes. Everyone imagines bubbly laughter, good food and happy connections. You are excited … Continue reading Summer Vacations with ADHD: 5 Beat The Heat Tips for Families

ADDitude Mag – When Children with ADHD Explore Gender Identity: A Guide for Parents

“It’s natural and healthy for children, teens, and young adults to explore gender identity along with other aspects of identity. When the child has ADHD, the unique facets of this condition can influence that process. Here, understand the intersection of neurodiversity and gender diversity, and … Continue reading ADDitude Mag – When Children with ADHD Explore Gender Identity: A Guide for Parents

Creating Stress-Free Summer Routines for Kids with ADHD

School is finally out, and everybody in the family exhales with a collective sigh of relief. No more harried mornings, bothersome homework sessions or arguments about bedtime. Time to kick back into free and easy mode, right? Well, not exactly. Just because you’ve eliminated school … Continue reading Creating Stress-Free Summer Routines for Kids with ADHD

Coping with the recent mass shootings: Advice for processing senseless gun violence in America

I had planned to write a blog this week on a hot topic related to ADHD–avoidance procrastination. It was outlined and researched. But, when I sat down to write, I couldn’t focus on it. My thoughts, my heart, my grief were with the people in … Continue reading Coping with the recent mass shootings: Advice for processing senseless gun violence in America

6 Tips for Parenting College Students with ADHD During Summer Break

As another school year is winding down, you may be preparing for your college student with ADHD to come back home for a while. Whether they’re home for just the summer, or moving back in, everyone in the household will need to make adjustments. Previously … Continue reading 6 Tips for Parenting College Students with ADHD During Summer Break

Worried and Watchful: 7 Strategies for Helping Neurodivergent Kids Manage Anxiety

Most kids and adults just want their anxiety to go away NOW. As parents, we try to anticipate and cope with the fear of our child or teen by trying to protect them from the pain. I don’t know about you, but this rarely worked … Continue reading Worried and Watchful: 7 Strategies for Helping Neurodivergent Kids Manage Anxiety

Consistent Parenting in ADHD Families: A 5-step plan for improving cooperation and communication

Many parents who are frustrated with their ADHD children come into my office and complain that “No matter what we do, our child doesn’t change. Nothing works.” As I meet with these families, the heart of the problem usually lies with inconsistency. Sometimes parents can … Continue reading Consistent Parenting in ADHD Families: A 5-step plan for improving cooperation and communication

Therapy for ADHD: 5 Tips for Finding the Right Therapist for a Child, Teen or Adult with ADHD

Recently, I received an email from a mom whose 11 year old son was recently diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. She said, “I am trying to find someone for him to speak with. What should I be looking for in a therapist? I want to … Continue reading Therapy for ADHD: 5 Tips for Finding the Right Therapist for a Child, Teen or Adult with ADHD

Managing Meltdowns and ADHD with the 4 R’s: How to help calm and reconnect with kids and teens

It’s a rainy Saturday, and you decide to bake chocolate chip cookies with your son, Leo (age 10), who has ADHD, and your daughter, Anya (age 8), who does not. Initially, things go smoothly with the kids taking turns as they move through the steps … Continue reading Managing Meltdowns and ADHD with the 4 R’s: How to help calm and reconnect with kids and teens

The 4 Steps to New Habits with ADHD: Taking control of your routines to better meet your goals

Do you have a habit of saving old boxes in case you might need them at some point in the future? Or, perhaps you let your mail accumulate in a pile because you dread the sorting process or slam doors when you are angry? Some … Continue reading The 4 Steps to New Habits with ADHD: Taking control of your routines to better meet your goals

How to Nurture Connected Independence in Kids & Teens with ADHD: Parenting with the 5C’s Framework

As a parent, we have many hopes for our kids. We aim to teach them lifelong social and emotional skills while helping them be more efficient and effective in daily tasks. For children, teens and emerging (young) adults with ADHD, learning to manage themselves independently … Continue reading How to Nurture Connected Independence in Kids & Teens with ADHD: Parenting with the 5C’s Framework

Taming Emotional Triggers with an ADHD Brain: How to understand big feelings and respond differently

When you live with ADHD, you live with the challenge of managing strong emotions. Whether you are a child, teen or adult, it can be tough to regulate how you process your feelings–psychologically, cognitively or behaviorally. The ADHD brain, with its ‘now/not now’ orientation, may … Continue reading Taming Emotional Triggers with an ADHD Brain: How to understand big feelings and respond differently

ADHD and Bullying (Part 2): How you can prepare kids to support victims of bullying as helpful upstanders

When it comes to bullying, there are two responsible parties: the bully and the bystander. Bystanders, or “onlookers,” are people who witness bullying behavior and allow the bully to continue by either encouraging it or saying nothing. The unspoken and often unconscious support of the … Continue reading ADHD and Bullying (Part 2): How you can prepare kids to support victims of bullying as helpful upstanders

Creating an ADHD-Friendly Morning Routine with Your Family: Wake up to a smoother start and a better day

Let’s face it–busy mornings can be stressful. It’s difficult to stay calm and collected with so much to do within a short period of time. For kids with ADHD, there are often additional stumbles and delays when they forget something, get distracted or need to … Continue reading Creating an ADHD-Friendly Morning Routine with Your Family: Wake up to a smoother start and a better day

ADHD and Bullying (Part 1): How to help kids with ADHD recognize, respond to and prevent bullying

Sadly, it’s all too common that neurodivergent kids to experience some level of teasing, taunting or bullying as they grow. Despite anti-bullying policies in schools and best efforts to raise awareness, kids with ADHD will likely find themselves as victims and/or aggressors at one time … Continue reading ADHD and Bullying (Part 1): How to help kids with ADHD recognize, respond to and prevent bullying

When Kids with ADHD Have Oppositional Reactions: Moving past ‘No’ with the PAUSE program

With all of the frustration, disappointment and restriction children and teens with ADHD are feeling these days, it’s even harder for them to self-regulate at school or at home. They may lose their temper more quickly, say inappropriate things, and refuse requests to finish chores … Continue reading When Kids with ADHD Have Oppositional Reactions: Moving past ‘No’ with the PAUSE program

ADHD Hyperfocus: How to manage this double-edged sword for your health and productivity

Are you ever so engrossed in an activity that time seems to stop and nothing can tear you away? Does it ever seem like you lose sense of where you are and what’s happening around you? This can be the experience of hyperfocus for many … Continue reading ADHD Hyperfocus: How to manage this double-edged sword for your health and productivity

Parenting Neurodivergent Kids with a Growth Mindset: How you can take ‘failure’ out of your vocabulary

With the start of a new year comes an opportunity to pivot. This year, I’m recommending that you eliminate the word ‘failure’ from any description of your parenting and replace it with ‘efforting.’ Failure is generally defined as a lack of success, and there’s a finality … Continue reading Parenting Neurodivergent Kids with a Growth Mindset: How you can take ‘failure’ out of your vocabulary

New Year, New Habits, Same ADHD: How to plan for and maintain new habits together, as a family

Happy New Year! As we welcome 2022, it’s natural for most people to consider what worked last year and what you’d like to do differently in the months to come. You might be considering how can you reduce work or family stress and improve the … Continue reading New Year, New Habits, Same ADHD: How to plan for and maintain new habits together, as a family

Recognizing Inattentive ADHD: The 5 Most Overlooked Signs and Helpful Tips for Living with Them

Inattentive ADHD is one of three types of ADHD (hyperactive-impulsive and combination are the other two types). It is often characterized by difficulties in keeping focused, staying organized and following directions or conversations. These experiences may lead to a sustained pattern of losing things, careless … Continue reading Recognizing Inattentive ADHD: The 5 Most Overlooked Signs and Helpful Tips for Living with Them

Giving Experiences and Building Community: Family gifts and activities that boost the holiday spirit

In the whirlwind of the holidays, it’s easy to forget the true meaning of the season–connecting with loved ones and giving back. The spirit of giving goes beyond buying stuff. As fun as it is to give and receive material possessions, it’s important to nurture … Continue reading Giving Experiences and Building Community: Family gifts and activities that boost the holiday spirit

Simplifying the Holiday Season with Your Neurodiverse Family: How to prevent stress and foster joy

As the holiday season unfolds, my clients and friends express feeling very stressed. Some people have a long list of gifts to buy and wait until the last minute to do their shopping. Some schedule back-to-back social plans and celebrate with gusto. Other folks dislike … Continue reading Simplifying the Holiday Season with Your Neurodiverse Family: How to prevent stress and foster joy

Back Together with Gratitude: Managing your emotions and expectations during the holidays

Last year in 2020, you might have hosted or attended small holiday gatherings, if any. Some were in-person, and some were virtual. Overall, it was different, and this year will feel different yet again. Thankfully, we have Covid-19 vaccines, our favorite masks on hand, and … Continue reading Back Together with Gratitude: Managing your emotions and expectations during the holidays

Productive Procrastination and ADHD: How to stop running in place and start tackling your goals

Many people with ADHD think that procrastination is a natural part of having ADHD and, all too often, see themselves as being incapable of getting things done that they would like to. However, most procrastinators rarely spend their time doing nothing. Instead, they are great … Continue reading Productive Procrastination and ADHD: How to stop running in place and start tackling your goals

ADHD, Emotional Regulation and Managing Family Conflict: Replacing Time-outs with Time-in or Time-apart

Many parents of ADHD children and teens come into my office and report that nothing really works in terms of discipline and consequences. “My son just doesn’t care what we take away,” or “my daughter laughs when we ground her.” While all kids balk at … Continue reading ADHD, Emotional Regulation and Managing Family Conflict: Replacing Time-outs with Time-in or Time-apart

Wandering Attention and ADHD: How daydreaming can help you relax and think creatively

Many parents and teachers are concerned when they see children or teens daydreaming or spacing out. They wrongfully assume that daydreaming is not ‘productive’ and is therefore a waste of time. However, periodically letting your mind drift is actually good for you. It allows for … Continue reading Wandering Attention and ADHD: How daydreaming can help you relax and think creatively

Low Motivation and ADHD: Using ‘GRIT’ to tackle the essential tasks when you’re just not interested

Handling tasks and obligations we don’t enjoy is a part of everyday life. There are always meals to cook, laundry to do and garbage to take out. Most of us need to push ourselves to do tedious chores. Those with ADHD find it especially difficult … Continue reading Low Motivation and ADHD: Using ‘GRIT’ to tackle the essential tasks when you’re just not interested

ADHD Misconceptions: How to respond to 4 damaging false beliefs and assumptions about ADHD

As we continue to celebrate ADHD Awareness Month, I’d like to offer you support and suggestions for dealing with people who don’t understand what it’s like to live with ADHD or believe that it truly exists. Maybe it’s your friend, boss, teacher, coach or a … Continue reading ADHD Misconceptions: How to respond to 4 damaging false beliefs and assumptions about ADHD

Starting Tasks with ADHD: How to help kids and teens feel motivated to get the ball rolling!

Have you ever asked your teen with ADHD to start their homework–over and over–and, still, they don’t sit down to do it? Even if they’re failing the class, and it means they won’t be able to play on the basketball team? Even if it means … Continue reading Starting Tasks with ADHD: How to help kids and teens feel motivated to get the ball rolling!

Planning and Prioritizing Practices for ADHD Brains: What’s the plan, and when do you start?!

Does it ever seem like you have way too much to do, and every task looks equally important and daunting? Many kids and adults with ADHD struggle to figure out what the order of doing things should look like and how to get started. This … Continue reading Planning and Prioritizing Practices for ADHD Brains: What’s the plan, and when do you start?!

Tone of Voice Awareness in Neurodiverse Families: How to practice self-regulation in family conflicts

Neurodiverse families often struggle with emotional reactivity and verbal impulse control. Negative feelings and unpleasant words can intensify in the blink of an eye. Still, when the moments arise, it’s hard enough to calm down your own emotions — let alone the emotions of your … Continue reading Tone of Voice Awareness in Neurodiverse Families: How to practice self-regulation in family conflicts

Cooling Down Conversations in Neurodiverse Families: De-escalate and do-over with ‘WAIT-Now’ and ‘Take Back of the Day’

Have you ever said something to your child or teen that you wished you could take back? In the heat of the moment, it’s all too easy to let our emotions take over instead of choosing our words carefully. Most parents lose their cool at … Continue reading Cooling Down Conversations in Neurodiverse Families: De-escalate and do-over with ‘WAIT-Now’ and ‘Take Back of the Day’

Personal Project Planners for ADHD Minds: Start managing tasks, time and ideas with this creative tool!

Projects can be difficult. Whether you’re putting off a project, or just slugging through each part of it over the course of what seems like months, a new undertaking can really drain you. No matter how small a project, or how large a task, we … Continue reading Personal Project Planners for ADHD Minds: Start managing tasks, time and ideas with this creative tool!

Return to School with ADHD and COVID Uncertainty (again)

Just when we thought we’d turned a corner in the COVID war, the virus is rearing its ugly head again. As kids go back to school, uncertainty looms once again. The Delta variant is making all of us more nervous than we might already be. … Continue reading Return to School with ADHD and COVID Uncertainty (again)

Responding to ADHD Doubters: Learn history and science that debunks 5 common ADHD myths

It’s a sad but true fact. Many people still, even after the surge of ADHD research over the past 30 years, don’t believe it’s real. Whether they are misinformed about – or deny – the existence of neurodiversity, their denial likely affects you in some … Continue reading Responding to ADHD Doubters: Learn history and science that debunks 5 common ADHD myths

Create Successful Neurodiverse Family Outings Today: Time to connect with the great outdoors!

After 18 months of dealing with the stress of indoor COVID living, using screens for social connections, and managing the stress of hybrid education, most of us have been hankering for some much needed rest and relaxation this summer. As we head into the last … Continue reading Create Successful Neurodiverse Family Outings Today: Time to connect with the great outdoors!

Regulate Summer Screen Time for Your Child with ADHD and Yourself

Summer is here! How are your kids and teens with ADHD spending the extra free time? On the one hand, kids and teens have more time to turn to video games and connecting with friends on social media. On the other, they have more time … Continue reading Regulate Summer Screen Time for Your Child with ADHD and Yourself

Negative Memory Bias and ADHD: Tips to Help Kids and Youth with ADHD Remember the Positives

Have you ever noticed that your child or teen with ADHD remembers negative comments people say to them more than they do positive ones? While all human brains are wired for the negative memory bias, or negativity bias, the minds of kids and youth with … Continue reading Negative Memory Bias and ADHD: Tips to Help Kids and Youth with ADHD Remember the Positives

Couples Living with ADHD: Healthy practices that focus less on fairness and more on companionship

Whether you have ADHD, your partner does or you both do, there’s one thing for certain: the tasks of living–whether fun or tedious–can often seem overwhelming and unmanageable. Executive functioning skill challenges, learning disabilities, ASD, anxiety or depression can add to the complexity of any … Continue reading Couples Living with ADHD: Healthy practices that focus less on fairness and more on companionship

ADHD and Negativity: Why ADHD kids and teens say “No” and how to help them communicate

As a parent of a neurodivergent child with ADHD, you might struggle with understanding symptoms of ADHD and negativity. It seems like you’re constantly catching your child or teen with a negative attitude. It’s ‘No’ to this and ‘No’ to that! You might wonder if … Continue reading ADHD and Negativity: Why ADHD kids and teens say “No” and how to help them communicate

Dinnertime for the Family with ADHD: How to make family meals more enjoyable for all

Dinnertime can be a wonderful opportunity to catch up with your family, learn what’s going on in each other’s lives and share the delightful experience of a tasty meal. It has the potential to be an enjoyable break in your day where you can check-in … Continue reading Dinnertime for the Family with ADHD: How to make family meals more enjoyable for all

Gender, Sexuality and ADHD: Parenting Children and Youth with ADHD Exploring Their Gender and Sexual Identity

Growing, learning and exploring gender and sexuality Neurodiverse and neurotypical children, teenagers, and young adults are constantly questioning things. As their brain develops, they learn more about themselves and the world around them. Therefore, it’s natural for them to be inquisitive. Part of this curiosity … Continue reading Gender, Sexuality and ADHD: Parenting Children and Youth with ADHD Exploring Their Gender and Sexual Identity

Dads with ADHD: How to use your unique strengths to assist your kids

As a father with ADHD, you know firsthand what your neurodivergent child or teen lives with every day. Because boys are more likely than girls to be hyperactive or impulsive, ADHD in boys is often displayed and diagnosed earlier and more often. But you may … Continue reading Dads with ADHD: How to use your unique strengths to assist your kids

Kick off the Summer with 6 Easy Strategies for Better Living with ADHD

A Covid-vaccinated summer is finally here! What a beautiful season, especially for families who can spend a little more time together without all of the classes, extracurricular activities, and other school year obligations. It’s a time of year that people get to feel relaxed and … Continue reading Kick off the Summer with 6 Easy Strategies for Better Living with ADHD

6 Helpful Tips for Dealing with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

What is Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria? ADHD has a large group of companions that like to come along for the ride, whether that’s anxiety and depression, learning disabilities, or autism. Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD), while not a formal diagnostic category, describes experiences that often occur with … Continue reading 6 Helpful Tips for Dealing with Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria

ADHD and Anger in the Family: Manage Outbursts with STOP-THINK-ACT

Let’s face it: the past 18 months have been rough. For kids and adults living with ADHD, there’s been more challenges than ever managing disappointment, frustration and anxiety. As we transition to a new normal, it’s worth learning from those struggles and angry outbursts that … Continue reading ADHD and Anger in the Family: Manage Outbursts with STOP-THINK-ACT

Post-Pandemic Self-Care for Parents: 12 Tips for Wellness Practices in a New Normal

Over the past year, we’ve touched on the importance of self-care for parents during the pandemic. It’s essential for parents to take care of themselves during these times, especially parents of children and teens who struggle with ADHD, learning disabilities, anxiety and other issues. After … Continue reading Post-Pandemic Self-Care for Parents: 12 Tips for Wellness Practices in a New Normal

Parenting Older Teens with ADHD: Land the helicopter and focus on scaffolding

Launching older teens with ADHD can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Your adolescent might be preparing to leave the shelter of high school for college, a gap year, trade school, an apprenticeship or a job. How do you know when to support them and when … Continue reading Parenting Older Teens with ADHD: Land the helicopter and focus on scaffolding

Moms with ADHD: Nurturing your power of authenticity

Parents are jugglers. Education, events, extra-curricular activities, hobbies, sports, chores, work–at any given time we’ve got several balls in the air. On top of managing all of this, women have to deal with the additional issue of cultural standards of motherhood that lead us to … Continue reading Moms with ADHD: Nurturing your power of authenticity

5 Tips for Parenting Neurodiverse Kids on the Same Page

Parenting with a former or current partner who doesn’t share your views about neurodiversity, including ADHD, learning disabilities, twice-exceptionality or autism, can be very challenging–for you and for your child or teen. Neurodiverse kids really need consistent messages, similar schedules and clear expectations. If they … Continue reading 5 Tips for Parenting Neurodiverse Kids on the Same Page

Beyond Sibling Rivalry: How to Mediate Sibling Relationships Complicated by ADHD

Are you tired of the arguments between your kids? Our sibling relationships are often the longest we experience in our lifetime. We all develop many integral skills within these core relationships. With siblings, we learn how to relate others, how to practice social skills and … Continue reading Beyond Sibling Rivalry: How to Mediate Sibling Relationships Complicated by ADHD

5 Tips to Uplevel Your Spring Cleaning and Decluttering

As the spring air settles in, the daylight hours get longer, and our positivity shifts. But that glistening sunshine may cast a harsh light on the parts of your home and your life that need a good reset after this COVID year. Spring cleaning and … Continue reading 5 Tips to Uplevel Your Spring Cleaning and Decluttering

Returning to School with ADHD: Tips on helping anxious kids transition smoothly

Back to school is normally a time of excitement with a splash of worry thrown in. But this year, with the shift from remote learning to in-person or hybrid instruction, it seems that there’s more worry with just a splash of excitement. For neurodiverse kids … Continue reading Returning to School with ADHD: Tips on helping anxious kids transition smoothly

The Truth about ADHD in Girls, and 5 Ways You Can Help

Raquel is a bright, creative girl who likes singing, dancing around the house and riding her bike. She is an eighth grade girl with ADHD and mild dyslexia and receives support services at school through her IEP. She can be articulate, warm and funny. Raquel … Continue reading The Truth about ADHD in Girls, and 5 Ways You Can Help

Recognizing ADHD in Boys and 4 Ways to Help Them Succeed

We know that ADHD affects both the person who has it and their family. Over six million children and adolescents in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD. While most ADHD profiles are not gender-specific, there are a few key differences between ADHD in … Continue reading Recognizing ADHD in Boys and 4 Ways to Help Them Succeed

Raising Teens with ADHD: Redefining what ‘success’ means

Let’s face it, raising teens today is challenging. With 24/7 access to screens, peers and entertainment, it’s tough to set boundaries, especially during a pandemic. Regardless of their words, actions or attitudes, most teens dislike family conflict as much as their parents do. Parenting “a … Continue reading Raising Teens with ADHD: Redefining what ‘success’ means

ADHD and Technology: Sensible Solutions to Screen (In)Sanity

Do you feel like your child with ADHD has turned into a tech-obsessed stranger? If so, you are not alone. Many parents and caregivers are distraught and overwhelmed by the role that technology now plays in the lives of their children and teens. While you … Continue reading ADHD and Technology: Sensible Solutions to Screen (In)Sanity

Overcoming 3 Common ADHD Parenting Struggles during COVID

Many families living with ADHD feel bogged down right now. As the COVID winter drags on, remote/hybrid learning combined with parents’ professional responsibilities are beyond tiresome. Families are arguing more than they would like as everybody’s fed up and kids are often pushing back. Although … Continue reading Overcoming 3 Common ADHD Parenting Struggles during COVID

Divorce and the ADHD Family: 3 Essential Tips for Better Co-Parenting

Divorce is so complicated. It can be tough on both kids and parents. For kids with ADHD who already struggle with organization, time management and transitions, going from one home to another can be disconcerting. They need their parent to establish and maintain consistency between … Continue reading Divorce and the ADHD Family: 3 Essential Tips for Better Co-Parenting

Teens, ADHD and Procrastination

Many teens with ADHD procrastinate and appear to lack self-discipline. Why? Sometimes they have anxiety around how to approach the task, how to complete the task or possible outcomes of failure or rejection. Sometimes they have perfectionistic tendencies that require energy and focus and can … Continue reading Teens, ADHD and Procrastination

ADHD and Defiance during COVID: What can you do instead of yelling?

There are so many facets to kids with ADHD. Yes, they are creative, passionate, energetic and smart. Yes, they can also be distractible, impulsive, intense and strong-willed. And yes, COVID is making things that were previously challenging harder in many ways and also adding new … Continue reading ADHD and Defiance during COVID: What can you do instead of yelling?

Teens and Young Adults in the Pandemic

What are some of the adjustments that teens and young adults are making in the pandemic? Teens and young adults are making many, many adjustments recently. Not only are they unable to see their friends and connect in familiar surrounding, but they are also facing … Continue reading Teens and Young Adults in the Pandemic

Beyond ADHD Pandemic Burnout: How to help your family regroup and find strength

If you are tired of hearing about how you and your family need to bounce back again as 2021 (and 2022) perpetuates the same problems as 2020, you are not alone. One mother of a fifteen year-old boy with ADHD and dyslexia who hates virtual … Continue reading Beyond ADHD Pandemic Burnout: How to help your family regroup and find strength

How to Transform Anxiety in Kids with ADHD to Excitement

Do you ever notice how your heart races in similar ways when you’re anxious and when you’re excited? The energy courses through your body and brain, and you feel a type of exhilaration. Of course, it’s more negative for anxiety and more positive for excitement. … Continue reading How to Transform Anxiety in Kids with ADHD to Excitement

ADHD in the New Year: Grow Something Good

Let’s face it, New Year’s resolutions rarely work. We all set well-intentioned goals about what we can do differently that rarely come to fruition. This year, I’d like to encourage you and your family to try something different. Instead of choosing something that isn’t going … Continue reading ADHD in the New Year: Grow Something Good

ADHD and 2020: How to Pivot to Positivity as an Uncertain Year Ends

What a year this has been! 2020 has redefined what it means to bounce back. Just when you think you’ve set up a routine that works and life seems to be chugging along, something comes and upsets the whole apple cart again. Pivoting to these … Continue reading ADHD and 2020: How to Pivot to Positivity as an Uncertain Year Ends

5 Parent Self-Care Ideas: Parenting ADHD in a Pandemic

Parent self-care is essential during these times in a pandemic. Parenting an ADHD child or teen can add even more complexity to this difficult time. Children and teens with ADHD have symptoms that make remote learning more difficult due to executive function challenges, and they … Continue reading 5 Parent Self-Care Ideas: Parenting ADHD in a Pandemic

ADHD and Motivation: How stress reduces productivity and what you can do about it

In October, the American Psychological Association released the results of its latest Stress in America survey. The report concluded that stress about COVID-19, the economy, racism and politics are threatening the mental health of our country, especially young people. In fact, the survey found that … Continue reading ADHD and Motivation: How stress reduces productivity and what you can do about it

Holidays and Family Estrangement

Family estrangement refers to the loss of a former relationship between parents and children, siblings or other extended family members. Holidays are times when this estrangement can lead to anxiousness, PTS and other conditions. Estrangement reflects physical or emotional distancing and minimal contact or communication … Continue reading Holidays and Family Estrangement

Gratitude in an Age of Uncertainty

It’s clear that this holiday season won’t look like anything we’re accustomed to. Unable to gather safely with beloved family and friends, many of us (myself included) are planning for much smaller dinners. With all of the uncertainty we’ve been facing as individuals and as … Continue reading Gratitude in an Age of Uncertainty

ADHD Teens and Remote Learning: 5 tips for learning success

Has your ADHD teen hit a wall with remote learning? Many teens with ADHD in middle and high school are struggling with organization, initiation, time management and a limited capacity for self-evaluation. It’s tough as a parent of a teen to know how much involvement … Continue reading ADHD Teens and Remote Learning: 5 tips for learning success

Teens with ADHD Habits that Hurt their Mental Health and How to Change Them

In the course of the past few months, I’ve seen a few major habits in teens that seem to be hurting their mental health more than help them. Here are my recent observations and some tips to turn these behaviors around. Too much time on … Continue reading Teens with ADHD Habits that Hurt their Mental Health and How to Change Them

Reducing Teen Stress and Anxiety during Pandemic

The Enormity of the COVID19 Experience My heart goes out to teens and young adults. Staying compassionate, offering to collaborate on tasks and being available to talk through emotions is critical in reducing teen stress and anxiety during this pandemic. Don’t try to solve issues. … Continue reading Reducing Teen Stress and Anxiety during Pandemic

ADHD and Anger: Tools for Reducing Family Conflict by Starting with Yourself

It’s amazing how a small spark of miscommunication or defiance can trigger an explosion in families, especially those living with ADHD. For kids who struggle with executive functioning challenges including working memory, behavioral control and emotional regulation, parents aren’t often sure how to prevent or … Continue reading ADHD and Anger: Tools for Reducing Family Conflict by Starting with Yourself

Message to Tween, Teens and Young Adults During Covid

This can be a tough time for emerging adults. Seven months into the pandemic, and things are still “far from normal”. You’ve lost so much of what was familiar, valued and fun in your lives–being on campus and attending in-person classes, socializing with peers, working, … Continue reading Message to Tween, Teens and Young Adults During Covid

Socializing in a Pandemic

People who are very engaged in social media must use caution to ensure that they don’t place more value on their virtual friends, or how many or few they have, versus their in-person relationships. We can all get distracted by the online world, believing that … Continue reading Socializing in a Pandemic

Change those habits that hurt mental health: Do something different today!

With everybody struggling now more than ever, I see a few major habits in my clients living with ADHD that hurt their mental health more than help them. Let’s look at these behaviors and explore how you can make a few shifts that will improve … Continue reading Change those habits that hurt mental health: Do something different today!

ADHD and Screen Sanity: Why a digital break is good for everybody right now

For many students, families and educators this fall, school as we’ve known has changed. Hybrid or remote learning means spending up to seven hours daily online for classes and then more time for homework. Many kids like to relax and connect with their friends via … Continue reading ADHD and Screen Sanity: Why a digital break is good for everybody right now

How to Nurture Yourself When Preparing for Back to School

It’s essential for parents and caregivers to take care of themselves during these times because we’re talking about a marathon, not a sprint. When you listen to the talk on an airplane about oxygen masks, you’re told to put one on yourself first and then … Continue reading How to Nurture Yourself When Preparing for Back to School

At-Home Learning with ADHD: Creating an ADHD-friendly learning environment

Studying in bed? Doing homework on the couch while watching television? Hybrid and remote learning are challenging for so many kids and parents. If you want your child or teen with ADHD to show up for their remote classes with focus and concentrate on their … Continue reading At-Home Learning with ADHD: Creating an ADHD-friendly learning environment

Millennial Loneliness and Depression

It can be hard to make friends as adults: People often feel like it’s hard to make friends as an adult because, quite frankly, it is. When we are in college or technical school, we have a community made for us and we share common … Continue reading Millennial Loneliness and Depression

Help! My Teen is So Unmotivated This Summer!

Teens experience a few types of academic burnout depending on their individual situations. For neurotypical kids, academic burnout usually arises towards the end of the semester when they are burdened with final tests, projects and paper in addition to their other commitments such as sports, … Continue reading Help! My Teen is So Unmotivated This Summer!

Body Image and ADHD: How to help kids who dislike their bodies

It’s heartbreaking when your son or daughter shares that they don’t like their bodies. They may dislike their shape, their height, their hair color, their fingernails, their nose or their feet. All too often, kids (and adults) compare themselves to an unattainable ideal of beauty … Continue reading Body Image and ADHD: How to help kids who dislike their bodies

Feeling low? Tips for keeping your sense of humor amidst the uncertainty

It’s really tough to stand in uncertainty and, right now, people around the globe are facing this challenge as best they can. With all of the confusion about whether to send kids back to school and how to manage hybrid or home learning while working, … Continue reading Feeling low? Tips for keeping your sense of humor amidst the uncertainty

Getting ready: Tips for preparing for school in uncertain times

After a spring semester with remote learning and its many complications for students, parents and educators, schools are reopening in the fall. While each state is dictating its own guidelines for this reopening, it looks like many independent schools and public school districts will opt … Continue reading Getting ready: Tips for preparing for school in uncertain times

Dealing with Defiant ADHD Teens and Tweens in this Strange COVID Summer

Now, more than ever, there seems to be very little we can predict and hold onto. Everyday, we hear new reports about climbing COVID cases as we struggle to practice safety measures, keep up with work, manage bored kids and keep our sanity intact. It … Continue reading Dealing with Defiant ADHD Teens and Tweens in this Strange COVID Summer

Tired of Adolescent Pushback? Here’s how to Understand and Cope with Defiant Teens

Teenagers can push your buttons like no one else. Teens with ADHD–living through the hormonal turmoil of adolescence in addition to struggling with executive functioning challenges such as impulse and emotional control, organization and motivation,  can simultaneously need your support and reject your concern. Unable … Continue reading Tired of Adolescent Pushback? Here’s how to Understand and Cope with Defiant Teens

Parenting Adult Children is Complicated

When young adults have lived independently, they are accustomed to making their own schedules and sleeping, eating, studying and socializing according to their own rhythm. In general,  they’re not that interested in free advice about what they could be doing better or differently. Instead, they … Continue reading Parenting Adult Children is Complicated

Want a summer of sanity? Here are five tips for living better with your ADHD kids today!

With some schools already closed and others finishing up for the summer, parents of kids with ADHD are all asking the same question: What do we do now? Most in-person camps and activity programs have been cancelled and many families have lost necessary childcare, much-anticipated … Continue reading Want a summer of sanity? Here are five tips for living better with your ADHD kids today!

Navigating Re-integration for Kids with ADHD: Four Essential Tips

As things start to open up, we are now faced with dozens of new challenges. Kids want to see their friends, go to carry-out restaurants, be outside and have some fun. How can they safely socialize with peers, play outdoors or visit with extended family? … Continue reading Navigating Re-integration for Kids with ADHD: Four Essential Tips

Improving Time Management COVID Challenges for Kids with ADHD

Now more than ever, it seems like kids of all ages are wrestling with understanding, budgeting and managing their time. One parent tells me: “My 10 year old daughter dawdles for over an hour at night before going to bed. It takes her forever to … Continue reading Improving Time Management COVID Challenges for Kids with ADHD

Feeling shut down? How to help your family cope with numbness and isolation during COVID

Do you notice that your son or daughter is feeling more frustrated, down and hopeless as the shelter-in-place directive and online schooling continues? I’m hearing from so many kids and parents that things seem to be getting worse as this confinement continues. With thousands of … Continue reading Feeling shut down? How to help your family cope with numbness and isolation during COVID

5 Essential Emotional Survival Tips for Families Living with ADHD during Confinement

It’s hard to believe that we’re halfway through April and we are still living in confinement—all around the world. Although you may have established daily routines (and I hope you have because structure is comforting for kids with ADHD), emotions are probably running high. Each … Continue reading 5 Essential Emotional Survival Tips for Families Living with ADHD during Confinement

Kids and Mental Health Days

Mental health days can be very beneficial to kids for a much-needed break from the stress of school, particularly with kids who have ADHD, learning disabilities or high functioning ASD for whom school can be their hardest area of functioning. When kids are particularly overwhelmed, … Continue reading Kids and Mental Health Days

Set Up Routines Now! Tips for being home with kids with ADHD during COVID-19

Has it been another exhausting day of managing your son or daughter with ADHD at home due to school closures from COVID-19? It’s tough to juggle their activities, school work and sibling arguments with your own issues about employment changes  and trying to stay calm … Continue reading Set Up Routines Now! Tips for being home with kids with ADHD during COVID-19

Sibling Strife: How to stay sane and manage sibling issues in your family

They’re at it-again. Your kids are fighting once more, accusing each other of doing or saying something unkind. The argument is escalating quickly into tears and accusations and you’re fed up and disheartened. All you want is for your kids to get along and be … Continue reading Sibling Strife: How to stay sane and manage sibling issues in your family

Why did you post THAT? Smart Screen Parenting for Kids with ADHD

It’s the question I hear from almost every parent I meet: How do I make sure my son or daughter is using technology appropriately? Research has shown that managing technology in families is the greatest sources of arguments in the home according to both kids … Continue reading Why did you post THAT? Smart Screen Parenting for Kids with ADHD

Forget Freaking Out: How to parent panic attacks in kids with ADHD

Does your child or teen ever tell you that they are having a panic attack? Or, do they describe symptoms such as shortness of breath, a pounding heart and the sudden feeling like the world is closing in on them? Panic attacks are awful for … Continue reading Forget Freaking Out: How to parent panic attacks in kids with ADHD

Impact of Watching Scary Shows

Stranger Things is back on Thursdays. Should you let your child watch it or other scary shows? How to judge if they are ready. Watching anything scary on television or at the movies before a child is cognitively, psychologically and emotionally ready to understand and … Continue reading Impact of Watching Scary Shows

Remember to Celebrate Your Strengths as a Parent This Holiday season

Recently I read an article in the New York Times about Tom Hanks as he was doing interviews for the release of his new movie, “A beautiful day in the neighborhood.” He talked about a lot of things but also discussed how it’s “not easy … Continue reading Remember to Celebrate Your Strengths as a Parent This Holiday season

Are You Giving Feedback or Criticism? Recognize the Difference and Change What You’re Doing

As a parent, your motivations and intentions behind a statement might greatly differ from how your child interprets it. How do you know when you are giving feedback or criticism, and who is to decide? For example: Your 16 year-old daughter, Layla, agrees to clean … Continue reading Are You Giving Feedback or Criticism? Recognize the Difference and Change What You’re Doing

Plan Now for A Happier Family Holiday Season

As the holidays descend upon us, it’s time to sit down and consider how you would like the holidays to with your family. We are seduced by the Hollywood ideal of stuffed stockings hanging above a glowing fire while people joyfully drink their hot cocoa. … Continue reading Plan Now for A Happier Family Holiday Season

Feeling Holiday Stress? Start caring for your mental health today!

Happiness during the holiday season for your family really depends on your ability to stay sane and stable in the midst of all of the shopping, planning and parties. When you are able to manage yourself with as much calm and clarity as possible, your … Continue reading Feeling Holiday Stress? Start caring for your mental health today!

The Benefits of Experiential Gifting

Black Friday, Cyber Monday Alternatives People Over Stuff! Giving experiences benefits people in several ways. First, you are offering them something unique that will provide them with lasting memories. Perhaps it’s an experience they’ve wanted to do but not been able or willing to arrange … Continue reading The Benefits of Experiential Gifting

How To Make Family Dinner, Family Connection Time

Do you rush to get a healthy dinner on the table and find your hopes for a nice meal dashed immediately? Arguments between kids, trouble staying at the table, inadvertent spills can transform a lovely opportunity for connection into a battle zone. Instead of positivity, … Continue reading How To Make Family Dinner, Family Connection Time

Teen Hormones and the ADHD brain? Helping Kids in Transition

As they enter adolescence, boys and girls with ADHD may not be able to articulate what is swirling around inside of them. Quick to react and then make inappropriate choices, they may not be aware of what triggers them or how to manage themselves differently. … Continue reading Teen Hormones and the ADHD brain? Helping Kids in Transition

Strategize Now to Set up a Successful School Year

Gather your strength–it’s time to set the alarms, make the lunches and buy the supplies. School is starting again. How can you avoid frustration and arguments to create the smooth transition that everybody wants? By relying on Compassion, Collaboration and Consistency, you can work with … Continue reading Strategize Now to Set up a Successful School Year

Recent College Grads: Adjustments, Parents’ Role, Jobs and Adult Life

What are some of the adjustments that recent college grad kids will be making? Recent college grads have many adjustments to make. Not only are they saying good-bye to many of their friends, a familiar surrounding and a student lifestyle, but they are also facing … Continue reading Recent College Grads: Adjustments, Parents’ Role, Jobs and Adult Life

Screens, Summer and Sanity

You are the parent! Repeat. Screens are NOT a right! You are the parent! Repeat. Screens are NOT a right, they are to be earned. Write what you will accept, and then work with your child – now, at the start of summer, to collaborate … Continue reading Screens, Summer and Sanity

Want better conversations with your child or teen with ADHD? Use the WAIT-Now Method

Do you ever say something to your son with ADHD, or daughter with ADHD, and wish you could take it back? Most parents feel this way at one time or another. Sometimes, especially when raising teens, I’ve imagined a cartoon bubble of my words and … Continue reading Want better conversations with your child or teen with ADHD? Use the WAIT-Now Method

Totto Learning: Are you worried your child has ADHD? Here are the next steps.

Hear how Dr. Sharon Saline explains what the first few steps as a parent you can do if you are worried that your child has ADHD and learn best practices for better parenting. –  Totto Learning. Watch the video:  

Totto Learning: Symptoms of ADHD in Children

Dr. Sharon Saline discuss symptoms of ADHD in children with Totto Learning. Watch the video:  

22 News Mass Appeal: Insight on helping kids cope with insecurity

(Mass Appeal) – The COVID-19 pandemic has turned lives upside down and it’s leaving many kids feeling more and more insecure. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline of, joined us with advice on helping children remember who they are. First, stated Dr. Saline, is normalize … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Insight on helping kids cope with insecurity

22 News Mass Appeal: Clever ways to pack in more fun with the kids before summer ends

(Mass Appeal) – Are you disappointed that the pandemic has hampered some fun summer plans with the family? Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline of joins us with some creative ways to enjoy time with the family while staying safe. Click logo below to watch.

CHADD Webinar: “Off You Go!” Helping Your Teen Navigate The Transition From High School To The Next Chapter

Many families struggle with the pressure and anxiety related to launching teens with ADHD to life after high school. It’s hard to know when to support them and when to let go. How can you teach them the life skills they’ll need to thrive independently? … Continue reading CHADD Webinar: “Off You Go!” Helping Your Teen Navigate The Transition From High School To The Next Chapter

22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

(Mass Appeal) – These are anxious times for kids and adults as the school year restarts. But it’s important to remember that children absorb how adults act in different situations and feed off those emotions and actions. Dr. Sharon Saline is here today with some … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

Additude Webinar Replay – Start with ‘Hello’: How to Reduce Social Anxiety and Foster Connections

Start with ‘Hello’: How to Reduce Social Anxiety and Foster Connections An ADDitude Webinar by Dr. Sharon Saline Watch the webinar here! Webinar description: “Do you hesitate to reach out to old friends — uncertain whether they’re eager to hear from you? Do you seldom … Continue reading Additude Webinar Replay – Start with ‘Hello’: How to Reduce Social Anxiety and Foster Connections

Additude Webinar Replay – Gender Diversity and Neurodiversity: How to Support a Child, Teen, or Young Adult with ADHD as They Explore Gender

“If every generation of youth finds a way to upend parents’ basic notions of the world, certainly gender is today’s arena for change. With children and teens increasingly declaring a gender different than their sex assigned at birth, and many teens responding to “they/them/their,” nothing … Continue reading Additude Webinar Replay – Gender Diversity and Neurodiversity: How to Support a Child, Teen, or Young Adult with ADHD as They Explore Gender

22 News Mass Appeal: Back to School Week: Start The New School Year With The Right Study Habits

(Mass Appeal) – Did your kids struggle in the spring with remote learning? It’s important to start the new school year off on the right foot. Here with some study tips for hybrid and remote learning is clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline Click logo below … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Back to School Week: Start The New School Year With The Right Study Habits

The Enrollment Management Association: The Big Pivot: Preparing Your Community for an Unusual Back-to-School Transition

This has certainly been the strangest of times. The combination of changes wrought by COVID-19 and socio-political protests have disrupted life for students, families, and school communities across the world. Canceled summer programs, internships, jobs, and vacations intensified everybody’s disappointment, frustration, and worry. It’s tough … Continue reading The Enrollment Management Association: The Big Pivot: Preparing Your Community for an Unusual Back-to-School Transition

22 News Mass Appeal: Reducing Anxiety by Shifting From Worry to Wonder

(Mass Appeal) – Look at how much worrying you’ve done over the past few months. Imagine in the future you took all the time you would’ve spent worrying and shifted that to be more inquisitive by wondering in a positive way? Dr. Sharon Saline explains … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Reducing Anxiety by Shifting From Worry to Wonder

Additude Mag: From Screen Time to Safe Socializing: The Summer 2020 Guide for ADHD Families

Summer safety during a pandemic means activities that are socially distant yet still fun and collaborative for kids with ADHD. Use these strategies to better communicate with your child, devise activities for the whole family, and make the most of this weird summer. Click the … Continue reading Additude Mag: From Screen Time to Safe Socializing: The Summer 2020 Guide for ADHD Families

Additude Mag: Q: Why Is My Child with ADHD So Angry and Violent Now?

Some children with ADHD are prone to emotional outbursts of anger, violence, and abusive language. Here, learn how parents can anticipate and prevent this extreme emotional dysregulation, and respond calmly and productively when it happens. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

(Mass Appeal) – These are anxious times for kids and adults as the school year restarts. But it’s important to remember that children absorb how adults act in different situations and feed off those emotions and actions. Dr. Sharon Saline is here today with some … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Understanding and managing the anxiety of returning to school

22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to support students doing remote or hybrid learning

(Mass Appeal) – The start of school is a lot different this year. Parents can help keep their children by implementing these four tips offered by Dr. Sharon Saline of Acknowledge the ups and downs of the current time and validate their feelings. Brainstorm new … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to support students doing remote or hybrid learning

22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to show love to our children and teens

It’s almost Valentine’s day, so we spend a lot of time talking about romantic love. But, right now we’re not talking about wine, chocolate, and flowers. We’re talking about the love we have for our children. Sure, we say we love them all the time, … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to show love to our children and teens

Smith College Studies in Social Work: Thriving in the New Normal

Thriving in the New Normal: How COVID-19 has Affected Alternative Learners and Their Families and Implementing Effective, Creative Therapeutic Interventions This article has been accepted for publication in Smith College Studies in Social Work, Volume 91, 2021 – Issue 1, published by Taylor & Francis. … Continue reading Smith College Studies in Social Work: Thriving in the New Normal

22 News Mass Appeal: Adapting to change: Tips for making effective adjustments

(Mass Appeal) – Life is filled with changes, some of them positive and some of them challenging. In this year of COVID, there have been more changes than many of us can count. Adapting to them has been really tough for some folks, whether you … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Adapting to change: Tips for making effective adjustments

Overcoming Distractions Podcast: EP 107: Ditch negative thinking and develop a positive mindset with your ADHD

How can I have a positive mindset when I have ADHD? That is a question we hear all the time, and we are going to do our best to answer it and offer some expert advice on the subject in this episode. Some people call … Continue reading Overcoming Distractions Podcast: EP 107: Ditch negative thinking and develop a positive mindset with your ADHD

RE-Focus Podcast EP 39: Managing your child’s risky behaviors

Angela Stephens, host of the RE-Focus podcast, is joined by Sharon Saline, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist, who is an expert in how ADHD, learning disabilities and mental health issues affect children, teens and families. They discuss improving memory and focus, taking on your child’s … Continue reading RE-Focus Podcast EP 39: Managing your child’s risky behaviors

22 News Mass Appeal: Managing stress for a better night’s sleep

(Mass Appeal) – The past year has been nothing short of stressful and the simple fact is that stress can adversely affect your sleep quality. Joining us with four tips on managing your stress – and getting a better night’s sleep – is clinical psychologist … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Managing stress for a better night’s sleep

Psychotherapy Networker | Relearning Parenthood: When Children Reach Adulthood, What Then?

“I live in an open nest. It’s not an empty one, but some days it sure feels that way. The rooms are tidy and still. Things stay just where I place them: the dirty glass in the sink, the jeans drying over the bannister, the … Continue reading Psychotherapy Networker | Relearning Parenthood: When Children Reach Adulthood, What Then?

Overcoming Distractions EP 122: Managing burnout and overwhelm when you have ADHD

“If you have ADHD and you feel you are suffering from overwhelm or even burnout, you want to take the time to listen to this new podcast episode. We discuss one of the silent conditions of mental health and that is burnout. Back on Overcoming … Continue reading Overcoming Distractions EP 122: Managing burnout and overwhelm when you have ADHD

TDAH Descomplicado Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline

The best way to help your child with ADHD ADHD Coach Yuri Maia, TDAH descomplicado (Brazil), and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline (U.S.) discuss Dr. Saline’s experience with ADHD, helpful tips for families, and her book, What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew, that is … Continue reading TDAH Descomplicado Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline

Relationship: How to Let Someone Go- 3 Most Important Things You Must Do

“Ending a relationship can be hard, extremely hard. Human beings are relational.  The majority of us thrive when we are in relationships that are healthy and mutually satisfying. Sometimes, however, ending relationships and letting someone go is a  necessary and difficult part of one’s life … Continue reading Relationship: How to Let Someone Go- 3 Most Important Things You Must Do

COCORO MEDIA: The ADHD-Anger Connection (Japanese Translation)

COCORO MEDIA has translated Dr. Sharon Saline’s Psychology Today article “The ADHD-Anger Connection: How to rein in your temper, reduce frustration, and give a genuine apology” from English to Japanese! Click here to read the COCORO MEDIA article (Japanese). Click here the original article on … Continue reading COCORO MEDIA: The ADHD-Anger Connection (Japanese Translation)

When Your Adult Child Learns They Are Neurodivergent

When Your Adult Child Learns They Are Neurodivergent It can be either a surprise or validation to discover your adult child is neurodivergent; here are ways to support them moving forward Read here!

Mental Health Out Loud: Eating Disorders and Body Image Among Teens

Mental Health Out Loud: Eating Disorders and Body Image Among Teens Eating disorders have among the highest mortality rate for any mental illness, but stigma and shame often keep people from seeking help. In this Q&A with ADDitude, Dr. Dena Cabrera discusses what defines an … Continue reading Mental Health Out Loud: Eating Disorders and Body Image Among Teens

How to Set Boundaries with Family: A Joy-Preserving Guide

How to Set Boundaries with Family: A Joy-Preserving Guide Setting boundaries with relatives who are committed to misunderstanding your child’s ADHD is necessary to protect your family — and your joy. Here, find scripts for setting limits, ideas for approaching family get-togethers, and what to … Continue reading How to Set Boundaries with Family: A Joy-Preserving Guide

Forum: Important to Expose Children to Different Types of Clocks

Forum: Important to Expose Children to Different Types of Clocks Difficulties in perceiving time are also a key deficit in those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). According to ADHD expert Sharon Saline, many kids with ADHD struggle to feel time as it passes and have to … Continue reading Forum: Important to Expose Children to Different Types of Clocks

What are The Five C’s of ADHD Parenting? How Can It Help Improve Parent-Child Bond?

What are The Five C’s of ADHD Parenting? How Can It Help Improve Parent-Child Bond? ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurodevelopmental condition that affects millions of children and adults worldwide. In India, the prevalence of ADHD has been on the rise, with … Continue reading What are The Five C’s of ADHD Parenting? How Can It Help Improve Parent-Child Bond?

5 Things Kids with ADHD Want Parents to Know, According to a Psychologist

5 Things Kids with ADHD Want Parents to Know, According to a Psychologist   Read here!

Supplements For ADHD: Are They Effective?

Supplements For ADHD: Are They Effective? Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) treatments don’t eliminate this common mental health condition, but rather aim to reduce symptoms and improve an individual’s functioning, per the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Typically, individuals with ADHD benefit from psychotherapy, medication or … Continue reading Supplements For ADHD: Are They Effective?

Eight Tips to Make Halloween a Treat for Your Child with ADHD

Eight Tips to Make Halloween a Treat for Your Child with ADHD Halloween can be tough for children with ADHD — and their parents. There is so much stimulation, unknowns, safety rules, unexpected transitions and waaayyyy too much sugar candy. How can you help your … Continue reading Eight Tips to Make Halloween a Treat for Your Child with ADHD

I-Team: What’s leading to ADHD drug shortage?

I-Team: What’s leading to ADHD drug shortage? A sharp increase in ADHD diagnoses during the pandemic has led to a nationwide medication shortage that is impacting families here in western Massachusetts. The shortage is forcing pharmacists to get creative with dosing and parents to scramble … Continue reading I-Team: What’s leading to ADHD drug shortage?

The Unspoken Truths of Postpartum Depression: Help for Women With and Without ADHD

“The Unspoken Truths of Postpartum Depression: Help for Women With and Without ADHD” [Video Replay & Podcast #470] Pregnancy and childbirth are life-altering events, and it is not uncommon for postpartum mood disturbances to impact the mental health of new mothers. Studies suggest that ADHD … Continue reading The Unspoken Truths of Postpartum Depression: Help for Women With and Without ADHD

ADHD and The Imposter Syndrome: Fighting the Feeling that You Are Never Enough

ADHD and The Imposter Syndrome: Fighting the Feeling that You Are Never Enough Does this scenario resonate with you? THEM: What a bang-up job you did in the meeting today! So smart the way you handled that. YOU: Oh, it was just luck that I … Continue reading ADHD and The Imposter Syndrome: Fighting the Feeling that You Are Never Enough

How Alabama Residents can Support Each Other Through ADHD Medication Shortage

How Alabama Residents can Support Each Other Through ADHD Medication Shortage Alabama is still experiencing a shortage in medicine used to treat one of the most common neuro-developmental disorders. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is a common condition that is shown through inattention, hyperactivity … Continue reading How Alabama Residents can Support Each Other Through ADHD Medication Shortage

How 3 Useful Changes Can Make Positive Differences in Your Life

HOW 3 USEFUL CHANGES CAN MAKE POSITIVE DIFFERENCES IN YOUR LIFE Proactive change is a fascinating thing. It’s the type of change you seek when you desire a shift in your life. You might have identified an area you want to improve, a behavior you … Continue reading How 3 Useful Changes Can Make Positive Differences in Your Life

Are Your Kid’s Meltdowns a Sign of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria?

Are Your Kid’s Meltdowns a Sign of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria? If you’ve noticed that your child is exhibiting sudden emotional outbursts, crying, or even aggressive behavior when they feel rejected or criticized—often leading to social isolation—it’s possible that they are affected by Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria … Continue reading Are Your Kid’s Meltdowns a Sign of Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria?

Women & ADHD Podcast: How do we know if it’s ADHD?

The ADHD & Women Podcast features Dr. Sharon Saline “Dr. Saline and I talk about how her interest in ADHD as a psychologist was sparked by her own neurodivergent family. We also talk about inattentive type ADHD in childhood and why so many kids — … Continue reading Women & ADHD Podcast: How do we know if it’s ADHD?

PsychCentral: The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2021

“You want to learn more about attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). You’re looking for tips on how to improve your focus. You’re interested in supporting a loved one who lives with this mental health condition. Whether you have a diagnosis or know someone who does, … Continue reading PsychCentral: The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2021

PsychCentral: 32 of the Best Ways to Get Organized When You Have ADHD

“Staying organized might be a challenge for people living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but it is possible. It’s natural for projects and responsibilities to get out of hand once in a while. You may have a busy schedule, or it might be a … Continue reading PsychCentral: 32 of the Best Ways to Get Organized When You Have ADHD

Intrepid Ed News: Let’s get started! 5 tips for helping kids get things done

“Do you wonder why some kids struggle with starting things, sticking with them, and finishing up? Whether it’s working on a school project or preparing for their birthday party, many children and teens struggle with getting started on tasks that seem important but can be … Continue reading Intrepid Ed News: Let’s get started! 5 tips for helping kids get things done

Intrepid Ed News – Dealing with ‘Back To School’ Anxiety: 5 Tips To Assist Your Child or Teen Make A Smooth Transition

5 Tips to Assist Your Child/Teen With ADHD Make A Smooth Transition: Kids have an incredible radar. They easily pick up when their parents are stressed or anxious, and it increases their own distress, conscious or unconscious. The first step in decreasing the anxiety your … Continue reading Intrepid Ed News – Dealing with ‘Back To School’ Anxiety: 5 Tips To Assist Your Child or Teen Make A Smooth Transition

Intrepid Ed News – Raising Successful Teens

“When my daughter was in ninth grade, she had very little interest in engaging with me. Sure, she was happy to start a conversation about getting her nose pierced but if I wanted to check in about anything related to school or the tennis team, … Continue reading Intrepid Ed News – Raising Successful Teens

Intrepid Ed News – Knowing what to do next: Tips for better planning and prioritizing

“Does it ever seem like you and your kids have way too much to do, and every task looks equally important and daunting? Many people, especially those with ADHD, struggle to make realistic plans, figure out what the order of doing things should look like, … Continue reading Intrepid Ed News – Knowing what to do next: Tips for better planning and prioritizing

Intrepid Ed News – Improve your student’s study and work habits: Using my GRIT method

“Does it ever seem like once your child or teen gets started on a project that they struggle to sustain their interest and complete it? Sustained-attention and goal-directed persistence are two key executive functioning skills that work together to help a student cross the finish … Continue reading Intrepid Ed News – Improve your student’s study and work habits: Using my GRIT method

Intrepid Ed News: 4 Common Parenting Challenges and How to Overcome Them

“Just when we thought we’d turned a corner in the COVID war, the Delta variant made all of us more nervous than we might already be. It’s worrisome for parents, educators, and students — all of whom are navigating wearing masks with quality instruction, engaged … Continue reading Intrepid Ed News: 4 Common Parenting Challenges and How to Overcome Them

Intrepid Ed News: Connect more, argue less: The 5C’s of ADHD parenting

“It’s 9 p.m. and your 13-year-old daughter with ADHD is rushing around the house frantically looking for her social studies book. She’s just realized that she has to read a chapter and answer five questions to prepare for the quiz tomorrow. You calmly offer to … Continue reading Intrepid Ed News: Connect more, argue less: The 5C’s of ADHD parenting

The Local Moms Network – The Pandemic & ADHD: Why More Moms Are Being Diagnosed

“Mothers are multi-taskers and doing many things or being responsible for engineering the lives of their children can be overwhelming. When women feel overwhelmed more often than not, when they have difficulty organizing themselves and their children, when they lose their tempers and/or patience more … Continue reading The Local Moms Network – The Pandemic & ADHD: Why More Moms Are Being Diagnosed

MSN – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

“Do you want to learn how to talk to anyone and have better conversations? Do you ever wish that you could pause time, take back something you said, and start over? Would you like to be someone who has quick, interesting comebacks in conversations, instead … Continue reading MSN – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

ABC4 Utah – Good Things Utah: What do you get when you combine Krispy Kreme and Twix?

“It’s time to start letting go of the shame of daydreaming and be proud of being scatterbrained. Many parents and teachers are concerned when they see children or teens daydreaming or spacing out. They wrongfully assume that daydreaming is not “productive” and is, therefore, a … Continue reading ABC4 Utah – Good Things Utah: What do you get when you combine Krispy Kreme and Twix?

CHADD ADHD Newsstand: Help Your Child Better Cope with Social Anxiety

“Social anxiety is a fear that people will scrutinize you in familiar or unfamiliar social situations and that this negative judgment will have harmful effects on you,” says Sharon Saline, PsyD, author of What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids … Continue reading CHADD ADHD Newsstand: Help Your Child Better Cope with Social Anxiety

YourTango: 7 Tools For Managing Childhood Anxiety

“Most kids and adults just want their anxiety to go away NOW. As parents, we try to anticipate and cope with the fear of our child or teen by trying to protect them from the pain. I don’t know about you, but this rarely worked … Continue reading YourTango: 7 Tools For Managing Childhood Anxiety

YourTango: 8 Simple Ways To Make Your College Kid’s Transition Home Easier — On Everyone

“As another school year is winding down, many of us have welcomed our sons and daughters home from college. Whether your college kid’s home for just the summer or they are moving back in after graduating, everyone in the household will need to make adjustments. … Continue reading YourTango: 8 Simple Ways To Make Your College Kid’s Transition Home Easier — On Everyone

YourTango: How To Talk To Kids About School Shootings & Process The Grief We’re All Experiencing

“Ten days after the racially-motivated shooting in Buffalo, New York at a grocery store and ten years after the unspeakable tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, Americans are once again dealing with a horrific mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas. This small community west of San Antonio will … Continue reading YourTango: How To Talk To Kids About School Shootings & Process The Grief We’re All Experiencing

YourTango: It’s Not Just Puppy Love — 4 Things You Must Do When Your Tween Has A Crush

“Is your tween showing signs of a first crush? Do you notice them spending more time in front of the mirror, carefully picking out just the right outfit, and doing their hair? Are they suddenly showering more often, texting with intensity, or casually dropping someone’s … Continue reading YourTango: It’s Not Just Puppy Love — 4 Things You Must Do When Your Tween Has A Crush

YourTango: Daydreamers Are Basically Creative Geniuses — How To Harness A Wandering Mind

“It’s time to start letting go of the shame of daydreaming and be proud of being scatterbrained. Many parents and teachers are concerned when they see children or teens daydreaming or spacing out. They wrongfully assume that daydreaming is not “productive” and is, therefore, a … Continue reading YourTango: Daydreamers Are Basically Creative Geniuses — How To Harness A Wandering Mind

YourTango – The 5 Most Overlooked Symptoms Of Inattentive ADHD & How To Cope With Each

“Inattentive ADHD is often characterized by difficulties in keeping focused, staying organized, and following directions or conversations. These experiences may lead to a sustained pattern of losing things, careless mistakes, and mental fatigue. There are three different types of ADHD, each with differences in how … Continue reading YourTango – The 5 Most Overlooked Symptoms Of Inattentive ADHD & How To Cope With Each

MSN: The One Word You Must Remove From Your Vocabulary When Parenting Kids With ADHD

“What would it be like to remove the word “failure” from any description of your parenting and replace it with “efforting”? Failure is generally defined as a lack of success. There is a finality associated with the word that doesn’t really apply to the long-haul … Continue reading MSN: The One Word You Must Remove From Your Vocabulary When Parenting Kids With ADHD

ADHD Online: Understanding Hyperfocus and How to Make It Work For You

“Usually, hyperfocus happens when you’re doing an activity that you find fun or interesting, explains Sharon Saline, Psy.D., a clinical psychologist, author and speaker. But it can also happen when you’re trying to meet a deadline or work through a task you find boring, according … Continue reading ADHD Online: Understanding Hyperfocus and How to Make It Work For You

MSN: An ADHD Specialist Explains Why Female Symptoms Are Often Ignored By Professionals Until Later In Life

“Historically, ADHD was been considered a condition for rambunctious little boys who don’t listen to their teachers. However, that stereotype is based mostly upon myth. Plenty of boys with ADHD don’t disrupt class, and little girls can also have ADHD — as can adults. This … Continue reading MSN: An ADHD Specialist Explains Why Female Symptoms Are Often Ignored By Professionals Until Later In Life

YourTango: The 4-Step Process That Helps People With ADHD (And Everyone Else!) Break Free Of Bad Habits

“While some habits like engaging in daily exercise, wiping down the kitchen counters before going to bed, or laying out your clothes for the next day can be useful and even good for you, others can hold you back and fuel unwanted clutter, chaos, or … Continue reading YourTango: The 4-Step Process That Helps People With ADHD (And Everyone Else!) Break Free Of Bad Habits

YourTango: An ADHD Specialist Explains Why Female Symptoms Are Often Ignored By Professionals Until Later In Life

“Historically, ADHD was been considered a condition for rambunctious little boys who don’t listen to their teachers. However, that stereotype is based mostly upon myth. Plenty of boys with ADHD don’t disrupt class, and little girls can also have ADHD — as can adults. This … Continue reading YourTango: An ADHD Specialist Explains Why Female Symptoms Are Often Ignored By Professionals Until Later In Life

YourTango: 5 Things To Try When Your Kid Says ‘No!’ To Everything

What can you do when your kid says “No” repeatedly? What is your child really trying to communicate? “Recently, I was in my office with Kieran, an eighth-grade boy who was complaining about being bored after school to his mom, Tara, and me. ‘There’s nothing … Continue reading YourTango: 5 Things To Try When Your Kid Says ‘No!’ To Everything

YourTango: The One Word You Must Remove From Your Vocabulary When Parenting Kids With ADHD

“What would it be like to remove the word “failure” from any description of your parenting and replace it with “efforting”? Failure is generally defined as a lack of success. There is a finality associated with the word that doesn’t really apply to the long-haul … Continue reading YourTango: The One Word You Must Remove From Your Vocabulary When Parenting Kids With ADHD

YourTango – 5 Ways People With ADHD Can Forgive Themselves & Release Their Shame

“If you’re a person with ADHD, you might find yourself in a cycle of shame. Shame for things you may have said, for not “reading a room” the way a neurotypical person might, or shame simply from a childhood where people made you feel bad … Continue reading YourTango – 5 Ways People With ADHD Can Forgive Themselves & Release Their Shame

YourTango – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

“Do you want to learn how to talk to anyone and have better conversations? Do you ever wish that you could pause time, take back something you said, and start over? Would you like to be someone who has quick, interesting comebacks in conversations, instead … Continue reading YourTango – 10 Ways Neurodiverse Folks Can Have Deep, Thoughtful & Easy Conversations With Anyone

YourTango – Social Anxiety & ADHD: How to better manage anxiety with supportive planning and preparation

“Social anxiety is a fear that people will scrutinize you in either familiar or unfamiliar social situations, and this negative judgment will have harmful effects on you. These worries about humiliation and rejection are persistent, often last six months or more, and restrict your activities, … Continue reading YourTango – Social Anxiety & ADHD: How to better manage anxiety with supportive planning and preparation

YourTango – The Scientific Way To Organize Your Thoughts And Get More Done

“Metacognition is the awareness and understanding of your own thinking and thought processes with the goal of improving learning and performance. Put simply, metacognition is about how to organize your thoughts, and much more. What are your thoughts and ideas? Metacognition allows you to connect … Continue reading YourTango – The Scientific Way To Organize Your Thoughts And Get More Done

YourTango: 4 Common Misconceptions About ADHD That Everyone Needs To Forget (Weekly Best!)

“Do you find yourself often dealing with people who don’t understand what it’s like to live with ADHD or even believe that it truly exists? Maybe it’s your friend, boss, teacher, coach, or family member. ADHD misconceptions and myths negatively impact people with ADHD and … Continue reading YourTango: 4 Common Misconceptions About ADHD That Everyone Needs To Forget (Weekly Best!)

YourTango: The Very Best Strategies to Reduce Conflict and Increase Calmness in Your Neurodiverse Kids

“Have you ever said something to your child or teen that you wished you could take back? In the heat of the moment, it’s all too easy to let our emotions take over instead of choosing our words carefully. Most parents lose their cool at … Continue reading YourTango: The Very Best Strategies to Reduce Conflict and Increase Calmness in Your Neurodiverse Kids

YourTango: 3 Steps To Achieve Tone Of Voice Awareness In Neurodiverse Families So All Members Are Comfortable And Safe

“What is a tone of voice and how does it affect neurodiverse families Neurodiverse families often struggle with emotional reactivity and verbal impulse control. Negative feelings and unpleasant words can intensify in the blink of an eye. Still, when the moments arise, it’s hard enough … Continue reading YourTango: 3 Steps To Achieve Tone Of Voice Awareness In Neurodiverse Families So All Members Are Comfortable And Safe

YourTango: What You Can Do When Your Child’s ADHD And Defiance Makes You Want To Yell – Reprinted

*A YourTango Experts Weekly Best!* “ADHD and defiance can be a tricky combination. There are so many facets to kids with ADHD. Yes, they are creative, passionate, and smart. Yes, they can also be distractible, energetic, impulsive, intense, and strong-willed. And yes, going back to … Continue reading YourTango: What You Can Do When Your Child’s ADHD And Defiance Makes You Want To Yell – Reprinted

YourTango: Back To School With ADHD And COVID Uncertainty (Again) – Reprinted

“Just when we thought we’d turned a corner in the COVID war, the virus is rearing its ugly head for another wave. As kids go back to school, uncertainty looms once again. The Delta variant is making all of us more nervous than we might … Continue reading YourTango: Back To School With ADHD And COVID Uncertainty (Again) – Reprinted

Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2022

“In “What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew,” author and psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline shares her proven roadmap that parents of children ages 6 to 18 can follow to help their child with ADHD succeed. Leaning on her experiences counseling children and their families, Saline … Continue reading Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2022

Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2021

“Whether you’re the parent of a child recently diagnosed with ADHD or an adult seeking new methods for managing ADHD symptoms, there is a wide variety of books for ADHD available to offer you some guidance. Before you can pick up the best book for … Continue reading Healthline – The 10 Best Books for ADHD in 2021

College Opensource – Female Students with ADHD: How IECs Can Help

Article by Eric Endlich, PhD and Sharon Saline, Psy.D. “Nia had been so excited to go to college. She’d been diagnosed with inattentive ADHD in eighth grade and received accommodations such as extra time on tests, preferential classroom seating and getting copies of teachers’ notes. … Continue reading College Opensource – Female Students with ADHD: How IECs Can Help

Learn Smarter Podcast: Improving Family Connections with Dr. Sharon Saline (Author Series)

“Dr. Sharon Saline, author of What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life, joins Rachel and Steph to discuss her goal of improving the connection between parents and learners with ADHD through improving conversation. She … Continue reading Learn Smarter Podcast: Improving Family Connections with Dr. Sharon Saline (Author Series)

Incredible Edibles: 33 Mental Health Experts & Wellness Professionals Share Their #1 Tips for Dealing with Anxiety

“Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, but for some people, anxiety can be disruptive to their daily lives or even debilitating. If you suffer from anxiety occasionally or regularly, it’s always a good idea to talk to your healthcare provider about possible treatments and … Continue reading Incredible Edibles: 33 Mental Health Experts & Wellness Professionals Share Their #1 Tips for Dealing with Anxiety

22 News Mass Appeal – Your tween’s first crush: What can a parent do?

(Mass Appeal) – You may remember the feelings… getting that nervous excitement when you are around someone…..the butterflies in your stomach… all the tell tale signs of a first crush. Here with tips on handling your tween’s first crush is Clinical psychologist, Dr. Sharon Saline. … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal – Your tween’s first crush: What can a parent do?

22 News Mass Appeal – Four ways to help manage a frustrated child

(Mass Appeal) – When kids are frustrated, they often take it out on others, like their siblings, parents, friends, and more. Sometimes they say mean things to themselves as well. Clinical psychologist, Dr. Sharon Saline is here with four ways to help you manage a … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal – Four ways to help manage a frustrated child

22 News Mass Appeal: 5 things to do so you don’t get overwhelmed this holiday season

(Mass Appeal) – It’s so easy to become overwhelmed through the holiday season. Joining us to help work through the stress is Clinical Psychologist Doctor Sharon Saline. Originally broadcasted here at

22 News Mass Appeal: What to do if your child is back talking

(Mass Appeal) – Talking back is a common behavior that children exhibit, but it can be extremely frustrating as a parent. Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline is here with tips on how to put the brakes on back talk. Originally broadcasted here at  

22 News Mass Appeal: Managing screen time during the holidays

(Mass Appeal) – When kids are home from school and it’s vacation, they often default to using their devices 24/7 and that is certainly not ideal. Today we welcome Clinical Psychologist Doctor Sharon Saline, with some practical ways to manage screen time for kids. Originally … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Managing screen time during the holidays

22 News Mass Appeal: Managing your child’s separation anxiety

(Mass Appeal) – Many parents are seeing signs of separation anxiety in their children right now. Kids are justifiably concerned about being apart from family members in light of COVID 19. Why is this happening and what can you do about it? Joining me today … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Managing your child’s separation anxiety

22 News Mass Appeal: Mentally preparing for the chaos that can come from family and friends

(Mass Appeal) – Thanksgiving is back this year – and you and your family may need some help mentally preparing for the chaos that comes with seeing loads of family and friends again. Here to share valuable tips is clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline. Originally … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Mentally preparing for the chaos that can come from family and friends

22 News Mass Appeal: Helping kids make and keep friends

(Mass Appeal) – It’s the start of the school year and time for kids to get back out there and meet new friends! Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joined us with tips on helping your child make connections with others. Originally broadcasted here at

22 News Mass Appeal: Know the bullying warning signs

(Mass Appeal) – Every kid will experience some type of bullying in their childhood. Today on Mass Appeal, we discuss what you should be aware of for warning signs and what you can do to stop and prevent it. Clinical psychologist, Dr. Sharon Saline, breaks … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Know the bullying warning signs

22 News Mass Appeal: Tips to help your kids make a smooth transition back to school

(Mass Appeal) – Getting kids ready for the return to school is not an easy task! With the nerves and the new routines, it can be a lot for a child to handle. Here with tips on making the transition back to school a smooth … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Tips to help your kids make a smooth transition back to school

22 News Mass Appeal: Planning successful summer outings with neurodiverse children

(Mass Appeal) – Summer is a time for many families to get away and enjoy time together… but planning a successful family outing can be a challenge for families with neurodiverse kids and teens. Here to help us make the process a little less daunting, … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Planning successful summer outings with neurodiverse children

22 News Mass Appeal: 5 common mistakes parents of children with ADHD make

(Mass Appeal) – Setting up a successful summer for children can be a challenge… even more so if you have a child with ADHD. Here are 5 common mistakes parents make with ADHD kids and how you can overcome them. Click the logo below to … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: 5 common mistakes parents of children with ADHD make

22 News Mass Appeal: Talking with your teen, getting them to open up

(Mass Appeal) – If you’re a parent of teens, or have been, then you know communicating with them can be difficult. Questions are answered with one word responses, if at all. But there is a way to get your teen to open up. Clinical psychologist … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Talking with your teen, getting them to open up

ADDitude Mag | Expert Webinar: Gender Diversity & Neurodiversity

Gender Diversity and Neurodiversity: How to Support a Child, Teen, or Young Adult with ADHD as They Explore Gender ADDitude Mag Expert Webinar with Sharon Saline, Psy.D. & Julie Mencher, MSW. [Video Replay & Podcast #350] “If every generation of youth finds a way to … Continue reading ADDitude Mag | Expert Webinar: Gender Diversity & Neurodiversity

Lynn C. Davison Q&A with Dr. Sharon Saline: How to Help Our Autistic Young Adults Get Things Done

Video Recording of the Live Q&A on May 13, 2022 with Dr. Sharon Saline and Lynn C. Davison Access the transcript here. Receive a PDF download of Dr. Saline’s 12 GREAT Ideas About Getting Stuff Done: How to improve executive functioning skills through collaboration and … Continue reading Lynn C. Davison Q&A with Dr. Sharon Saline: How to Help Our Autistic Young Adults Get Things Done

ADDitude Mag – “Why Is Accepting Compliments So Difficult for My Child?”

“Your compliments are intended to convey your pride and enthusiasm about your son’s effort. He dismisses them because of shame, low self-esteem, and his overactive inner critic. If we can address these issues, it will be easier for him to accept your praise.” Read the … Continue reading ADDitude Mag – “Why Is Accepting Compliments So Difficult for My Child?”

ADDitude Mag – “Working Memory vs. Short-Term Memory: What’s the Difference?”

“While there’s some debate in the field about this, it’s generally held that short-term memory is super quick: It stores information briefly. Working memory is related to short-term memory, but it lasts slightly longer and is involved in the manipulation of information.” Read the full … Continue reading ADDitude Mag – “Working Memory vs. Short-Term Memory: What’s the Difference?”

ADDitude Mag – Q: “Fear of Failure Holds Me Back. How Do I Let Go of Past Mistakes?”

“When you make choices that hold you back in any way, what you’re really doing is depriving the world of the uniqueness that is you. Risk is an inherent part of life – and you can’t live a full life where you’re not taking risks … Continue reading ADDitude Mag – Q: “Fear of Failure Holds Me Back. How Do I Let Go of Past Mistakes?”

ADDitude Mag – When Perfectionism Stems from ADHD: Challenging the Fallacy of “Not Good Enough”

When Perfectionism Stems from ADHD: Challenging the Fallacy of “Not Good Enough” “Perfectionism, when unhealthy, drives a person to exhaustion striving for a flawlessness that’s neither reasonable nor healthy. Though it may seem contradictory, perfectionist traits may stem from ADHD — an overcompensation for past … Continue reading ADDitude Mag – When Perfectionism Stems from ADHD: Challenging the Fallacy of “Not Good Enough”

ADDitude Free Download: The Eisenhower Matrix for ADHD Decision-Making

The Eisenhower Matrix for ADHD Decision-Making The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple, effective decision-making tool for determining which tasks deserve our immediate action, our long-term attention, our delegation skills, and our circular bins. What Is the Eisenhower Matrix? “It’s human nature. When a fire sparks … Continue reading ADDitude Free Download: The Eisenhower Matrix for ADHD Decision-Making

ADDitude Webinar Replay – Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You

Access the recording of the ADDitude webinar by Dr. Saline on 1/19/22: “Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You” Get access to the webinar replay! “In this webinar, Dr. Sharon Saline will explain how to stop setting unreasonable standards, engaging in negative comparisons … Continue reading ADDitude Webinar Replay – Perfectionism and ADHD: Making ‘Good Enough’ Work for You

ADDitude Mag – The Best of 2021: Must-Read Articles on ADHD

“From cutting-edge clinical research to features on mental health during the pandemic to a deep dive on social media’s impact on ADHD brains — ADDitude published no shortage of thought-provoking and insightful articles this year. Below, click through to the most riveting reads from 2021, … Continue reading ADDitude Mag – The Best of 2021: Must-Read Articles on ADHD

ADDitude Mag – You Are Worthy of Self-Compassion: How to Break the Habit of Internalized Criticism

“Self-compassion allows you to be good enough as you are, with your warts, with your foibles, sometimes off-balanced, sometimes more reactive than you’d like, sometimes disorganized, but fundamentally perfectly imperfect as a human being, just like everyone else.” Read the full article by Dr. Saline!

ADDitude Mag: No Motivation? 5 Steps to Build Drive and Confidence

Teachers and parents can take advantage of these strategies for training focus, combatting procrastination, and prioritizing effectively to achieve the success that drives future motivation in their students with ADHD. Read the article here.

ADDitude Mag: “I Can Do It Myself!” How to Support Tweens with ADHD (Who Don’t Want Help)

Tweens with ADHD often refuse to ask for help, reject it when it’s offered, or pretend that they’ve got things under control when they don’t. Parenting teenagers with ADHD requires managing your discomfort with their mistakes, but also finding ways to offer support that they … Continue reading ADDitude Mag: “I Can Do It Myself!” How to Support Tweens with ADHD (Who Don’t Want Help)

ADDitude Mag | When Children with ADHD Explore Gender Identity: A Guide for Parents

It’s natural and healthy for children, teens, and young adults to explore gender identity along with other aspects of identity. When the child has ADHD, the unique facets of this condition can influence that process. Here, understand the intersection of neurodiversity and gender diversity, and … Continue reading ADDitude Mag | When Children with ADHD Explore Gender Identity: A Guide for Parents

The Normangee Star – You Are Worthy of Self-Compassion: How to Break the Habit of Internalized Criticism

“Self-compassion allows you to be good enough as you are, with your warts, with your foibles, sometimes off-balanced, sometimes more reactive than you’d like, sometimes disorganized, but fundamentally perfectly imperfect as a human being, just like everyone else.” Dr. Saline’s article “You Are Worthy of … Continue reading The Normangee Star – You Are Worthy of Self-Compassion: How to Break the Habit of Internalized Criticism

The Peaceful Parenting Podcast – Episode 55: One Year Anniversary: My Fave Experts Give Advice To Their Younger Parent Selves

“In this very special episode of The Peaceful Parenting Podcast, I have compiled a list of advice former podcast guests have shared about what they would say to their younger parent selves.” I know you will find this episode so inspiring. I’ve created a cheat … Continue reading The Peaceful Parenting Podcast – Episode 55: One Year Anniversary: My Fave Experts Give Advice To Their Younger Parent Selves

The Peaceful Parenting Podcast – Episode 22: Understanding ADHD with Dr. Sharon Saline

“What do we do when our child gets an ADHD diagnosis? How do we best support a child with ADHD? As a mom of a child with ADHD, as you’ll hear in this episode, getting a diagnosis was relief and fear of the unknown all … Continue reading The Peaceful Parenting Podcast – Episode 22: Understanding ADHD with Dr. Sharon Saline

ADHD Essentials Podcast: Managing Lingering Pandemic Anxiety with Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr. Sharon Saline joins Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., M.S. on the ADHD Essentials Podcast! “In this episode, Dr. Saline and [Brendan] talk about the effects of the pandemic on children and families. We discuss the data on mental health pre- and post-pandemic, moral injury, the effect it … Continue reading ADHD Essentials Podcast: Managing Lingering Pandemic Anxiety with Dr. Sharon Saline

Taking Control, The ADHD Podcast: The ADHD Therapy Experience with Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr. Sharon Saline joins Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast! “Have you ever tried talk therapy? It can be intimidating, learning to open yourself up to a stranger, but with the right therapist, it doesn’t have to be uncomfortable for … Continue reading Taking Control, The ADHD Podcast: The ADHD Therapy Experience with Dr. Sharon Saline

Taking Control, The ADHD Podcast: Call Out Your Stinking Thinking! ADHD & Self-Compassion with Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr. Sharon Saline joins Nikki Kinzer and Pete Wright on Taking Control: The ADHD Podcast! “We’d never heard of the phrase stinking thinking until Sharon Saline used it with us on the show this week. But we knew what it meant immediately. We live with it. … Continue reading Taking Control, The ADHD Podcast: Call Out Your Stinking Thinking! ADHD & Self-Compassion with Dr. Sharon Saline

Psychology Today: ADHD and Productive Procrastination

“Do you ever feel so overwhelmed with dreaded tasks that you do anything else instead of beginning them? Does it seem like you’re running in place and not getting where you want to go? Instead of calling yourself “lazy” or a “slacker,” consider that many … Continue reading Psychology Today: ADHD and Productive Procrastination

Psychology Today: How Stress and Self-Sabotage Interfere With ADHD Happiness

“Do you notice that when you feel stressed from work, school, or relationships, some of your ADHD symptoms get more intense? When we are stressed, our ​​weakest executive functioning skills are hit first. This means that you may feel flooded by anxiety or anger, or … Continue reading Psychology Today: How Stress and Self-Sabotage Interfere With ADHD Happiness

Psychology Today – Hyperfocus and ADHD: Productivity Superpower or Kryptonite?

New Psychology Today Article by Dr. Sharon Saline Four strategies for understanding and managing hyperfocus successfully. “Are you ever so engrossed in an activity that time seems to stop and nothing can tear you away? Does it ever seem like you lose a sense of … Continue reading Psychology Today – Hyperfocus and ADHD: Productivity Superpower or Kryptonite?

Psychology Today: ADHD and Self-Awareness

How to improve metacognition and nurture resilience. “Do you ever struggle with evaluating how you are doing in real-time and pivoting appropriately? Metacognition, also known as self-awareness, is a key executive functioning skill that coalesces in the late twenties for people with ADHD. It refers to processes related … Continue reading Psychology Today: ADHD and Self-Awareness

Psychology Today: 3 Steps for Lowering Stress With ADHD

How to create more calm in 2022. “If you are tired of feeling so much stress in your life, the start of a new year and pressures to create resolutions may only add more tension. These promises for a “better” 2022 often fail because people … Continue reading Psychology Today: 3 Steps for Lowering Stress With ADHD

Psychology Today: Learning to Prioritize With ADHD

“Does it ever seem like you have too much to do and every task looks equally important? Many people with ADHD struggle to figure out the order of doing things and how to begin, which contributes to the common experience of feeling overwhelmed. There often … Continue reading Psychology Today: Learning to Prioritize With ADHD

Psychology Today: How to Find a Therapist for Your Teenager

“Parents should also establish clear expectations about confidentiality, says clinical psychologist Sharon Saline, Psy.D. A parent might ask, “What are your boundaries around confidentiality?” “Will you consult with us at all and if so how?” “What role will family play in the therapy?” Incorporating the … Continue reading Psychology Today: How to Find a Therapist for Your Teenager

ADDitude Mag: Q: Will I Ever Be a ‘Good Enough’ Mother?

How to be a good mom with ADHD: be kind (to yourself and others), be accountable, prioritize your own health and happiness, and value connections over solutions. Click the logo below to read the article.

Psychology Today: ADHD and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

Do you ever feel so devastated by the criticism from a friend, teacher, boss, relative, or co-worker that you keep repeating what they said to you over and over? Is it really tough for you to rebound after feeling left out by your friends or … Continue reading Psychology Today: ADHD and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria

SciTech Central 18th World Seminar: Best Video Award!

Dr. Sharon Saline received the Best Video Award at the Scitech Central 18th World Seminar on Covid-19 and Vaccinations! Watch Dr. Saline’s full video & all of the seminar presentations here. “Thriving in the New Normal: How COVID-19 has Affected Neurodiverse, Alternative Learners and Their … Continue reading SciTech Central 18th World Seminar: Best Video Award!

22 News Mass Appeal: Managing summer screen time for your kids

(Mass Appeal) – Summer often means a looser structure for children, which often leads to increased screen time. Joining us with tips on managing summer screen time for your kids is clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline. Click the logo below to watch the interview.

22 News Mass Appeal: Three keys to raising tweens

(Mass Appeal) – The emotional rollercoaster of having a tween around can make for a stressful home. Tweens are straddling the two worlds between childhood and full-fledged adolescence. Why do they want to cuddle with you one moment and then yell at you an hour … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Three keys to raising tweens

22 News Mass Appeal: Tips on being a great parent

Do you spend time comparing yourself to other parents on social media and feel you come up short? It’s time to stop looking at what you are NOT doing and start valuing yourself. Regardless of your natural human foibles, you are still the best parent … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Tips on being a great parent

Fresh Start Family Podcast: Working to Overcome Anxiety & Frustration in Kids Who Have ADHD, Autism, or Learning Disabilities

Families, are you overwhelmed with the challenges of raising a child with ADHD, autism, or learning disabilities? Or are you like so many families who are wondering if your child may be an alternative learner, but just aren’t sure? Even if you are just looking … Continue reading Fresh Start Family Podcast: Working to Overcome Anxiety & Frustration in Kids Who Have ADHD, Autism, or Learning Disabilities

ADDitude Mag: How to Support a Teen with ADHD Who Is Questioning Their Gender

How can parents support an adolescent with ADHD who is questioning their gender? Does ADHD play a role? Read on for helpful parenting strategies and resources for families parenting gender-diverse children. Click the logo below to read the article.

22 News Mass Appeal: How to help your children make the transition back to school smoothly

(Mass Appeal) – Kids across our area are heading back to the classroom in some capacity. For most kids it will be a fun time, but for some it will be very stressful and overwhelming. Clinical psychologist, Dr. Sharon Saline, is here to offer some … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: How to help your children make the transition back to school smoothly

22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to prevent our continued virtual life from keeping us feeling down

(Mass Appeal) – It’s been a year since we started confinement due to COVID and many of us are still living much of our lives virtually. Joining us now is psychologist and author, Doctor Sharon Saline with more on how we can make sure this … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Four ways to prevent our continued virtual life from keeping us feeling down

ADDitude Mag: “My Gifted Teen Has ADHD — and So. Much. Frustration.”

Twice-exceptional teens who are gifted with ADHD experience a vast difference between what comes easily and what is very challenging. This gap is aggravating for them — and many times confusing to their educators and caregivers. Here is how you can help. Click the logo … Continue reading ADDitude Mag: “My Gifted Teen Has ADHD — and So. Much. Frustration.”

Narbis: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Uptick in ADHD Diagnoses

“Students who lack adequate academic support for learning difficulties and are impulsive or inattentive have been falling behind, lacking motivation or giving up,” says Sharon Saline, Psy. D., a licensed clinical psychologist and an expert in ADHD based in Northampton, Mass. “Parents, untrained in special … Continue reading Narbis: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Uptick in ADHD Diagnoses

22 News Mass Appeal: Kids feeling bogged down? Here are four tips to boost motivation

(Mass Appeal) – If you feel like you’ve lost your get up and go as February drags on, you’re not alone. Many parents and students feel bogged down right now. Lots of students are struggling to see the point of putting efforts into their schoolwork, … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Kids feeling bogged down? Here are four tips to boost motivation

ADDitude Mag: 5 Ways to Reframe Anxiety for Your Worried Teen

Anxiety in teens is common — and stressful. With ADHD, the adolescent years are ripe for outsize worry and fear of the unknown, especially in the midst of a pandemic. By acknowledging your teen’s feelings and changing their relationship to anxiety, you can help them … Continue reading ADDitude Mag: 5 Ways to Reframe Anxiety for Your Worried Teen

22 News Mass Appeal: 4 Essential Coping Tools for Winter COVID Blues

It’s January. It’s Cold and grey with snow coming this week and spring is at least two months away. We’ve all got the winter blues and this year, if you add on the element of COVID, the blues just seem much worse. So, what do … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: 4 Essential Coping Tools for Winter COVID Blues

ADDitude: “Q: How Can I Teach Empathy to My 15-Year-Old?”

The teen years see remarkable (and sometimes jarring) development in the prefrontal cortex, the area of the brain responsible for emotions — regulating your own and tuning into the emotions of others. Here, learn how to help your adolescent better “read” and understand how other … Continue reading ADDitude: “Q: How Can I Teach Empathy to My 15-Year-Old?”

22 News Mass Appeal: Talking to children and teens appropriately about what’s seen in the news

First it was the pandemic, now political unrest. With all of these unsettling events, how do we talk to our kids about what’s going on when we’re upset or unsure ourselves? Dr. Sharon Saline joins us for the discussion. Click logo below to read more.

Psychology Today: ADHD and Focus: How to improve flow and attention in a distracted 2021 COVID world

Even though it’s 2021, not much seems that different than a week ago. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to change all of our lives in ways we could never have imagined a year ago. For older teens and young adults, the markers of how you’ve defined yourself–school, music, … Continue reading Psychology Today: ADHD and Focus: How to improve flow and attention in a distracted 2021 COVID world

Attention Talk Radio – ADHD, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, and the Pink Elephant Paradox

“Rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) is a buzz phrase in the ADHD world. Is it a thing? Not a thing? And what does the pink elephant paradox have to do with it? In this show, ADHD Coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline on the … Continue reading Attention Talk Radio – ADHD, Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, and the Pink Elephant Paradox

Attention Talk Radio – Perfectionism and ADHD: Obstacle or Motivation

“Got ADHD? Are you a perfectionist? Have you ever thought about what it is to be a perfectionist and if you are how to deal with it? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( to … Continue reading Attention Talk Radio – Perfectionism and ADHD: Obstacle or Motivation

Attention Talk Radio – ADHD: “I’m Sorry,” a Reflexive Response

“Got ADHD? Do you lead off conversations saying you’re sorry? How do such reflexive responses serve you? Do they take the pressure off? Are you always assuming you are wrong? Are you shaming yourself? In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( In the … Continue reading Attention Talk Radio – ADHD: “I’m Sorry,” a Reflexive Response

22 News Mass Appeal: Finding peace during the stressful holiday season

It’s so easy to get caught up in the rush and stress of the holiday season. But, we’re going to take a few minutes now to refocus and turn our attention to the simple pleasures this time of year. Click logo below to read more.

“Family Matters” Mask Radio Show with Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr. Sharon Saline on the “Family Matters” Mask Radio Show: Click the image below to visit the Mask Radio Show “Family Matters” website.

HealthCentral: Let’s Talk About ADHD Treatment

Getting treatment for ADHD requires using several strategies while working closely with healthcare providers, therapists, teachers, and family members. It also means adopting approaches such as school interventions, behavioral therapy, psychotherapy, coaching, and possibly medication. Perhaps most importantly, you’ll need to swap any notion of … Continue reading HealthCentral: Let’s Talk About ADHD Treatment

22 News Mass Appeal: Improve your health by giving

Being a volunteer, making charitable donations, or even something as simple as holding the door for someone has positive health benefits. So, why not improve your well being by giving to others. Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Sharon Saline explains how the act of selflessness can have … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Improve your health by giving

ADDitude Mag: Why Does Fear of Failure Cripple My Teen with ADHD?

Is your teen easily discouraged? Do they avoid activities where “success” isn’t guaranteed? These signs typically point to low self-esteem, likely developed due to years of negative messaging — common among individuals with ADHD. Here’s how to help your teen overcome a fear of failure. … Continue reading ADDitude Mag: Why Does Fear of Failure Cripple My Teen with ADHD?

22 News Mass Appeal: Tips on Beating Pandemic Boredom

COVID fatigue is a feeling many are experiencing with this extended pandemic lockdown. How do you deal with the boredom of your daily monotony? Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline of joins us with some family-friendly tips. Click logo below to read more.

ADHD Awareness Month Q&A: Why Should I Consider Parent Training?

Kids with ADHD benefit from direct tools and regular connection to improve their executive functioning skills. Parent training gives parents the techniques, strategies and confidence to empower their children and teens for success at home and school. Click logo below to read more.

ADDitude Mag: When ADHD Drains and Strains Sibling Relationships

In families touched by ADHD, sibling conflicts often erupt around fairness, inclusion, competition, and avoidance. Here, find parent strategies for creating healthy outlets for strong emotions, enforcing fair consequences, and resolving clashes between children with and without ADHD. Click the logo below to read the … Continue reading ADDitude Mag: When ADHD Drains and Strains Sibling Relationships

22 News Mass Appeal: Help stop arguments with your children by using these 4 strategies

Life is stressful enough without adding family fights. While disagreements are a normal part of family dynamics, you can try four tips from Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline to help improve the harmony in your home. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Children and politics: How to address anxiety and validate concerns

Tuesday is election day, and there’s no escaping the tension and disagreements surrounding it. Our kids pick up on that anxiety, too. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline, from, shares advice on helping our children’s concerns surrounding the election. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Reopening our Community: The power of volunteering as a family

(Mass Appeal) – Volunteering in our community not only helps a cause close to you, it can also teach some valuable life lessons to your children. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline discusses ways to get your kids engaged and active to help others. Click logo … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Reopening our Community: The power of volunteering as a family

What’s the Difference Between Nervousness and Anxiety?

Recently, a parent asked me to answer this question. He wanted to understand when his child’s frequent worrying should be evaluated by a mental health practitioner or a primary care provider. In these tense and confusing times, it’s easy to confuse normal feelings of nervousness … Continue reading What’s the Difference Between Nervousness and Anxiety?

More Tips for Dealing with Defiant ADHD Tweens and Teens in This Strange COVID Summer

Now, more than ever, there seems to be very little we can predict and hold onto. Every day we hear new reports about climbing COVID cases as we struggle to practice safety measures, keep up with work, manage bored kids and keep our sanity intact. … Continue reading More Tips for Dealing with Defiant ADHD Tweens and Teens in This Strange COVID Summer

Upjourney: How to Motivate a Child Who Is Unmotivated

Lack of motivation is a concern that affects everyone, but it can be especially difficult to deal with in kids. Here are some approaches on how to motivate an unmotivated child, as discussed by experts: Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: How to have conversations about race and beliefs with your children

(Mass Appeal) – Understanding how to have difficult conversations with our children around race, politics and justice is important. Children are exposed to the media and may not understand the messages they’re receiving. It’s also a perfect time to teach them to stand up for … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: How to have conversations about race and beliefs with your children

22 News Mass Appeal: Battling boredom with your teens

(Mass Appeal) – Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline from offers advice on keeping our teenagers engaged over the summer break. Click logo below to read more.

Live Life Clearly Podcast EP 19: Conflict Resolution With Kids During Quarantine

Today is an interview with Dr. Sharon Saline.  She teaches us how to communicate and negotiate with our kids and teens by using Reflective Listening and giving them a sense of autonomy through Directed Free Choice.  We discuss how to get on the same page … Continue reading Live Life Clearly Podcast EP 19: Conflict Resolution With Kids During Quarantine

22 News Mass Appeal: Advice on finding the right therapist for your child

(Mass Appeal) – This pandemic has put children through a lot emotionally. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline, of, joins us with advice on finding a therapist for your child if they are struggling. Dr. Saline says first parents must determine what’s typical behavior and … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Advice on finding the right therapist for your child

Sheryl’s Podcouch Episode 025 – What Your Child with ADHD Wishes You Knew with Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr. Sharon Saline a clinical psychologist in private practice in Massachusetts who is a top expert in how ADHD, learning disabilities and mental health issues affect children, teens and families. Dr. Saline has worked extensively with schools on mental health issues in the classroom, interpreting … Continue reading Sheryl’s Podcouch Episode 025 – What Your Child with ADHD Wishes You Knew with Dr. Sharon Saline

Psych Central: How to Help Your Family Cope with Numbness and Isolation During COVID-19

Do you notice that your child or teen is feeling more frustrated and hopeless as the shelter-in-place directive continues? I’m hearing from so many families that things seem to be getting increasingly worse. With thousands of schools switching their grading systems to Pass/Fail, many kids … Continue reading Psych Central: How to Help Your Family Cope with Numbness and Isolation During COVID-19

ADDitude Mag: My ADHD Teen Always Blows Me Off — How Do I Get Through to Her?

You see your teen daughter with ADHD making mistakes and want to fix things — or at least let her benefit from your lifetime of learning and insights. But she wants nothing to do with your words or advice — or you. Here’s how to … Continue reading ADDitude Mag: My ADHD Teen Always Blows Me Off — How Do I Get Through to Her?

ADDitude Mag: Is My Child’s Distress Normal? Or Do We Need Help?

Pandemic distress may transform from worry and sadness into anxiety and depression when ADHD brains grow frustrated and hopeless over extended isolation and uncertainty. Here, learn how to recognize and respond to troubling signs of mood disorder in your child or teen. Click logo below … Continue reading ADDitude Mag: Is My Child’s Distress Normal? Or Do We Need Help?

22 News Mass Appeal: Advice for dealing with quaran-teens stuck at home and out of school

(Mass Appeal) – Teenagers are having an especially difficult time these days – school is out, many are missing important social events like proms and graduations, and most are in quarantine with their families. Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joined us with advice on handling … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Advice for dealing with quaran-teens stuck at home and out of school

Parenting In The Thick Of It Podcast: My Kid Is Spending All Day In His/Her Bedroom During COVID19

In the work I do with parents it is obvious to me that this is becoming a common pattern and struggle right now and one that many of parents are facing with their tweens and teen – their kids spending ALL.DAY.LONG locked up in their … Continue reading Parenting In The Thick Of It Podcast: My Kid Is Spending All Day In His/Her Bedroom During COVID19

Share My Lesson: Daily Schedule for ADHD Families: Remote Learning in the Time of Coronavirus

ADHD Distance Learning: Setting Up for Success The coronavirus outbreak is changing our lives by the moment, but one constant is true: You’re unsure how to manage several weeks of closed schools and social isolation with your children, who happen to have ADHD. The big … Continue reading Share My Lesson: Daily Schedule for ADHD Families: Remote Learning in the Time of Coronavirus

Psychology Today: 5 COVID-19 Survival Tips for Teens and Young Adults with ADHD

Is the continuing COVID-19 shelter-in-place getting you down? Do you feel like you are losing your independent identity and morphing back into a younger self? You are not alone. Many older teens and young adults with ADHD feel increasingly frustrated, lost, worried, or depressed. Unsure of the future and unhappy with … Continue reading Psychology Today: 5 COVID-19 Survival Tips for Teens and Young Adults with ADHD

ADHD Essentials Podcast: COVID-19 & What to Do When You and Your Kids are Stuck in the House

Today’s episode starts with my thoughts about COVID-19, and how to respond to it.  (Like ordering a bidet!)  I hope you find them useful, and maybe even a little reassuring. After that, we’re talking to my friend, Dr. Sharon Saline.  Dr. Saline is a licensed, clinical … Continue reading ADHD Essentials Podcast: COVID-19 & What to Do When You and Your Kids are Stuck in the House

Psychology Today: Home from College and the Novelty’s Worn Off: Now What?

This is nothing you ever expected—being stuck at home 24/7 with your parents and siblings while being separated from your friends, your school and your job. Academic, social and financial changes increase your stress with no clear solutions in sight. It’s natural to feel disappointed, … Continue reading Psychology Today: Home from College and the Novelty’s Worn Off: Now What?

Parenting Impossible Podcast EP 50: Making a Long-Term Plan

It’s been months since many of us across the nation have had to change our way of life. It’s a difficult time for everyone, but having a child with special needs comes with additional obstacles. In this edition of Parenting Impossible, Annette speaks with licensed … Continue reading Parenting Impossible Podcast EP 50: Making a Long-Term Plan

22 News Mass Appeal: Helping families cope with the emotional toll of Covid-19

(Mass Appeal) – Dealing with the isolation to help stop the spread of Coronavirus can be taxing on adults, but it’s also taking a mental toll on children. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joins us with her advice on helping kids cope with their anxiety … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Helping families cope with the emotional toll of Covid-19

22 News Mass Appeal: Creating order with kids at home by making a schedule

(Mass Appeal) – Children do well with structure and it’s reassuring to work with them on creating a schedule. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joined us with advice on how to help your kids get happy and organized! Dr. Saline said come from a place … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Creating order with kids at home by making a schedule

22 News Mass Appeal: Increase the Love at Home with Compassion

Parenting is hard no matter what your child’s age. And arguing with them is frustrating because you want them to understand things that they may not yet be mature enough to grasp. Dr. Sharon Saline, Clinical Psychologist, is in the studio to share thoughts and … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Increase the Love at Home with Compassion

22 News Mass Appeal: Tips on how to help your children establish a healthy relationship with technology

(Mass Appeal) – Technology is not going anywhere, so it’s important to teach children how to have a healthy relationship with it. Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joined us with four tips on establishing and modeling a healthy relationship with technology. According to Dr. Saline, first … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Tips on how to help your children establish a healthy relationship with technology

Fatherly: 5 Ways Boredom Is Actually Great for Kids

Why does a bored kid, or the threat of a bored kid strike fear into the hearts of parents? Part of the reason is that the attention economy (aka Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, your smartphone) has erased boredom from adult lives. Parents forget the joy and benefits … Continue reading Fatherly: 5 Ways Boredom Is Actually Great for Kids

uh-PARENT-ly: Parenting a child with ADHD: How to develop daily skills to improve communication and reduce frustration

Parenting any child involves highs and lows. When that child has been diagnosed with ADHD, the highs can be higher and the lows even lower. Dr. Sharon Saline is a clinical psychologist and the author of What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to … Continue reading uh-PARENT-ly: Parenting a child with ADHD: How to develop daily skills to improve communication and reduce frustration

22 News Mass Appeal: Surviving the Holidays: How donating can benefit your children

Dr. Sharon Saline, Clinical Psychologist at, explained how donating with your children can teach them invaluable lessons during the holidays. Click logo below to read more.

Rena-Fi: Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr. Saline speaks with Steve Samson, video host and producer for Rena-Fi’s educational content, and speaks about The Five C’s of Parenting ADHD. For more info, go to Click logo below to watch the interview.

RenaFi: ADHD Parenting Tips with Dr. Sharon Saline

If you’re an ADHD parent, you can probably use all of the ADHD parenting tips that you can get. This includes ADHD parenting tips for those with ADHD kids, but also those parents who have ADHD themselves (or both!). Click logo below to read more.

ImpactADHD: Fostering Resilience for Kids with Anxiety

We interviewed clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline about what is going on for kids with anxiety, and how to foster resilience and help them learn to manage it well. Click logo below to read more.

YourTango: 5 Reasons Why Having Bored Kids Can Be A Great Thing For Their Development

Why does a bored kid, or the threat of a bored kid, strike fear into the hearts of parents? Part of the reason is that the attention economy (AKA Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, your smartphone) has erased boredom from adult lives. Parents forget the joy and benefits … Continue reading YourTango: 5 Reasons Why Having Bored Kids Can Be A Great Thing For Their Development

CHADD: How Does an ADHD Diagnosis Affect Self-Esteem?

For most adults and many older teens, learning that ADHD is the root of their struggles is a relief. That’s what psychologist and author Sharon Saline, PsyD, says, following her 30 years of working with children and adults who have ADHD. For children, their reaction … Continue reading CHADD: How Does an ADHD Diagnosis Affect Self-Esteem?

Upjourney: How to Live with a Narcissist, According to 9 Experts

A narcissist can be very difficult to deal with, and it’s even more challenging when you are living under the same roof. What’s the best way to address the situation? We rounded up 9 experts and their best advice on how to live with a … Continue reading Upjourney: How to Live with a Narcissist, According to 9 Experts

Parentology: Teaching Your Child Not To Be Jealous

ealousy is a natural emotion, but it’s also an unhealthy one. According to therapists at Psych Central, insecurity leads to envy, which then turns into jealousy, and may end in shame. In fact, these four primal emotions often overlap. Sometimes a fifth emotion is involved: … Continue reading Parentology: Teaching Your Child Not To Be Jealous

Parenting in the Thick of It Podcast: Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline

Welcome to the Parenting In The Thick Of It show – the place where you will feel heard, supported and guided through YOUR parenting challenges. If you are tired, stressed, frustrated & struggle with kids not listening/being disrespectful, difficult behaviours, social media, or have a … Continue reading Parenting in the Thick of It Podcast: Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline

Parenting in the Thick of It Podcast: Is Your Child’s Anxiety Escalating During Covid-19?

It can be so hard to be the sounding board for everyone’s worries during this time – it’s stressful for us. At times we can barely contain our own anxiety never mind help our children with theirs. Today on the show, I have Dr Sharon … Continue reading Parenting in the Thick of It Podcast: Is Your Child’s Anxiety Escalating During Covid-19?

Overcoming Distractions Podcast: How to combat shame when you are an adult with ADHD

ADHD and shame sometimes go together and for many, it’s a real struggle. This episode of Overcoming Distractions we chat with Dr. Sharon Saline a licensed clinical psychologist and one of the top experts on ADHD for both children and adults. She is also the … Continue reading Overcoming Distractions Podcast: How to combat shame when you are an adult with ADHD

The Greenfield Recorder: Book Bag: ‘What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew’ by Sharon Saline

” [I]n ‘What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids for Success in School and Life,’ Saline describes her past work with ADHD patients and lays out strategies for parents and children to deal with the disorder…” The Greenfield Recorder selected … Continue reading The Greenfield Recorder: Book Bag: ‘What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew’ by Sharon Saline

22 News Mass Appeal: Dealing with social anxiety in children and teens

Social anxiety is a common problem. As parents, it can be difficult to know when to rush in to help and when to let your child figure it out themselves. Here with advice is Dr. Sharon Saline. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Tips on starting a new routine with your children

Fall is a great time to introduce new routines to your family, routines to help things run a little more smoothly. Psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joined us with helpful tips on how to get a new routine jump started. Dr. Saline advised to aim for … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Tips on starting a new routine with your children

22 News Mass Appeal: Four parenting tips to help students have a successful school year

Many kids, especially those with learning challenges, may need extra support navigating the shift back to school. Dr. Sharon Saline offers four tips to help get kids off on the right foot. Click logo below to read more.

Yakima Herald: ‘Back to School’ Books for Parents

Dr. Sharon Saline’s book What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew was listed on Yakima Herald’s “Back to School” booklist for parents! Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Three Reasons Why Pets are Good for Kids

Dr. Sharon Saline spoke to Danny New of Mass Appeal about three reasons why pets are good for kids for Pet Week! Click logo below to read more.

SheKnows: What Your Kid Needs to Know to Stay Safe in College

Starting college is one of the most exciting milestones in your child’s life, and every parent wants the experience to be both educational and enjoyable for their kid. That’s why it’s so important to have open, honest conversations about college safety — from drinking culture to sexual assault, … Continue reading SheKnows: What Your Kid Needs to Know to Stay Safe in College

22 News Mass Appeal: Summer Screen Time Tips for Families

Dr. Sharon Saline, clinical psychologist, gave her tips for making sure your children are getting the most out of their summer by limiting their screen time. Click logo below to read more.

Parentology: How Splitting Time Between Two Homes Impacts Children

By Joe Thompson When a couple decides to get a divorce, they usually worry about how to break the news to their children and what their reactions will be. Then comes the discussions splitting time between two homes, and the impact this decision may have on … Continue reading Parentology: How Splitting Time Between Two Homes Impacts Children

Your Anxious Child Podcast: Expert Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline

Dr Sharon Saline is an expert on ADHD in children and adolescents. Her recent book What Your ADHD Child Wishes you Knew: Working Together to Empower Kids For Success in School and Life  is based on her interviews of children with ADHD. It is a … Continue reading Your Anxious Child Podcast: Expert Interview with Dr. Sharon Saline

Blog Talk Radio: ADHD Shame and Negative Self-Talk

In this episode of Attention Talk Radio, ADHD coach Jeff Copper ( interviews Dr. Sharon Saline ( on the topic of shame and negative self-talk, what is obvious about its negative implications, and the truth about it. She also shares a trick to move past … Continue reading Blog Talk Radio: ADHD Shame and Negative Self-Talk

Psychology Today: Getting the Academic Support Teens and College Students Need

School-based interventions improve academic performance and social relationships. For high school students with ADHD who already run a higher risk for underachievement and dropping out than neurotypical kids, having support services can make all the difference. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Wedding Week—How to begin your “blended family”

Dr. Sharon Saline, clinical psychologist, gave 22 News tips for mixing in a blended family after a new marriage. Click logo below to read more.

Mentally Fit: How to Talk to Your Teen About Self Care

There are a few challenges that parents face when talking with or trying to help their teens. Parents quickly move into problem-solving mode which usually doesn’t work for teens. Click logo below to read more.

22 News Mass Appeal: Using Humor in Your Parenting

Parenting is beautiful, it’s fun, and it’s one of the best gifts in the world – it’s also difficult…which is why humor is so important! Clinical psychologist Dr. Sharon Saline joins us with tips! Click logo below to read more.

22 NEWS Mass Appeal: How to start planning summer camps and activities for your children

It may not feel like it quite yet, but now’s the time to start thinking about summer activities for your kids. If you have a child with ADHD, you’ll especially want to make sure to plan a summer filled with fun and activities. Here with … Continue reading 22 NEWS Mass Appeal: How to start planning summer camps and activities for your children What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

 Even though most kids change their career goals as they get older and experience more of the world, they tend to follow certain patterns in those choices—as we learned when we asked 70 children between ages five and eleven what they want to be when … Continue reading What I Want To Be When I Grow Up

Sanity during holidays

1. Avoid holiday overwhelm: Your brain can only process so much info at one time and it’s especially hard for kids with or without ADHD to manage themselves around this time. In fact, it’s often tough for adults who have their own triggers and family … Continue reading Sanity during holidays

3 Ways to Share with Your ADHD Valentine

Celebrate Valentine’s Day with REAL Heart! This week, television shows, Hallmark cards and advertisements tell us repeatedly that Valentine’s Day is about celebrating love–romantic love, familial love, friendship love. I even saw a Valentine’s Day card for your dog! It can all be a bit overwhelming, especially … Continue reading 3 Ways to Share with Your ADHD Valentine

Bring Humor to Challenging Situations

Having a sense of humor when raising kids is an essential tool for any parent. Children can expand your heart and push your buttons like no one else. Being able to laugh at what happens, at your reactions and sometimes at life itself helps ease … Continue reading Bring Humor to Challenging Situations

Your Guide for Calmer, Fun Holiday Vacation

Aah, the thrill of family vacations! Everyone piles in the car, bus or plane for a fun-filled week of togetherness and Hollywood happily-ever after endings, right? Maybe not. Too often, these trips are fraught with struggles that you’d like to avoid but don’t know how. … Continue reading Your Guide for Calmer, Fun Holiday Vacation

22 News Mass Appeal: Tips to help your kids avoid getting overwhelmed during the holidays

Our brains can only process so much information at one time and it’s especially hard for kids with or without ADHD to manage themselves with holiday activities. In fact, it’s often tough for adults who have their own triggers and family issues to deal with. How can … Continue reading 22 News Mass Appeal: Tips to help your kids avoid getting overwhelmed during the holidays

ADHD Families’ Guide to Holiday Joy

Stress, stress, stress! The calendar images of December should be a scene of a crazy person running through the mall instead of the winter tranquil scene, right?! Do you have a long list of gifts to buy and wait until the last minute to do … Continue reading ADHD Families’ Guide to Holiday Joy The AAP’s Advice For Choosing The Best Toys For Your Kids: Go Old-School

Dr. Sharon Saline, Psy.D., clinical psychologist, previously explained to Romper that “while electronic toys can be compelling and educational with their lights, sounds, letters, numbers, and moving images, they don’t foster two important aspects of play for young children: imagination and connection.”

Psychology Today: Do the Holidays Make You Nervous? How to reduce social anxiety in teens and young adults with ADHD

How can you make it through this holiday season with more ease and less anxiety? Sharon Saline, Psy.D., a licensed clinical psychologist in private practice, is a top expert in how ADHD, learning disabilities and mental health issues affect children, teens and families. She discusses … Continue reading Psychology Today: Do the Holidays Make You Nervous? How to reduce social anxiety in teens and young adults with ADHD

ADDitude Magazine: How Many Friends Does My Child Need to be Happy?

Many children with ADHD are active, curious, and personable — but also unsure how, where, and when to make friends. If your child doesn’t have any close friends yet, keep in mind common maturity delays and use these strategies to build stronger social skills over … Continue reading ADDitude Magazine: How Many Friends Does My Child Need to be Happy?

Washington Post: Why it’s so hard to get kids’ attention, according to science (and what to do about it)

Sharon Saline, a clinical psychologist and author of the book “What Your ADHD Child Wishes You Knew,” says parents should make sure they have their child’s full attention using what she calls the Rule of Three: Get close and say their name, make eye contact, … Continue reading Washington Post: Why it’s so hard to get kids’ attention, according to science (and what to do about it)

Fatherly: How to Talk to Kids About Rich People

When talking to kids about rich people, you’re teaching them not only about money but about justice — and, by extension, injustice too. Read How to Talk to Kids About Rich People (July 2018)

Grown & Flown: Psychologist Offers 5 Ways to Help Reduce Your Family’s Stress and Anxiety

This new “normal” isn’t anything we’re accustomed to. With school closures, social distancing, working from home, job lay-offs and 24/7 family time, everybody is making huge adjustments to the massive disruption wrought by this crisis. While we adults struggle to wrap our brains around these … Continue reading Grown & Flown: Psychologist Offers 5 Ways to Help Reduce Your Family’s Stress and Anxiety

Romper: "Why Simple Toys Are Better For Your Kids Is Honestly Magic"

Romper: “Why Simple Toys Are Better For Your Kids Is Honestly Magic” For parents, decision fatigue is a real thing. From sun-up (or earlier, if you have my kids) to sun-down, you’re constantly making decisions for the little people in your life with the intentions … Continue reading Romper: "Why Simple Toys Are Better For Your Kids Is Honestly Magic"

ADDitude Magazine: Webinar – You’ve Got This! Motivating Teens Without Threats or Arguments

ADDitude Magazine: Webinar – You’ve Got This! Motivating Teens Without Threats or Arguments In this hour-long webinar-on-demand, learn tips for motivating teenagers with Sharon Saline, Psy.D. Click logo below to read more.

Stop reacting and start responding!

It’s been a long day and you finally make it home from work with a car full of groceries which have to be unpacked and then, somehow, magically transformed into a tasty and nutritious meal. You trudge into the house, bags in each hand, and … Continue reading Stop reacting and start responding!

Spring Anew: Nurturing kids to “Stop, Think and Act”

When the crocuses start to send up their green shoots and the snow finally melts into massive puddles, excitement about the spring infects everyone. Kids happily shed their heavy coats in favor of galoshes and move enthusiastically into the warmer weather. I have been thinking … Continue reading Spring Anew: Nurturing kids to “Stop, Think and Act”

Snow what?! Getting help with winter chores

When it gets this cold and snowy, there is always extra work at home to do. How can you get your ADHD son or daughter to help you and not hold you back? Whether it’s shoveling snow, clearing off cars or carrying wood, parents need … Continue reading Snow what?! Getting help with winter chores

Talking About the Teenage Brain at Versan Conference in Montego Bay and Kingston, Jamaica

Last month, I had the great privilege to travel to Jamaica to present my talk, “What were you thinking? Understanding the Teen Brain,”at the “Recession-Proofing Your Education” Conferences in Kingston and Montego Bay sponsored by Versan Educational Services. Versan is an international educational organization that … Continue reading Talking About the Teenage Brain at Versan Conference in Montego Bay and Kingston, Jamaica

Using Technology as Friend Not Foe

Everybody needs reminders sometimes. Children and teens with ADHD seem to need more reminders than other youngsters and often feel like they are being nagged. Technology, although a frequent source of distraction, can be extremely helpful in providing kids with ADHD the cues they need … Continue reading Using Technology as Friend Not Foe

Spring Cleaning: Moving Stuff OUT

As the trees and flowers begin to bloom, many parents take a look around their homes and long to clean out the family nest. Sometimes, the task seems just too overwhelming and you don’t get any further than a big sigh. At other times, you … Continue reading Spring Cleaning: Moving Stuff OUT

Networx Interview: Can a House Calm a Hyperactive Kid? by Cris Carl

“The first thing your home needs if you have a hyperactive child is to be as free of clutter and chaos as possible,” said Dr. Sharon Saline PsyD. Saline has a practice in Northampton, MA and has been a school consultant regarding children with hyperactivity … Continue reading Networx Interview: Can a House Calm a Hyperactive Kid? by Cris Carl

Interviewed For: Can a House Calm a Hyperactive Kid? by Cris Carl

Interviewed For: Can a House Calm a Hyperactive Kid? by Cris Carl “The first thing your home needs if you have a hyperactive child is to be as free of clutter and chaos as possible,” says Dr. Sharon Saline PsyD. Saline has a practice in Northampton, MA and has … Continue reading Interviewed For: Can a House Calm a Hyperactive Kid? by Cris Carl